I added a dollop of vanilla ice cream to the pie. 我在馅饼中加了一块香草冰淇淋。 Freda heated up a pie for me but I couldn't eat it. 弗雷达为我热了一块馅饼,可我不能吃。 Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it. 诺曼切开他的馅饼,往里面挤了番茄酱。 When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join. 包馅儿饼的时候,要把两张馅饼皮捏合的地方弄湿。 上一篇:重庆公办大专有哪些学校 下一篇:ate结尾的单词形容词 |