标题 | 战火中的哭泣英语作文 |
范文 | 战火中的哭泣英语作文 在我们平凡的日常里,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编为大家收集的战火中的哭泣英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 “轰!轰!轰……”的爆炸声响彻云霄,划破了本来应该宁静的天空,曾经繁华的上海火车南站顷刻间灰飞烟灭,一个不到三岁的小男孩坐在废墟旁号啕大哭,撕心裂肺的哭音和飞机的轰炸声,交织成了一首罪恶的交响曲。 "Boom! Boom! Boom... " The sound of the explosion broke through the sky, which was supposed to be peaceful. The once bustling South Railway Station in Shanghai was suddenly destroyed. A little boy less than three years old sat beside the ruins and cried loudly. The heartbreaking cry and the bombing of the plane interweaved into a sinful symphony. 这个孩子为什么哭?他的爸爸妈妈在哪里?这里到底发生了什么?让人产生了一连串的.疑问。 Why does the child cry? Where are his parents? What's going on here? A series of questions arose. 查阅历史资料:1937年7月7日抗日战争爆发。同年8月28日,日机疯狂轰炸上海火车南站,车站天桥,月台,铁轨被炸坏,地上满是焦黑的残缺尸体,广场上很多被炸死的妇女紧抱着无头缺肢的孩子,日机投掷的燃烧弹使车站和郑家桥燃起大火,一时间烟雾弥漫,惨不忍睹。 Looking up historical materials: the Anti Japanese war broke out on July 7, 1937. On August 28 of the same year, the Japanese plane bombed Shanghai South Railway Station, the station overpass, platform and railway track were damaged, and the ground was full of burnt and incomplete bodies. Many women in the square were killed by the explosion holding headless and limb missing children. The burning bombs thrown by the Japanese plane caused the station and zhengjiaqiao to burn up. For a while, the smoke filled the station, which could not be seen. 一位记者拍下了一张记录日本侵略者罪恶的照片,孤苦伶仃的孩子,满目疮蜚,惨不忍睹。我猜想,硝烟迷漫中,一位年轻的母亲抱着不到三岁的儿子去避难,他们一家三口来到火车站,来火车站避难的人真是人山人海,不到三岁的孩子抱着自己心爱的小狗准备上火车。就在这时,日本侵略者的飞机野蛮地赶到,他们疯狂的扔下一颗颗炸弹,顿时上海火车南站成了一片废墟,火车站的人们被炸地死的死伤的伤,小男孩还没弄清楚怎么回事,又一颗炸弹投掷了下来,爸爸、妈妈,赶紧把孩子揽入怀中,裹在了身子里。他的父母被活活地炸死,他从血肉模糊中爬了出来,哭喊着找妈妈,找爸爸,喊天天不应,叫地地不灵。他现在没了亲人,是谁让他失去亲人?是谁让他无家可归?是战争!是罪恶的子弹!我的心头像潮水般涌出了对战争的憎恨,对战争发起者的厌恶。 A reporter took a picture of the crimes of the Japanese invaders. The lonely children were full of sores. I guess, in the fog of gunsmoke, a young mother took her son who was less than three years old to take refuge. Their family of three came to the railway station. The people who came to the railway station to take refuge were a sea of people. The child who was less than three years old was holding his beloved dog to get on the train. Just then, the Japanese aggressor's plane arrived savagely. They threw down bombs. Suddenly, the South Railway Station of Shanghai was in ruins. The people in the railway station were killed and injured by the blast. The little boy didn't know what was going on. Another bomb was thrown. Father and mother quickly took the child into their arms and wrapped him in their body. His parents were killed by the explosion. He crawled out of the bloodstain and cried to find his mother and father. He cried that he should not answer every day and that the ground was not working. He has no relatives now. Who made him lose them? Who made him homeless? War! It's the bullet of sin! My heart surged with hatred for the war and hatred for the war initiator. 今天,我们中国孩子虽生活在和平的环境里,但世界并不太平,现在伊拉克,伊朗、阿富汗等国家还弥漫着战争的硝烟,罪恶的子弹还威胁着娇嫩的“和平之花”,我代表全世界爱好和平的人们向整个国际社会呼吁:为了母亲不再失去儿子,为了妻子不再失去丈夫,为了人们不再失去亲人,全世界应该维护和平,制止战争!让和平之花开满全世界! Today, although our Chinese children live in a peaceful environment, the world is not peaceful. Now Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other countries are still filled with the smoke of war, and evil bullets threaten the delicate "flower of peace". On behalf of peace loving people all over the world, I appeal to the entire international community: for the sake of mothers not losing sons, for the sake of wives not losing husbands In order that people will no longer lose their loved ones, the world should maintain peace and stop war! Let the flowers of peace bloom all over the world! |
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