标题 | 爱英语作文300字 |
范文 | 有关爱英语作文300字7篇 在日常生活或是工作学习中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的爱英语作文300字7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 爱英语作文300字 篇1My parents very love me.When I was a young girl,my parents took good care of me.If I had a bad cold,my parents would very worry about me.My parents sent me to have English lessons.It improved my English writing and listening skills.Thanks a lot to my parents.I'll study hard and look good after my parents.I'll can't let my parents down. 父母对我的爱英语作文二爱英语作文300字 篇2i get love from parents, teachers and classmates. but the best one is parents’ love. my parents look after me as well as they can. they often wash cloths for me and have a talk with me. they also help me with my lessons. but there are lots of rules at my home. my parents ask me to listen carefully in class and not to waste time. they all care about me. i love my parents, i love my family! 爱英语作文300字 篇3今天傍晚,我本以为我的父亲会在学校出现,并递给我一份热气腾腾的美食,可他,却缺席了。这令我很伤心,也很失落,当我看到其他(她)同学的父母来送饭,有说有笑,心里别提有多难受了。我失望伤心地走在操场上,一个足球飞过来。砰一下飞在我头上,差点昏在那儿。痛苦,失落,伤心围绕着我,我竟哭了起来,那几个玩球的人也落荒而逃。这时有一个声音“郑锦霞怎么哭啦?” 我一抬头,见是Miss黄,便把眼泪抹了抹说“没什么。” Miss黄一眼就看出来了“是不是爸爸妈妈没来?你看,鸭肉。想不想吃?那就不要哭了,吃点东西吧!” 我看了一眼,里面不仅有鸭肉,还有红辣椒和青椒。口水直流,没想到平时凶狠的Miss黄却有天使般的样子。我尝了一个,感觉还挺好吃,便狼吞虎咽地吃进肚子里,Miss黄看了,笑着说:“你看你,像不像个老人,并且长着青色和红色的胡子。”我舔了舔手,也笑了。我的心平静了。 这是一份多么及时的爱呀,如果没有她的话,说不定,我的眼睛都会哭肿。 爱英语作文300字 篇4我们班有一个女孩子,她有一双明亮的大眼睛,乌黑的头发短短的,平时活泼开朗,谁见了都会喜欢她,她学的英语是最好了,大家都称她“英语高手”! 她的英语已经学到了六册,明年学习《新概念》,她从二年级暑假就开始补习英语,现在是四年级4班的学生,她每个星期六和星期日都会去学习英语,学习的时候非常用功,所以也常常得到老师的表扬。虽然她的'字写的不是很好,但也有进步,还有她的手抄报也不是很好,不过还是在一点一点地努力增强,包括画画的能力,不过最好的还是英语,补习班的老师常表扬她,夸她练习口语时声音洪亮,学习英语的速度很快,夸赞她写的英语字母非常标准。虽然,每次都得到老师的表扬,但是她不骄傲,因为她知道“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后”。 最后,你要认识这位“英语高手”吗?那我就告诉你吧!她就是我——高欣然。 爱英语作文300字 篇5 People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation. 人们说父爱就像一座大山,沉重而安静。它沉重是因为他把所有的爱都给了我们,它安静是因为他不知道怎样表达他的爱。面对他的爱,我们一句话也不说,只是默默地接受它以表达我们的感激之情。 爱英语作文300字 篇6父母的爱是无微不至的,记得小时候的一个冬天,我的手很冷你便拿起学搓一搓握住我的手给我取暖。 Parents love is meticulous, remember one winter when I was a child, my hand is very cold, so you pick up and learn to rub my hand to warm me. 或是在下雨天,你总是把雨伞倾向在我这边,生怕我淋到雨。 Or on rainy days, you always lean your umbrella on my side, lest I get caught in the rain. 无论在哪里,你总是对我那么好。爸爸,我爱你,虽然所有的父母都是这样,但我还是觉的你是的父亲! No matter where you are, you are always so kind to me. Dad, I love you, although all parents are like this, but I still think you are the father! 爱英语作文300字 篇7Our mother is the one who gives birth to us, she is patient and kind。 When we are making mistakes, our father will be angry and beat us, but mother does the other way, she talks to our father, letting him pace and forgives for what we do。 Mother’s love is so tender, we grow up with it。 When Mothers’ Day comes, we should show our love to her。 我们的妈妈是赋予我们生命的人,她很有耐心和友好。当我们范错误的时候,爸爸会很生气并且要打我们,但是妈妈的做法相反,她和爸爸交流,让他平静下来,原谅我们所做的。妈妈的爱如此温和,我们伴随着爱长大。当母亲节到来的时候,我们应该向妈妈表达爱。 |
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