标题 | 跌倒了,自己站起来英语作文 |
范文 | 跌倒了,自己站起来英语作文 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编收集整理的跌倒了,自己站起来英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 可怜的孩子,摔疼了吗? Poor boy, does it hurt? 你可见否那峭壁悬崖上简陋的鹰巢?幼鹰尚未成熟,便被推出温穴,半山腰留下摔撞的痕迹,却记载了翅膀的蜕变! Can you see the simple nest on the cliff? Young eagles are not mature, they were pushed out of Wenxue, half of the hillside left a crash mark, but recorded the transformation of wings! 你可见否那茫茫草丛中窅然的虎穴?幼虎尚未断奶,便被逐出家门,荒野中留下饥馁的哀鸣,却记载了利齿的磨练! Can you see the tiger's den in the vast grass? Young tiger has not been weaned, they were expelled from the home, the wilderness left hungry lament, but recorded the grinding teeth! 你可见否那深邃海底下坚硬的弯石?幼仔尚未孵化,便被四处扬散,穿梭中充满三文鱼的悲哀之旅,却见证了其日后非凡的穿游速度! Can you see the hard curved stone under the deep sea? Before hatching, the cubs were scattered everywhere, shuttling through the sad journey full of salmon, but witnessed their extraordinary speed in the future! 孩子,你看到了吗?自然界就是这样的,人也是一样,在成长的道路上少不了坚韧和勇敢,在困难面前自己站起来,才能成为真正的男子汉! Boy, do you see that? Nature is like this, people are the same, in the growth of the road can not be without tenacity and courage, in front of difficulties to stand up, to become a real man! 而你,却是可怜可悲的,你失去了自己战胜伤痛的机遇。在你的四周充盈着来自学校、家庭和社会无微不至的关怀。你会感到安全舒适,却逐渐忘了伤痛的滋味。长此以往,你怎能面对今后人生路上更多更深的`伤痛? But you, however, are pitiful. You have lost the opportunity to overcome your pain. All around you are full of care from school, family and society. You will feel safe and comfortable, but gradually forget the pain. In the long run, how can you face more and deeper pain in your life? 当然,这不是你的过错,而外界的关爱也是出于好意,出于对你们这一代的关爱,但我们是否应该反省一下,爱是否应该有个合适的尺度? Of course, this is not your fault, and the care of the outside world is also out of good intentions, out of care for your generation, but should we reflect on whether there should be a proper scale of love? 亲爱的孩子,你是否也应该思考一些什么? Dear child, should you also think about something? 你要知道,伤痛是沛润的雨,滋养幼小的心田,开出勇敢坚强的花朵。 You need to know that pain is the rain of peirun, which nourishes the young heart and produces brave and strong flowers. 你要知道,过多过厚的关怀的伞会遮挡心雨的滋润,心灵干涸只会变得不堪一击。 You need to know that too much care umbrella will block the moisture of the rain, and the heart will only become vulnerable when it dries up. 所以你想:我不要父母的疼爱,我不需老师、社会过多的庇佑,我勇敢地向前奔跑,摔倒了,自己站起来! So you think: I don't want to be loved by my parents. I don't need too much protection from teachers and society. I run forward bravely, fall down and stand up by myself! 勇敢的孩子,我为你鼓掌!人类社会中有那么多坚强的人与你为伍! Brave child, I applaud for you! There are so many strong people in human society with you! 你知道洪战辉吗?只要脊梁不弯,就没有扛不起的山! Do you know Hong Zhanhui? As long as the spine is not bent, there is no mountain that cannot be carried! 你知道黄舸吗?轮椅上稚嫩的身躯经受住了无数苦痛的洗礼,走出了感动社会的“轮椅感恩之途”。 Do you know Huang Ge? The young body in the wheelchair has withstood countless painful baptisms and walked out of the "wheelchair gratitude road" that touched the society. 你知道潘娜威吗?身残体弱的她婉然谢绝了外界的资助,长年累月拣收废电池为社会做贡献。 Do you know panaway? Disabled and frail, she politely declined outside support and spent years collecting batteries to make contributions to society. 孩子,你要知道,他们也都是本应生活在快乐无忧的孩子,但生活给了他们过多的伤痛。你也应该看到,生活也将他们煅造成了一个个坚强、成熟的灵魂。 Children, you know, they are also supposed to live in happy children, but life gives them too much pain. You should also see that life also makes them strong and mature souls. 勇敢的孩子,你也许左右不了外界的给予与庇护,但你能够把握自己,接受伤痛,学会坚强! Brave children, you may not be able to control the outside world to give and protect, but you can grasp yourself, accept the pain, learn to be strong! 摔倒了,自己站起来! Fall down, stand up! 拍拍身上的灰尘。 Pat the dust on your body. |
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