标题 | 我的暑假计划英语作文带中文_小学英语作文 |
范文 | 我的暑假计划英语作文带中文_小学英语作文 日子如同白驹过隙,不经意间,又迎来了一个全新的起点,让我们对今后的工作做个计划吧。想学习拟定计划却不知道该请教谁?以下是小编为大家收集的我的暑假计划英语作文带中文_小学英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 The long-awaited summer vacation finally arrived, the students like to fly out of each cage bird, be elated, dancing. I silently sat down one side and silently in heart inside plan of summer vacation life: Summer vacation, I want to play with, of course, don't forget to learn. In addition, I learn how to learn a new skill. (do household chores, to serve others...) I must put practice what I have to do with ease. In addition, I also will be on time to watch China's capital - Beijing, host of the Olympic Games. At that time, I will be sitting in front of the TV set, cheer for China, but for 08 Olympic refueling. At this time, I also can't forget the people in disaster areas right across sichuan, I pray in my heart silently: let the sichuan disaster area people can rebuild their homes, as soon as possible out of the shadow of the earthquake. If I have time, I will go to the disaster area to see the people there. 盼望已久的暑假终于到来了,同学们像一只只飞出鸟笼的小鸟,心花怒放、手舞足蹈。 我静静地坐在一边,默默的在心里面计划着暑假里的生活: 放暑假了,我要好好地玩个痛快,当然,也不会忘了学习。另外,我要多去学习学习新的技能。我还要把我已经会做的事练的.得心应手。除此之外,我还会准时收看我国首都——北京,举办的奥运会。在那时,我会坐在电视机前面,为中国队呐喊助威,为08奥运加油。在此时,我也不会忘记在四川灾区的人民,我在心里默默地祈祷:愿四川灾区的人民能够重建自己的家园,早日脱离地震的阴影。 如果我有时间,我一定会去灾区看望那里的人们。 |
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