This sentence is too bookish and hard to understand. 这句话太文了,不好懂。 Bookish in in the show, in the weak and strong in the shows. 在书生气中尽显痴狂,在软弱中透着坚强。 He also criticized the concepts, methods, and goals of the bookish scholars. 他也批判了书呆子的概念、方法和目标。 She had her long hair cut into a boyish crop. 她把长发剪成了男孩子般的.短发。 She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin 看到他脸上现出孩子气的笑容,她总算松了口气。 上一篇:中考最后一月如何学习 有什么备考方法 下一篇:how是什么意思好 |