标题 | 珍惜资源 造福子孙英语作文 |
范文 | 珍惜资源 造福子孙英语作文 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编精心整理的珍惜资源 造福子孙英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 “爱护地球吧!这是我们共同的家园;爱护地球吧!这是我们共同的母亲。” "Love the earth! This is our common home; love the earth! This is our common mother. " 曾有人为“爱护地球珍惜资源。”举行过游行和演讲呼吁人类为了自己的生存拯救地球也曾有人为“爱护地球珍惜资源”献出自己仅有的一次生命,拯救地球地球。地球用以来树木帮我们造成;房用草原来哺育着我们。地球养育了我们我们应该怎样对待地球呢?长期以来,人们对地球索取的多,保护的少。为了眼前利益而滥伐森林、滥垦草原、滥捕野生动物、滥挖矿产等,这“四滥”的后果都是在破坏自己生存的家园! There were people who "cherish the earth's resources." There have been parades and speeches calling on human beings to save the earth for their own survival, and there have been people who have given their only life to "cherish the earth and cherish its resources" to save the earth. Since the earth was used, trees have helped us to create; houses feed us with grasslands. How should we treat the earth when the Earth raises us? For a long time, people have taken more from the earth and protected less. For the sake of immediate interests, deforestation, grassland cultivation, wild animal hunting and mining are all the consequences of the "four abuses" that are destroying their living homes! 历史的长河会永远记住,1998年那场灾难的洪水,长江两岸的大堤死守的百万军民,与洪水展开了生死搏斗。无情的洪水淹没的房子上坐着一个小女孩,那悲痛的一张小脸上显出一些孤单与可怜。裸露的田地,俏丽的建筑,可这些又有什么用呢?人们一次又一次的砍伐树木,使城市、村庄遭到了沙尘暴一次又一次的袭击。这些都给人们的生命和财产带来巨大的损失,恶果都是我们人类自己造成的。20世纪五十年代,世界森林也遭到严重破坏,平均每分钟约有20公顷森林从地球消失。1970年至1990年的.20年中,印度森林面积减少了40%,其后果是加剧了印度洪水和干旱。这些不仅仅是在迫害地球,而是在破坏整个人类。 The long river of history will always remember that the flood of 1998, the millions of soldiers and people on both sides of the Yangtze River, fought against the flood. There was a little girl sitting on the house flooded by the merciless flood. The sad little face showed some loneliness and pity. What's the use of bare fields and beautiful buildings? People cut down trees again and again, which makes cities and villages suffer from sandstorms again and again. All of these have brought huge losses to people's lives and property, and the consequences are caused by our own human beings. In the 1950s, the world's forests were also severely damaged, with an average of about 20 hectares of forests disappearing from the earth every minute. In the 20 years between 1970 and 1990, India's forest area decreased by 40%, with the result of increasing floods and droughts in India. These are not only persecuting the earth, but destroying the whole human race. 同学们!这些种种事情,难道还不能给我们教训与启示吗? Students! Can't these things give us lessons and Enlightenment? 我们少年儿童是跨世纪的公民,21世纪的主人21世纪的地球属于我们,也属于我们子孙后代。为了人类社会的可持续发展,我们要让这唯一的地球,有限的资源,既能满足我们这一代人生存与发展的需要。为了今天;为了明天;为了自己;为了子孙;让我们大家携起手来关心地球,爱护我们共同的家园努力吧! Our children are cross century citizens, the masters of the 21st century, the earth of the 21st century belongs to us and our descendants. For the sustainable development of human society, we should make this unique earth, limited resources, not only meet the needs of our generation's survival and development. For today, for tomorrow, for ourselves, for future generations, let's all work together to care for the earth and our common home! |
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