标题 | “白杨胡”落地的奥秘英语作文 |
范文 | “白杨胡”落地的奥秘英语作文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编为大家收集的“白杨胡”落地的奥秘英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 春天到了,和风送暖,太阳也变得暖烘烘的。大地开始解冻,变得松软来。 When spring comes, the sun is warm with the wind. The earth began to thaw and soften. 在我的家乡,最能显示春天的信息的就要算白杨树上的白杨胡了。你瞧,别的树木还没有多大的变化,而那一棵棵高大挺拔的白杨树上的“白杨胡”,不知什么时候悄悄地露出了头,而且一天天变得又粗又长。毛茸茸、蓬松松的“白杨胡”在春风吹拂下摇摇晃晃,飘飘悠悠,仿佛在跟人们说:“春天到了,天气要变暖了。” In my hometown, it is the poplars on the poplars that show the most information of spring. You see, the other trees haven't changed much, and the "poplars" on the tall and straight poplars, I don't know when they quietly show their heads, and they grow thick and long day by day. The fluffy and fluffy "poplars" wobble and flutter under the spring wind, as if to say to people: "spring is coming, the weather will be warmer." 我常听老农说:“白杨胡不落干地。”真的是这样吗?我半信半疑,决心弄个明白。 I often hear the old farmer say, "poplar and beard do not fall on the dry land." Is that really the case? I'm not sure. I'm determined to find out. 一场春雨过后,我进行了仔细的观察,“白杨胡”在雨后那沁人心脾的湿润空气中纷纷扬扬地洒落在大地上。这是为什么呢?是巧合,还是有一定的.科学道理呢? After a spring rain, I made a careful observation, "poplar Hu" in the rain after that refreshing moist air in the land. Why is that? Is it coincidence or is there some scientific reason? 原来“白杨胡不落干地”有两个原因:第一“白杨胡”就是白杨树的种子,不过它的种子又轻又小,就藏在毛茸茸、蓬松松的“胡”里。因为种子既小又轻,不象别的植物种子成熟以后有一定的重量,能自然地落在地上。第二,春雨过后毛茸茸、蓬松松的“胡”吸足了水分,重量增加了许多,再加上雨后的春风一吹,“白杨胡”便洒落了一地。这种有趣的自然现象年复一年地出现,难怪有经验的老农说:“白杨胡不落干地”了。 There are two reasons for the original "Bupleurum does not fall on the dry land": the first "Bupleurum" is the seed of the poplar tree, but its seed is light and small, which is hidden in the fluffy and fluffy "Hu". Because the seeds are small and light, they do not have a certain weight after ripening like other plant seeds, and can fall on the ground naturally. Second, after the spring rain, the fluffy and fluffy "Hu" absorbed enough water, and its weight increased a lot. In addition, when the spring wind blew after the rain, the "poplar Hu" was scattered all over the ground. This kind of interesting natural phenomenon appears year after year. It's no wonder that the experienced old farmer said, "poplar and Hu can't leave the dry land". “白杨胡”落地的时候,正是我们这里忙种春蒜的时节。 When the "white poplar beard" landed, it was the time when we were busy planting spring garlic here. 朋友们,大自然是多么有趣呀!让我们一同到大自然中去仔细观察和深入研究吧! Friends, how interesting nature is! Let's go to the nature to observe and study carefully together! |
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