标题 | 简单英语自我介绍翻译 |
范文 | 简单英语自我介绍翻译 自我介绍是每一个人都必然要经历的一件事情,是让别人更直接了解你的方法。下面小编带来的是简单英语自我介绍翻译,希望对你有帮助。 简单英语自我介绍翻译1大家好!我叫牟家昱,在师范附属小学四年一班上学,今年十岁了。我个子不高,眼睛小了点儿,不过很有神,别人都夸我眉毛长得好看,黑黑的,弯弯的,确实给我的脸蛋增添了几分色彩。对了,我还长着一张小小的嘴,这要是女孩子,就用樱桃小嘴来形容就再恰当不过了。 Hello everyone! My name is Mou Jiayu. I go to school for four years in the primary school, and I am ten years old. I am not tall, my eyes are a little bit small, but I am very divine. Others praise me for their beautiful eyebrows. The black, curved ones do add some color to my face. Yes, I still have a small mouth. If it is a girl, it is no longer appropriate to use a cherry mouth to describe it. 我的爱好有很多。打羽毛球、踢足球、跑步……一跑起不来就不想停,直到跑得汗流浃背才肯停下,因为长期这样练习,所以我是一个很出色的长跑运动员。 I have a lot of hobbies. Play badminton, play football, run... A run up not to don't want to stop, until the sweat ran to stop, because of the long-term practice, so I am a very good runner. 我还喜欢读书。我读过《十万个为什么》、《少年大世界》、《小学生优秀作文》等等,从这些书中,我学到了很多知识,也懂得了很多道理。 I also like reading. I have read "one hundred thousand why", "youth world", "pupils' excellent composition" and so on. From these books, I learned a lot of knowledge, and I also learned a lot of truth. 我还特别贪玩,一玩起来跟看书一样常常忘了时间,只有看见天黑才能回家。又一次中午,妈妈都回家吃饭了,我还在和小朋友一起玩,时间的向前移动,我根本没有察觉,只觉得很快就到了晌午了,爸爸来找我时,我才恍然大悟赶紧跟爸爸回家。 I am also very fond of playing, as soon as I play with reading, I often forget the time, only to see the dark to go home. Again at noon, my mother had to go home for dinner, I was still playing with kids and move ahead of time, I did not notice, just feel very soon to noon, my father came to me when I was home with my dad to see light suddenly. 唉,我太贪玩了!我知道这是我的毛病,我也下定决心改,可总也改不了,一玩起来就越发不可收拾。我想还是自己不够坚决,从现在起,我一定要改正这个贪玩的坏毛病,留出更多的时间学习或帮助妈妈做点儿家务。 Well, I'm so fun! I know it's my fault, and I'm determined to change it, but I can't change it all the time. I think I am still not firm enough. From now on, I have to correct this bad habit of playing, leaving more time to learn or help my mother do some housework. 怎么样?我还是一个可塑的孩子吧! What about? I'm still a plastic child. 简单英语自我介绍翻译2大家好,我叫陈律均。我一张圆圆的脸上嵌着一双浓眉大眼,高高的鼻子,微微一笑,露出一个小酒窝呢,蛮可爱的啦! Hello, my name is Chen Lvjun. I have a round face a double high nose, with big eyes and bushy eyes, smiled, revealing a small dimple, very cute! 我的爱好就是看书。说起看书,我还有一段小故事哩!有一天,奶奶带我到新华书店看书,看完了,要回家时奶奶顺便到隔壁的'龙人书店买语文、数学《新同步》。正当奶奶找《新同步》时,我突然要小便,跟奶奶说一声,就去新华书店二楼的厕所了。可我拉完小便,把对奶奶说的话忘得九霄云外去了,又找了本关于海洋知识的书,津津有味地看起来,在知识的海洋里游来游去。可过了大约半个小时后,奶奶突然出现在我眼前,红着脸,满头大汗的,疲惫不堪,把我批评了一顿,但我心里还是喜滋滋的,因为我学到了更多的知识。正因为我爱读书,所以我在班里成绩还是不错的。 My hobby is reading. I have a little story about reading. One day, grandma took me to the Xinhua Bookstore to read and read. When she came home, grandma went to the Dragon Bookstore next door to buy Chinese and mathematics "new synchronization". When grandma looked for "new sync", I suddenly had to urinate, and I said to my grandmother, I went to the two floor toilet in Xinhua bookstore. Can I urinates, the grandmother said to forget the winds, and find the knowledge about the ocean book, look with relish, swim in the ocean of knowledge. But after about half an hour later, grandma suddenly appeared in front of me, red face, sweating, terribly fatigued, criticized my meal, but I was still happy, because I have learned more knowledge. Because I love reading, I still have good grades in my class. 不过你不要我因为爱看书而太早地崇拜我。我有个致命的缺点,就是粗心大意。比如数学,有一次,我得了99分,那一分竟然是口算题错了。还有一次期末语文考试,我创了最高纪录99.5分,是作文吗?当然不是,我还不好意思讲呢!标点符号落了,所以从今往后,粗心大意要不得,无论做什么都要全神贯注。 But you don't want me to adore me too early for reading. I have a fatal flaw, that is carelessness. Such as mathematics, once I got 99 points, the one is actually the computational problem is wrong. There is a final language test, I set the highest record 99.5 points, is the composition? Of course not. I'm sorry to say it. Punctuation falls, so from now on, be negligent intolerable, no matter what should be absorbed in. 我有许多优点,也有许多缺点。我以后要改正这些缺点,取人之长,补己之短。我要改变自我,做一个新的我。现在,你认识我了吗,想和我交朋友吗?那就加我QQ号吧! I have many advantages and many disadvantages. I have to correct these shortcomings, after long and short. I want to change myself and be a new me. Now, do you know me, do you want to make friends with me? Just add my QQ! |
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