标题 | 加勒比海盗经典台词中英文 |
范文 | 加勒比海盗经典台词中英文 加勒比海盗经典语录由名言网搜集整理发布,这部电影以惊险的画面,刺激的剧情,和唯美动听的音乐,高超微妙巍峨的表演,赢得了大众们的心,成为了有史以来最成功的魔幻电影系列之一,希望大家喜欢! 1. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t know. If I see one I shall inform you immediately. 我实在很抱歉。我并不知道。如果我见到一个市民我会马上通告你们的'。 2. Clearly you’ve never been to Singapore. 你肯定没去过新加坡。 3. But you have heard of me. 但你听说过我。 4. Expect, once again, you’re between me and my way out. 只是你再一次挡住我逃跑。 And now you have no weapon. 而且你现在没有武器了。 5. Come on doggy. It’s just you and me now. 过来乖狗狗。现在只有我们两个了。 Come on, you filthy, slimy mangy cur. 过来,你这个肮脏的,黏糊糊的,生满疥癣的不同种狗。 Don’t do that! No! No! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t. 不要这样!不!不要!我并不是那个意思!我不是! 6. Will: This is either madness or brilliance. 这(个做法)不是疯狂就是才智。 Jack: It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide. 这两个的特点经常惊人的相符。 7. Human hair from my back. 我身后的体毛。 8. The girl’s blood didn’t work. 那女孩的血没用。 9. A distant cousin from my aunt’s nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though, eunuch. 他是我姑妈的外甥的远房表弟。声音不错,不过是个太监。 10. Welcome to Caribbean! 欢迎来到加勒比! 11. A wedding! Oh, I love weddings! 一个婚礼!噢,我喜欢婚礼! 12. (Jack: Palulay…Palu…li…la…la…lulu…Parlili…Parsnip…Parsley…Partner…Partner…) (Parley?) That’s the one! Parley! 就是这个!谈判! 13. (Barbossa: So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals lock into an epic battle until judgment day and trumpets sound? 那么现在怎样?杰克.斯派洛?我们两个不死的怪物就这么漫长地打下去直到世界末日才分出胜负?) Jack: Or you could surrender. 或者你可以投降。 14. Drink up! My hearties! 干杯!我的水手们! 15. This is a day you will always remember as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow! 你们永远会记住这一天,因为你们差一点就抓到了杰克.斯派洛船长。 |
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