②When the wretched man again opened his eyes, the count looked at him with a mournful expression of pity, and his lips moved as if in prayer当那恶人又张开了他的眼睛的时候,伯爵正带着一种怜悯的表情望着他,他的嘴巴在微动,象是在做祷告。 ③and then she looked Ramonti in the eyes, and a tremendous throb went through her heart然后她看着拉蒙迪的'眼睛,砰然心动。 ④Our eyes react to light.我们的眼睛对光起反应。 ⑤Ocular proof眼睛可以看到的[显而易见的]证据。 上一篇:字母u开头e结尾的单词 下一篇:露珠的英文 |