suitable用作形容词,有适宜的,合适的'等含义: The parents found the girl suitable for their son. 这对父母发现这个女孩适合他们的儿子。 This tractor is suitable for heavy duty. 这台拖拉机适用于重载。 She had no other dress suitable for the occasion. 她没有其他适合这个场合的衣服。 Was it really suitable behaviour for someone who wants to be taken seriously? 对于那些想被严肃对待的人来说,这真的是合适的行为吗? Give a few people an idea of suitable questions to ask. 向一些人提出合适的问题。 He could think of no less suitable moment to mention the idea. 他想不出更合适的时机来提这个想法。 Many people applied for the job but not one of them was suitable. 许多人申请了这项工作,但没有一个人是合适的。 We must find a suitable day for our meeting. 上一篇:大连师范大学是一本还是二本院校 下一篇:合肥工业大学是几本 |