例句: Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow. 令人惊讶的是,在潮汐流很弱的地方,幼年马蹄蟹的'藤壶数量并不多,尽管它们很少在洞里活动。 The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders. 藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。 I'm Barnacle Bill. I sank with the Titanic. I rose in salty heaven. 我是巴纳克·比尔。我跟泰坦尼克一起沉没。我在咸咸的天堂里升起。 上一篇:好高骛远是贬义词吗 下一篇:夏天穿的衣服的英文单词有哪些 |