标题 | 母亲节初中英语作文 |
范文 | 母亲节初中英语作文范文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的母亲节初中英语作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家。 母亲节初中英语作文1母亲节快到了,我想送给妈妈一件礼物。送什么好呢?我想了半天,终于想出了一个非常好的主意。我要用我攒下的钱给妈妈买两朵康乃馨,因为康乃馨是专门送给妈妈的花。 我请大姨帮忙,给妈妈挑选了两朵粉红色的康乃馨,康乃馨很漂亮,粉嘟嘟、水灵灵的,好像在看着我们笑呢。 一回到家,我就找出一个瓶子,在瓶子外面包了一张彩色的纸,又用水彩笔用心地写上了“祝妈妈节日快乐!我和爸爸爱您。”旁边还画了一些美丽的图案。想知道我画的是什么吗?告许你们:画了一滴小水滴。瓶子代表爸爸,康乃馨代表妈妈,瓶子上小水滴当然代表我了。我们一家是世界上最幸福的一家人。 接着,我装了半瓶子水,插上了心爱的康乃馨,看着我的杰作心里得意极了。照照镜子,哈哈!我的鼻尖都露出了珍珠般的小汗珠。 母亲节那天,我要亲手把它送给妈妈,祝妈妈生日快乐还要祝妈妈笑口常开。人们说母亲的爱是永远报达不了的。我要送给妈妈一个甜甜的微笑,我心想妈妈一定会高兴的,也有可能会抱着我说“我的女儿知道报答父母的爱了。母亲节肯定是我们最快乐一天,因为妈妈收到了我的礼物。 Mothers day is coming. I want to give my mother a present. What should I give you? I thought for a long time and finally came up with a very good idea. Im going to buy my mother two carnations with the money Ive saved, because carnations are dedicated to mom. Please sister help, I give mother picked two pink carnations, carnation is very beautiful, powder doodle, weeping, seemed to be looking at us laugh. Got home, I will find out a bottle, the bottle bread for a piece of colored paper, outside with watercolors mindfully, wrote "I wish mom a happy holiday! I love you and dad." There are some beautiful patterns on the side. Want to know what Im drawing? Tell you: a drop of water. The bottle represents the father, the carnation on behalf of the mother, the little water droplet on the bottle of course stands for me. Our family is the happiest family in the world. Then I put half a bottle of water in my favorite carnation, and watched my masterpiece triumph. Look in the mirror, haha! My tip of my nose was a pearl of sweat. On mothers day, I want to give it to my mom, happy birthday to my mother and a smile to my mother. People say that mothers love is never offered. I want to give mom a sweet smile, I thought my mother will be happy, may be holding the I said, "my daughter know repay parents love. Mothers day is our most happy day, because mother received a gift from me. 母亲节初中英语作文2母亲的爱像一缕阳光,让我的心灵风和日丽,融融暖意。母亲的爱像一口清泉,滋润着我们的心窝,清醇甘甜。——题记 今天,是5月的第二个星期日,母亲节!我早早地就在家里打扫卫生,制作贺卡。首先,我和哥哥拿出扫把和抹布,一人拿一样。哥哥擦桌子,我来扫地板。不一会儿,我们就打扫得一尘不染,坐在屋子里心旷神怡。接下来,我就要开动我的巧手功能——做贺卡啦!第一步呢:折一个黄色爱心,在爱心里偷偷写上“母亲节快乐”让妈妈想尽办法找到,并贴在粉红卡纸的封面上。第二,在封面系上一朵拉花,哈,真是小巧玲珑。接着,再在封面上用勾线笔写上“母亲节”三个字,美观极啦!打开贺卡里面工工整整的写着:祝妈妈母亲节快乐!我爱您!还写着致妈妈的一封信…… “时间时间像飞扬,叮当叮当向前跑”一下子,就到了下午,妈妈从外婆家回来。我拿出贺卡,边向妈妈展示我和哥哥的劳动成果——打扫的一干二净的房屋,妈妈神清气爽地望着这一切,笑着说:“谢谢你们!”嘘——马上就要晚上啦,妈妈就要听到古筝那悠扬声音啦;我要为妈妈弹一曲,让妈妈好好地享受享受!爸爸在一旁都有点吃醋啦,这不是代表着我和哥哥为妈妈准备的礼物太好了吗? 这真是个温馨的母亲节!慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。祝天下妈妈们母亲节快乐! Mothers love is like a ray of sunshine, let my heart be warm and warm. The love of mother is like a clear spring, moistening our hearts, the sweet and sweet. . Today is the second Sunday of may, mothers day! I clean my house early and make CARDS. First, my brother and I took out a broom and a rag. My brother wiped the table and I swept the floor. After a while, we had a clean sweep and sat in the house. Next, Im going to start my own hand -- make a card! The first step: fold a yellow love and secretly write "happy mothers day" in the heart of love. Let mom find it and put it on the cover of the pink slip. Second, on the cover is a pull flower, ha, really small and exquisite. Then, on the cover, write "mothers day" on the top of the line. I opened the card and said, "happy mothers day! I love you! And wrote a letter to mother... "Time flies in the air, tinker goes forward", and in the afternoon, mom comes back from her grandmothers house. I take out the CARDS and show mom and my brothers work achievement - clean all house, mother properly watched all this, said with a smile: "thank you!" Hush -- it will be night soon, and mother will hear the sound of the guzheng. I want to play a song for my mother, let my mother enjoy the enjoyment! Dad is a little jealous on the side, isnt that a gift that my brother and I have prepared for mom? This is a lovely mothers day! The mothers hand was in her hands, and she was wearing her clothes. The line is tight, and fear of delay. Who says inch grass heart, to make three chunhui. Happy mothers day to all the mothers of the world! 母亲节初中英语作文3五月,阳光灿烂,鲜花盛开,暖风拂面,那是因为在这美丽的五月,在这灿烂的季节里,我们又一次迎来了亲情融融的“母亲节”。又是一年母亲节,母亲,多么神圣而纯洁的字眼,母爱,多么深沉而厚重的一种情感,在这温馨的日子里,叫一声母亲,是那么纯真,那么动人,那是我们对母亲最深切的称呼。 “慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖?”唐代诗人孟郊的一首传诵古今的'道出了人世间最诚挚、最深切、最令人动容的母子情怀。都说世界上有一位最善良,最伟大的女性,她就是我们慈祥的母亲;都说人世间有一种最美丽、最温和的声音,那就是母亲对儿女的呼唤;都说这个世界上有一个最伟大、最无私、最勤劳的人,她还是我们的母亲! 从我们咕咕坠地,在人世间发出第一声啼哭,我们便成了母亲一生的牵挂,母亲的眼里只有儿女,而我们心中母亲的位置占的比重是多少,在这个美丽而特殊的日子到来的时候,我为母亲和未来的婆婆准备了漂亮的衣服,两位母亲都很高兴,衣服穿在身上,心里更是比蜜甜,其实母亲要的就是做儿女的心中有她,而不是要儿女做多大贡献。 看着母亲眼角渐渐爬上的鱼尾纹,母亲已经已经不再年轻,已经步入老年的母亲需要我们做的最多的就是常回家看看,哪怕是帮妈妈刷刷筷子洗洗碗,听听妈妈的唠叨,吃顿老人准备的好饭,老人不图儿女为家做多大贡献,就盼着经常团聚。但是这小小的愿望我们做儿女的有多少能做到呢。母亲节到了,朋友们赶紧为自己的母亲准备一份礼物吧,其实,你真的不用为此大伤脑筋,因为能让老妈最快乐的事莫过于全家人的团圆与平安。一枝鲜丽的康乃馨,一顿可口而轻松的团圆饭,一件漂亮的衣服这就是对老妈最好的礼物。 又是一年母亲节,又是一年温馨祝福时,在这美丽且只属于母亲的节日里,我祝天下所有的母亲永远健康美丽,一切事情都顺心如意,节日快乐! In may, the sun is shining, flowers in full bloom, warm wind stroke, it is because in this beautiful may, in this splendid season, once again, we ushered in the familys "mothers day" happy and harmonious. Another year of mothers day, mother, how holy and pure, a mothers love, how deep and thick of an emotion, in this warm day, call a mother, so pure, so moving, it is our deepest call of her mother. "In the hand of the mothers hand, the dress of the wandering son. A poem by the tang dynasty poet meng jiao is the most sincere, profound and emotional mother in the world. It is said that there is one of the kindest and greatest women in the world, and she is our kind mother. It is said that there is one of the most beautiful and mildest voices in the world. That is the call of the mother to the child. It is said that there is one of the greatest, most selfless and industrious people in the world. She is our mother! In the earth from our cuckoo fell to the ground, first cry, we became worried about mothers lifetime, only sons and daughters, mothers eyes and our hearts in proportion of the location of the mother, in this beautiful and special day comes, I for mother and future mother-in-law beautiful clothes, two mothers are all very happy, clothes to wear in the body, is sweeter than honey in my heart, in fact mother want is to do with her sons and daughters of the heart, not want children to do much contribution. Looked at mother canthus gradually climbed up the crows feet, her mother has already no longer young, mother has become old, we need to do is go home often, even to help my mother brush wash chopsticks and bowls, listen to my mothers nagging, the old man to prepare a good meal, snack old man not do much contribution for home, children are looking forward to often together. But how much of this little wish we can do for our children? Mothers day is coming, my friends get to prepare a gift for her mother, in fact, you really dont have to for this big nerve-racking, because can let mom is the most happy thing is the family reunion and peace. A fresh carnation, a delicious and relaxing reunion dinner, a beautiful dress is the best gift for mom. Another year of mothers day, is a warm blessing, in this beautiful and only belongs to the mothers festival, I wish the world all mother healthy forever beautiful, everything goes on well with all things, a happy holiday! |
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