标题 | 毕业英文好句子 |
范文 | 毕业英文好句子 五一过了,六一走了,七月我们就该散了。下面我们来看看毕业英文好句子,欢迎阅读借鉴。 1、拍毕业照三秒的时间却定格着三年的离别。 Graduation photo shoot three seconds but fixed three years apart. 2、浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。 The clouds parted, water ten years. Love laughter as the old, the temples have been spotted. 3、我的青春就是课桌上的文字。 My youth is the writing on the desk. 4、不忧愁的脸,是我的少年;不仓惶的眼,等岁月改变。 Not the sad face, my boy; do not panic in the eyes, such as years of change. 5、看着同学录上你写给我的话,我开心的流下了泪。 Looking at the classmate record you write to me, I am happy to shed tears. 6、老师其实也怪可怜的,毕竟要一个人自言自语45分钟。 In fact, the teacher of the poor, after all, a person should be automatic speaking for 45 minutes. 7、终于完成了九年义务教育,但是我并不快乐。 I finally completed nine years of compulsory education, but I'm not happy. 8、学校不准谈恋爱,老师们都离婚吧!我们看着副作用。 The school is not allowed to fall in love. The teachers are divorced! We're looking at side effects. 9、没有人再去责怪,没有人再去怨恨。 No one to blame, no one to hate. 10、今年夏天过后,见到你大概只有梦里了吧。 After this summer, it's probably only a dream to see you. 11、就算老师讲的是个毛线球,学霸也能把它织成毛衣! Even if the teacher talks about a ball of wool, he can knit it into a sweater! 12、毕业,青春散场了。 Graduation, the youth press. 13、毕业了,对于一些人,学生时代也永别了。 Graduation, for some people, students also farewell. 14、我活到现在这把年纪,拿得起放得下的东西只有筷子。 I live to the present age, can afford to put things, only chopsticks. 15、毕业了,唱不到结局却又难以割舍。今生未完成的歌。 Graduation, can not sing the end, but it is difficult to give up. Songs unfinished in this life. 16、上学最开心的一句话就是:今天班主任不在。 The happiest words in school are: "class teacher is absent today.". 17、亲爱的朋友请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。 My dear friends, please don't be sad. After you leave, please treasure each other. 18、六月,请给所有考试的人满满的正能量。 June, please give all the test people full of positive energy. 19、在这个夏天我们将会带着泪水离开这里。 This summer, we'll leave here with tears. 20、艰难困苦是幸福的源泉,安逸享受是苦难的'开始。 Hardship is the fountain of happiness, and leisure is the beginning of misery. 21、明年的9月1号,坐在这个教室的就再也不是我们了。 In September 1st next year, sitting in this classroom is no longer us. 22、以前的对与不对,在此时此刻都被理解。 The old right and wrong are understood at this time. 23、如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 If you weeped for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars. 24、毕业了,心中有太多太多的不舍! After graduation, there are too many poor hearts! 25、很想很想,把每个人的脸都努力的记在脑海里。 I want to think about it and try to keep everyone's face in mind. 26、下课铃声比国歌还悦耳,上课铃声比忐忑还崩溃。 The bell rang more sweetly than the national anthem, and the bell rang. 27、今天笑着和你分手,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。 Today laugh and break up with you, I wish I laughed to meet you. 28、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who used to say never separated, already scattered in the end of the world. 29、我是如此平凡,却又如此幸运。真心谢谢大家! I was so ordinary, yet so lucky. Thank you very much indeed! 30、当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。 When the world to seed weight, it will use a way. 31、让如今的岁月留存心底,不求又有如何的回忆。 Let today's years remain in the bottom of my heart. 32、四年的不离不弃,四年的风雨同舟,谢谢一路有你相伴。 For four years, never abandon, stand together through storm and stress for four years, thank you. 33、曾经我被一所很好的学校录取。 I was admitted to a good school once. 34、是缘分将我们带到一起,是友情将我们紧紧地相连。 It is fate that brings us together. It is friendship that ties us together. 35、这个夏天,我们就散了,各自奔向各自的世界。 This summer, we are scattered, each heading for their respective world. 36、就让我再多望一眼,就一眼,我不想丢掉这段回忆。 Just let me have one more look, just one glance. I don't want to lose this memory. 37、高考完了,中考完了,只剩下我们这些可怜的孩子了。 The college entrance examination is over and the exam is over. We are the only poor children left. 38、那些年,我们分离散落,五湖四海。 In those years, we separated, scattered everywhere. 39、拿好旧书,只为在毕业那天以撕书来代替我们的眼泪! Take our old books and tear our tears away just for graduation! 40、今天天气不错,明天没有课以后都没有了。 It's a fine day today, but there will be no classes tomorrow. 41、开玩笑可以。一别越人底线,二别戳人痛处。 Joking is ok. Don't cross the line. Two, don't hit the nail on the head. 42、毕业后,还是朋友。 After graduation, still friends. 43、是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。 I have been brave for too long, and decided to live for you alone. 44、告白和告别,一字之差。一个羞涩,一个悲痛。 Confessions and farewell, one word. A shy, a grief. 45、青春兵荒马乱,我们潦草的离散。 The youth in our discrete scrawl. 46、亲爱的同学请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。 Dear students, please do not sad, after parting to treasure each other. 47、如果当初没有相遇,或许我不会是现在的我。 If I hadn't met, maybe I wouldn't be me now. 48、绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。 Bloom the most gorgeous smile, to tomorrow more beautiful dream. 49、大学从我身上爬起,穿上裤子对我说留下青春,你走吧。 The University climbed up from me, put on my pants and said to me, "stay young, you go.". 50、我想要亲手把你的嘴缝上。 I want to sew your mouth with your own hands. 51、只因在人群中多看了你一眼,就叫我上黑板答题! Just because I took a look at you in the crowd, tell me to answer the blackboard! 52、无论考成什么狗样我都相信自己前途无量。 No matter what kind of dog does I believe their future. 53、这次,真的说了再见。 I really said goodbye this time. 54、大学说再见,却不跟青春道别。 The University said goodbye, but did not say goodbye to youth. 55、看着别人写的文字,寻找着自己的内份被迷惑了心。 Looking at other people's writing, looking for their own internal, was confused heart. 56、我喜欢你牵着我的手,从年少陪我到终老。 I love you hold my hand, from the young to accompany me to die. 57、上课睡觉觉,下课砰砰跳,放学老班办公室喝茶死翘翘。 Sleeping in class, the class was thumping, old school class office tea dead. 58、毕业了,满足是最真实的财富。贪婪是最真实的贫穷。 Contentment is the truest wealth after graduation. Avarice is the truest poverty. 59、毕业之后,从此就看不到他了。 After graduation, I can't see him from here. 60、我们都离开了,我们都留下了。 We're all gone, we're all left behind. 61、离开不是一个结束,而是一个新的开始。 Leaving is not an end, but a new beginning. 62、毕业季的告白没有我,我连他电话号码都不知道。 I didn't even know his phone number in the graduation season without me. 63、本以为自己可以很从容,本以为可以什么都放得下。 I thought I could be very calm, I thought I could put everything down. 64、我们一起留级再来初中三年把! We come together to the junior high school for three years! 65、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We smiled and said goodbye, but we knew goodbye was within sight. |
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