电影《禁闭岛》的经典台词 1. We dont know how she got out of her room. Its as if she evaporated, straight through the walls. 2. All I know is its a mental hospital. 3. 我相信现实生活中那些行为过激、怪异的人,多半都是收到过严重心灵创伤的人。 4. 你知道什么是最糟糕的吗?是死像怪物一样活着还是像个好人一样死去? Which would be worse? To live as a monster or to die as a good man. 5. 我相信现实生活中那些行为过激、怪异的'人,多半都是收到过严重心灵创伤的人。 6. 要接受事实受着良心谴责的苟活?还是,在永恒的美梦中死去? 7. Dont you get it? Youre a rat in a maze. 8. Youll never leave this island. |