如果仔细察看数据,你就会发现建筑行业是骑车人杀手&水泥搅拌车、自卸货车、还有翻斗车。 If you go through the statistics, it is the construction industry that is killing cyclists – concrete mixers, tipper lorries, skip lorries. Jupiter基金投资的一支A股股票是三一重工(Sany Heavy),该公司生产水泥搅拌运输车。 One A-share the Jupiter fund will invest in is Sany Heavy, which makes cement-mixing trucks. 浅谈沥青水泥砂浆搅拌车 Discussion on Mixing Plant of Asphalt, Cement and Slurry 上一篇:guilt的形容词形式 下一篇:go的短语喜欢 |