Try to put a little more expression into it! 尽量注入更多的`感情! She works for one of the Big Six. 她为六巨头之一工作。 This could be the start of something big. 这或许是要有大事的'苗头。 You've had chess on the brain since you were little. 你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。 We had a tiny little room which was christened Hades. 我们有一个非常小的房间,取名哈得斯。 I spent what little time I had with my family. 我仅有的一点儿时间都和家人在一起度过了。 上一篇:salt的形容词形式是什么 下一篇:small是什么意思呢? |