标题 | 我的老师英语作文 |
范文 | 有关我的老师英语作文20篇 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编整理的我的老师英语作文20篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的老师英语作文1这个学期,我们班新来了一位教英语的男老师---MrWang。自从一年级以来,还没有见过教主科的男老师呢,第一眼看到他的时候,我们的感觉就是好新鲜呀。 王老师长得高高大大,特别胖。开学的第一节英语课,他刚踏进教室的门口,我们就异口同声的喊着:“王老师好!”我们就像是失散多年的好朋友一样亲切。”同学们好!他一站到讲台上,感觉背都快要贴到黑板了。天呐!我们的讲台怎么变小了呢。阴天的.时候,天很冷,我们都穿着长袖,王老师穿着短袖还热的直冒汗,他站到谁的旁边,周围的人一下子就变得暖和了。冬天的时候,王老师还可以当热水袋呢! 王老师跟其他老师不同,他第一节课不是让我们上新课,而是像个朋友似得和我们聊天,让我们给他提提建议。“老师,不要留作业。”淘气鬼闫多多第一个答道。同学们一听,都哈哈哈笑了起来。“不要考单词。”“不要背课文。”同学们七嘴八舌的说着,王老师听了以后微微一笑:“除非你都会。” 除了说,还让我们不好意思说出来的就写出来,王老师还让我们写出英语课希望什么,不希望什么,可以不用写名字。同学们热热闹闹的讨论了一节课,感觉还没有说过瘾。 一天放学时,语文、数学老师纷纷布置了作业,作业多的都快堆积成一座小山了。正当我们心里想着可不要再布置别的作业的时候,王老师过来了,说:“看你们今天的作业那么多,英语就不布置了。”“哦,太好啦!”同学们高兴地跳起来。 最近,王老师还答应我们,如果我们考试考的好,将为我们举办圣诞party。现在,我们正在努力着! 我的老师英语作文2进入三年级,我们班来了一位和蔼可亲的英语老师。我们可喜欢她了,她姓韩,和古代的一位诗人同姓,那位诗人叫韩愈。 韩老师个子中等,瘦瘦的,有一头乌黑的卷发,随风飘逸,非常漂亮。在她两道弯弯的`眉毛下面长着一双黑珍珠似的眼睛,炯炯有神,充满了智慧的光芒。告诉你一个小秘密,老师的眼睛还会说话呢。上课时,当我答对提问时,老师对我发出赞许的目光,好像对我说:“你真棒”,我顿时很自豪;当我课堂上跟同桌讲话的时候,老师向我传来严厉的目光,仿佛对我说:“不可以”,我立刻闭紧嘴巴,认真听课;当我胆小怕发言时,老师向我传来鼓励的目光,我马上举起了我的小手。 韩老师有着一双能说会道的嘴巴。课堂上,她总是用流利的英语来教我们,让我们赞不绝口。她讲课的内容就像放音乐,单词、句子就像一个个音符,每个音符都似能跳进我们的耳朵里面一样,让我们很快就学会了。 有几次上课,我看见韩老师的眼睛红红的,都有黑眼圈了。我想,韩老师一定是为我们准备上课太辛苦了,累成这个样子的。老师真是太伟大了,我真想大声地对她说:“韩老师,我不会辜负您的!” 我的老师英语作文3There are many people and things, all disappear in the long river of memory, but there is a teacher to my memory. The teacher teacher is my first grade teacher zhang. Said her fine eyes, she can with her mouth, taught me many, many know and life. Remember once, the school is going to have a fairy tale, students get the first prize of fairy tales can be included in a book - "the childlike innocence beautiful". I am very happy, with my parents when I came back to say to want to attend, let them make up a fairy tale with me. I was just like fairy tale story。. 我的老师英语作文4Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher. She is young and beautiful. She graduated from a famous university of our country. She comes to our school for two years. I like her class very much, because she always can tell us interesting stories. In her class, everything seems to be easy. She can lead the teaching joyful. I can learn a lot from her, because she is knowledgeable. I want to be such a knowledgeable person like her. 张老师是我的语文老师。她年轻漂亮。她毕业于一所著名的`大学。她来我们学校两年了。我非常喜欢她的课,因为她总能给我们讲有趣的故事。在她的课上,一切似乎都很容易。她能带领教学快乐。我可以从她身上学到很多,因为她是知识渊博的人。我想做这样一个有知识的人。 我的老师英语作文5本人今生最喜欢英语课,because——我们有一位可爱的英语老师,三生有幸! 她有一双明亮的眼睛,一张可爱的圆脸,我非常喜欢她上课。虽然她教我的时间不长,但是我却跟她有了难舍难分的感情。 她的幽默诙谐,以至于课堂气氛从未处于紧张状态,始终是活跃的,常常讲一些让我们开心的话,或者直接放首歌,让大家开心开心,还没见过这样的老师吧?问:“谁是最可爱的人?”答:“英语老师呗!” 她温和,我们和她一直是“忘年之交”啊!我们敢和她开玩笑,就像同龄人,我们每见到英语老师都会高兴地打招呼,一旦见到其他人,只有一招,我闪,我躲!躲过去了,嘿嘿……当然老师是不会的啦! 她有时候也很严厉,当同学不认真时,她总会摆一个POSE——双手叉腰,眼神凶狠,一副气势汹汹的样子,望而生畏! 我们有几个“耍宝王”被老师请到办公室了还和老师笑,但是老师呢,也已经渐渐喜欢我们了,每次我们干什么事她也会轻轻地笑一下,因为他觉得我们也十分可爱,这样的老师那里还找的到呢?我要感谢上帝让我在这么好的学习环境下成长,而且 邓老师的工作责任心强。她全心全意地教我们。尽管她讲话语速快,但她的声音总是洪亮的,我们都能听清楚,因此我从不把她的`语速快当作缺点。邓老师不光说得快,她写得也快。当我们做练习时,她只需五分钟就能把黑板写满了。这样你就明白了,我们的英语课是既短而又紧凑的,因此我们要珍惜英语课,不能浪费,而其他科目也是一样的,我希望邓老师永远是我的英语老师,然而这是不可能的,因为我会慢慢长大,从初中——到高中也就是几年的时间,虽然时间短暂,但是我也要珍惜时间,我以后如果即将离开五中的话,我会送所有老师和母校一个礼物——那就是我的学习成绩提高,老师一定要相信我,不会让你失望得。 我们的邓老师还是一位慈祥的,热心肠的妇女。她的教学经验丰富。我喜欢英语,喜欢我的英语老师。 我的老师英语作文6这周五的英语课是外教课,下午接笑笑时,笑笑高兴地说:“妈妈,你知道吗?我们的外教老师是从加拿大来的,他好好搞笑吆。” “为什么是好好搞笑呢?” “因为他老是做出很夸张的表情来,逗得我们都哈哈大笑,他的表情他的发型都很搞笑的。下课后我问老师你是怎么来的?老师说他是坐飞机飞来的`。” “还有我们的英语王老师也很搞笑的,我们上课回答对了问题,老师就会很高兴地跑来跟同学击掌,还会抱抱我们,如果有小朋友故意使劲击掌,老师也会故意装出很疼的样子,逗得我们哈哈 大笑。还有个小朋友回答对了问题老师就把他抱了起来。”笑笑也是在很夸张的表情中大声地并且是带着动作地告诉我学校里发生的事情。 从孩子的语言中可以看出孩子喜欢老师,并适应了现在的小学生活。 我的老师英语作文7My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years old.She has a son.Our English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to us.She is also humorous.On the April Fools Day,she said to us,“you are going to have a holiday this afternoon”。Many students thought it true.Many students dare not talk,because she is very strict.We are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we dont pass.She doesnt give us too much homework,and she doesnt give us too much pressure.Sometimes,we like our Engllish teacher. I like English,and I like my English teacher. 我的英语老师长得很漂亮,看起来大概40多岁,他有一个儿子。英语老师对我们很严格,但是有时她对我们很和蔼,很友好。她也很幽默,在愚人节那天,她对我们说:“下午放假”很多同学都当真了。 在上课的时候很多同学都不敢说话,因为老师很严格。我们害怕考试不及格,因为老师会批评我们。 英语老师布置的`作业不是很多,没有给我们太大的压力。有时 我们很喜欢英语老师。 我的老师英语作文8Our art teather is not too young and not too old .He has black hair two big and black eyes ,a small nose and a big mouth .Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes.He is very funny.He is a good art teather .We all like him . 我们的艺术老师很太年轻,不太老,他有黑色的头发两只又大又黑的眼睛,小鼻子和大嘴巴,你看,他穿着蓝色和白色的`外套,蓝色帽子,棕色的裤子和一双旧鞋子。他非常幽默,是一个很好的艺术老师,我们都喜欢他。 我的老师英语作文9My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years old.She has a son.Our English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to us.She is also humorous.On the April Fools Day,she said to us,"you are going to have a holiday this afternoon".Many students thought it true. Many students dare not talk,because she is very strict.We are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we dont pass.She doesnt give us too much homework,and she doesnt give us too much pressure.Sometimes,we like our Engllish teacher. 我的老师英语作文10Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher. 候老师是我的英语老师,她28岁,我们都很喜欢她。我的英语一开始真的`很不好,我怕上候老师的课,当她发现了,她并没有责备我,她告诉我唯一能学好英语的方法就是喜欢上英语,她叫我去看英语电影,这起作用了。候老师是我最喜欢的老师。 我的老师英语作文11At the beginning of the new semester, two new students and a new teacher came to our class. His name is Zhang Jianxin. We all call him Zhang. Zhang has a big temper. Mr. Zhangs eyes are very small and he is very tall. His characteristic is to plant other peoples faces with Vajras fingers, which makes them very uncomfortable. I have also been involved once. I think I cant do it well, so I remember it in my mind. Our teacher Zhang likes to play with others. 我的老师英语作文12my new teacher is science teacher. he’s very strong. he has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. he often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。 my science teacher is very kind. and he is very smart, isn’t he? today, we have science class. we are very happy. because he is so funny. who is he? he’s a mr. zhou . 我的新老师是科学老师。他是非常强壮的。他有一个大嘴巴,两个大耳朵,两个大眼睛和一个不太大的'也不太小的鼻子。他经常穿着一件黑色的新衬衫和棕色的裤子,还有两双大鞋子。 我的科学老师很和蔼。他很聪明,是吧?今天,我们有科学课。我们非常高兴。因为他非常有趣。他是谁?他是周老师。 我的老师英语作文13Our art teather is not too young and not too old has black hair two big and black eyes ,a big mouth and a small nose . Look, She is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old is very funny. She is a good art teather all like her . 我们的美术老师不年轻但是也不老。她有黑色的头发两只又大又黑的眼睛,大嘴巴和小鼻子。 你看,她穿着一件蓝白色的外套,蓝色的帽子,棕色的裤子和一双旧鞋子,她非常有趣。 她是一位很优秀的.美术老师,我们都喜欢她。 我的老师英语作文14My English teacher, Mr. Jones, is a middle-aged man with thick glasses above his nose. We all like his classes, for he is always very active and has many ways to make his lessons lively and interesting. After class, he often plays table tennis with us. And at night, he usually works late and prepares the lessons carefully. When we told him that we had passed the entrance examination of senior middle school, he Was so happy that he jumped like a child. We all get along well with him. All of us still miss him very much after we have left the junior middle school. 我的老师英语作文15The math teacher of our class is a good teacher! He is very kind to us, often accompany we play games, he is very clever, can solve all our problems, he has black short hair and wears a pair of glasses, looks very learned. He is very responsible for us, never giving up each and every one of us, each of us students like him very much. He treats students like they treat their children, he is very concern every one of us. He is a good teacher. 我的老师英语作文16Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficuit when we began to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss Wei!” 每个人都有他最喜欢的老师,我也是。我最喜欢的老师是我们的.英语老师魏老师。当我们开始学习英语时,我们感到英语非常困难。魏小姐有个好办法来解决这个问题。一天,魏老师带着一些水果走进了教室,比如苹果、香蕉和橘子。她说:“今天我们要学习水果的名字。”如果你能用英语告诉我他们的名字,你就可以吃这些水果。所有的学生都认真地听着,认真地学习。有人甚至站起来回答问题。下课了,所有的水果都吃完了。从那时起,我对英语越来越感兴趣,我想从我的心里说:“谢谢你,魏小姐!” 我的老师英语作文17Seeing my whole education history, I have many teachers.But my favourite teacher is only one. He is Mr Lu.He is my middle Chinese teacher and head teacher.He is about fifty years old.Maybe he works too hard, so his back is a little bent.He always wears a black glasses.He looks amiable but serious in study.He always thinks us before everything.His class is very interesting and full of different kinds of encouraging stories.He is very strict to us in study.But whoever has difficulties, he would help us without hesitation.Sometimes he plays the role of a strict teacher, sometimes he takes the place of a kind father. 我的老师英语作文18Look!A foreign girl ispiaying games with some Chinese students. Do you know who she is? Yes! she is our English teacher--shelley Green. Miss Green, from Canada,is 25 yearsoid. she is very kind to us and her lesson is very interesting In ciass, she often piays games with us. she is not oniy our teacher but aiso our friend. We aii iove her, so were interested English now. 我的老师英语作文19Chen teacher English teacher is my interest class, she was short and thin figure, he is the most compelling intelligent eyes, I can be like the teacher Chen. Her language humor, careful meticulous, approachable. In class, often make me laugh, recess, he will be meticulous and we talk about the interesting knowledge learned today. Before school, he would seriously homework, I also will be done seriously. Every time I can finish my homework within half an hour. After school, when we leave the classroom one by one, he will smile and we say "goodbye" (goodbye). Remember once, we talked about the manufacturing process of crayons. Chen teacher for a while, learn up the noise of the machine; For a moment, show how from a pile of paraffin wax into the individual crayon; After a while, draw the look of the machine at the whiteboard. At this time, his eyes flashing, eyebrows with hand, really is very happy, the butterflies. 我的老师英语作文20Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly . Miss Li always wears a blue coat . I think her favourite colour will be blue . Miss Li is very friendly and kindly .Her classes are very interesting ,we all like to have Chinese class . She always smiles when she speak to us .Sometimes she is very strict with us,when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up . Miss Li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill , She looked weak,but still beautiful . Miss Li love us very much, she teaches us so carefully .I think she is a good teacher. We all love her,too . I think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves 。 中文翻译: 李老师是我的语文老师,她大约30岁左右,她长的又漂亮,又年轻,她的卷发是棕色的。 李老师经常穿着蓝色的.上衣,所以我认为她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。 李老师对我们总是那样友好,亲切。她的课生动,有趣,我们都喜欢上语文课。她和我们说话的时候总是面带微笑。 有时候她对我们非常严厉,当我们犯了错误,李老师就让我们站起来。 我想,老师就像蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人! |
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