标题 | 我家的老龟英语作文 |
范文 | 我家的老龟英语作文 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编为大家收集的我家的老龟英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 我没有出生时,爸爸从上海买回了两只龟。其中一只去世了,只剩一只。那一只龟名字叫“进宝”。它在我家住了九年了,它还有一个名字叫“老龟”。老龟的壳特别硬,我两脚踩在它背上,它也不疼。爸爸每天给它喂虾、鱼、肉,所以它也很胖、很重。一般人说龟的眼睛像芝麻,而老龟的眼睛比芝麻大几倍,身子像一大半脸盆。 When I was not born, my father bought two turtles from Shanghai. One of them died, only one. The tortoise's name is Jin Bao. He has lived in my house for nine years. He also has a name called "old turtle". The old turtle's shell is very hard. I step on its back with my feet, and it doesn't hurt. Dad feeds him shrimp, fish and meat every day, so he is also very fat and heavy. Generally speaking, tortoise's eyes are like sesame seeds, while the old tortoise's eyes are several times bigger than sesame seeds, and his body is like half of a washbasin. 它有时特别胆小,有时特别暴躁。它胆小的.时候是我走到它跟前,老龟吓的把头、腿、尾巴都缩了进去。暴躁时,是爸爸把它放到水里。它不想在水中呆着,于是它便发怒了,用特别大的力气从盆中爬出外面。看!它的个性很强吧? Sometimes it's very timid, sometimes it's very irascible. When he was timid, I came to him and the old tortoise shrank his head, legs and tail. When angry, it's dad who puts it in the water. He didn't want to stay in the water, so he got angry and climbed out of the basin with great strength. Look! Does it have a strong personality? 它得了什么病,爸爸都买药给它治。我小时候,它的皮肤溃烂。爸爸给它买红霉素药膏抹。今年,爸爸出去旅游,我每天给它换水、喂食、弄药。毕竟它也是我家的一个成员,它永远陪着我们一家人,带给了我们无比的快乐。 What disease does it have? My father will buy medicine for it. When I was little, its skin was festering. Dad bought it erythromycin ointment. This year, my father went on a tour. I changed water, fed and took medicine for him every day. After all, it is also a member of my family. It always accompanies our family and brings us great happiness. |
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