标题 | 道不尽的母爱英语作文 |
范文 | 道不尽的母爱英语作文 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编精心整理的道不尽的母爱英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 母亲节前,我收到了一位同学发的信息:风是爱的呼唤,雨是情的交融,最爱你的人、最牵挂你的人永远是你的母亲,快用行动来证明你爱母亲吧!一刹那,我的`思绪飞到了母亲身边……那个清瘦的身影,那副响亮的嗓门,那一双饱经风霜的双手,那一脸岁月蹉跎的愁容,那一双沾满泥巴的脚…… Before mother's day, I received a message from a classmate: the wind is the call of love, the rain is the blend of love, the person who loves you the most and cares about you the most is always your mother. Use your actions to prove that you love your mother! For a moment, my thoughts flew to my mother That thin figure, that loud voice, that pair of weathered hands, that face of years of wasted sorrow, that pair of muddy feet 母亲给人的感觉永远是匆忙的,永远有干不完的活。 The feeling of mother is always in a hurry, and there is always work to be done. 她将一生的精力来挑起家庭的重担,用一生的爱付诸于我们姐弟身上,特别是我。忙碌使她连吃顿饭都很赶,以致身体在逐渐萧瘦。每当有什么好吃的,她都留给了我们,而她总说自己喜欢吃清淡的。 She put all her life's energy to bear the burden of her family and put all her love into our brothers and sisters, especially me. Busy make her even eat a meal are very hurried, so that the body is gradually thin. Whenever there is something delicious, she left it to us, and she always said that she likes to eat light. 母亲的爱总是在无声无息中倾注的。她从不说过我爱你们孩子们之类的话,更多的是在生活中给予无微的关爱。上中学时,我在学校留宿。每到周末,我都回家一趟,每次饭桌上总会加了几道我喜欢吃的菜,而我不在家时,家里的伙食是很清淡的。听母亲说,她只念过一年书,但她希望我好好读书,将来做个有出息的人,不要像她一样一辈子在田里干活。记得高三那年,有一天我在厨房里帮她做饭,我俩聊了一会儿,然后我就出去洗菜了,母亲可能没有觉察,独自在说。后来大姐对我说“文,妈没发觉你出厨房,她还在说,其中有这么一句话‘儿啊,你可要多用功啊,考上个好大学’”。听了,我心里有说不出的感动。今年回校时,母亲执拗着要帮我送行旅,直到看着我上车。当车开动时,我回过头来看她,她还是站在原地双眼看着我的那个姿势。 Mother's love is always in silence. She never said that I love your children and so on, but more importantly, she gave me love in life. When I was in middle school, I stayed at school. Every weekend, I go home. I always add some dishes I like to eat to my table. When I'm not at home, the food is very light. My mother said that she only studied for one year, but she hoped that I would study hard and be a promising person in the future. I would not work in the fields all my life like her. I remember that one day I helped her cook in the kitchen in the third year of senior high school. We talked for a while, and then I went out to wash the dishes. My mother probably didn't realize it and said it alone. Later, the elder sister said to me, "Wen, mom didn't realize you were out of the kitchen. She was still saying," son, you should work hard and get into a good university. ". After listening, I was touched beyond words. When I returned to school this year, my mother insisted on seeing me off until she watched me get on the bus. When the car started, I looked back at her. She was still standing in the same position with her eyes looking at me. 母亲的一举一动影响着我。她的勤劳激励着我刻苦学习;她叫我送好吃的给奶奶的同时,教我学会了如何尊敬老人。为了减少母亲的担忧,我学会了约束自己,学会了体谅母亲,尽管偶尔还会对她发脾气。有时看到桶里有脏衣服,我就拿去洗,母亲不在家时,我会去煮饭,让忙碌了一天的她回到家里可以得到片刻的休息。我知道我所做的一切都微不足道,是身为人子所该做的,应尽的一份孝道,但我找不到更为合适的方式来表达我对母亲的爱,对她的养育之恩的报答。 My mother's every action affects me. Her hard work inspired me to study hard; she told me to send delicious food to grandma, at the same time, she taught me how to respect the elderly. In order to reduce my mother's worries, I learned to restrain myself, to understand my mother, even though I occasionally get angry with her. Sometimes when I see dirty clothes in the bucket, I take them to wash. When my mother is not at home, I will cook, so that she can get a break when she comes home after a busy day. I know that all I have done is insignificant, which is what I should do as a son of man. I should do my filial piety. But I can't find a more suitable way to express my love for my mother and repay her nurturing kindness. 当我为她剪指甲时,看到指甲缝里的泥圬,看到那层层叠叠的老茧,纵横交错的裂纹(到了冬天,裂痕会让她痛得难以忍受),心里酸溜溜的,眼睛红红的,母亲问我怎么回事,我说沙子进眼了;当我为她洗头时,每每抓到双鬓,那银丝格外刺眼,我知道岁月已带走了她的青春,皱纹早和她结伴而行;当我看到她用家里那把钝菜刀吃力的样子,我决定省吃俭用,托同学买回一把阳江“十八子”;这个学期我系“第三届师范生综合技能大赛”中,我获得了粉笔组第二名、钢笔组三等奖。领奖前,我拔通了家里的电话,将喜讯第一时间告诉母亲…… When I cut her nails, I saw the mud in the nail seam, saw the layers of calluses, crisscross cracks (in winter, the cracks will make her unbearable pain), the heart was sour, the eyes were red, my mother asked me what happened, I said that the sand went into the eyes; when I washed her hair, every time I caught the temples, the silver was particularly dazzling, I knew that the years had taken After leaving her youth, wrinkly walked with her early; when I saw her struggling with the blunt kitchen knife at home, I decided to save money and ask my classmates to buy back a Yang jiang "Eighteen sons"; this semester, in the "third normal students comprehensive skills competition", I won the second prize in the chalk group and the third prize in the pen group. Before receiving the prize, I dialed the home phone and told my mother the good news at the first time 母亲节那天,我听湛江人民广播电台,当主持人问听众“母亲的爱有多重”这一问题时,很多人都回答:“无法称量,重于泰山,道也道不尽。”而我脑海中只有同学发的那条信息:最爱你的人、最牵挂你的人永远是你的母亲。 On Mother's day, I listened to Zhanjiang people's radio station. When the host asked the audience the question "how much is mother's love", many people replied: "it can't be weighed, it's heavier than Mount Tai, and it can't be said." In my mind, only the message from my classmates: the one who loves you the most and cares about you the most is always your mother. |
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