标题 | 恋爱守则中英版 |
范文 | 恋爱守则15条(中英版) 今天,CN人才公文网小编给大家介绍的是恋爱守则15条(中英版),仅供参考。 恋爱守则15条(中英版)1.Their relationship will not take up 100% of their life, but they will put 100% into their relationship. It’s important to ambitious girls to have other priorities and things going on outside of their relationship. But that doesn’t mean they won’t give it their all when it comes to being happy with someone. 爱情不是她们生活的全部,但她们会在恋爱时全身心投入。对有追求的女生来说,除了爱情之外,她们还有许多重要的事情,但这不影响她们在恋爱时完全投入并享受这段美好时光。 2. They're not looking for a challenge, but they are looking for someone to challenge them. They’re not interested in the chase or winning the game. But they’re interested in being with someone who’s going to challenge them to be better and to grow every day. 她们要找的不是挑战,而是可以激发其自我挑战欲望的那个人。她们对恋爱中的追逐和输赢并不感兴趣。能够激励她们不断改善自我、不断成长,这才是她们要找的人。 3. Romance usually means something different to ambitious girls. They love dates and surprises just like the next girl. But in their minds, the most romantic thing in the world is being with someone who they can truly relate to, and someone who supports them in everything that they do. 有追求的女生对浪漫的定义通常不同。当然她们也像所有女生一样,喜欢约会和惊喜。但对她们来说,世界上最浪漫的事莫过于找到那个可以真正交心,并会事事都支持自己的人。 4. They're not afraid to tell you when they like you. If they think this thing has a chance, they’re not going to sit back and play coy and always wait for you to make the first move. They’re going to be straight-up with you, and you can do with that what you want. 若是来电,她们会大胆表白。如果觉得有可能,她们不会按兵不动、羞羞答答,总是等着对方先开口。她们会主动表白,并且坦然接受你的任何回应。 5. They don't play games. There’s no wait two hours to text back” guidelines that they believe they have to follow. Ambitious girls do what they want when they want, because they don’t have time for arbitrary dating rules. 她们不会耍花招。她们认为根本不用遵守收到消息两小时再回复”之类的爱情指南。有追求的女生随心而动,她们认为那些专横的恋爱规则简直是浪费时间。 6. They'll still have a lot of other things going on besides you. They take dating seriously. But they’re also passionate about their careers and friends and family and hobbies. When they’re dating, ambitious girls are looking for someone who’s not only going to support that, but someone who’s going to love them all the more for it. 除了恋爱之外,她们还有很多事情要做。她们会真诚地恋爱,但对待事业,朋友,家人以及爱好也同样热情。对追求的女生来说,理想的另一半不仅会支持她有自己的生活,而且会因此更爱她。 7. They don't hold it against you if you’re not interested. They know what they want, and if you’re not interested, they’re just happy that you’re not wasting any more of their time. 若对方不感兴趣,她们也不会由此心生怨念。因为她们清楚自己想要的是什么,若对方不感兴趣,并且也没耽误她们的时间,她们只会高兴。 8. They're not looking to be a trophy wife. The idea of playing backseat to their companion is nauseating to an ambitious girl. They’re looking for someone who is going to be their partner, not their leader. 她们不想做花瓶妻子。有追求的女生憎恶那些认为妻子是丈夫附属品的想法。她们要找的是与之并肩而行的人,而不是颐指气使的人。 9. Ambitious girls know that being tough and being emotional aren’t mutually exclusive. Ambitious girls are strong, confident, and intelligent. They know how to handle themselves. But they’re aware that that doesn’t mean they can’t be vulnerable or emotional. One of the reasons they feel comfortable dating is because they know how to be tough without feeling the need to apologize for having emotions. 有追求的女生明白,坚强和感性并不相互冲突。她们坚强,自信且理智,知道如何处理好自己的事情。但是她们也清楚,这些不代表她们不能有脆弱和感性的一面。她们坚强的同时,也不必为脆弱而受责备,这是她们舒适恋爱的原因之一。 10. A good conversation in their eyes doesn’t revolve around how much money you make or how successful you are. They're more interested in hearing what makes you tick, what inspires you, what gets your blood flowing, and what you're passionate about. 在她们看来,良好的交流不必围绕着对方的金钱和成功。她们更在意对方的动力,灵感,能量和热情之所在。 11. They know that sometimes they have a hard time opening up in the beginning. They’re used to being in control, so when they’re not, it’s a little disorienting. But they enjoy the challenge of trying to get better, so it’s something they’re always keen to work on. 在开始一段感情时,有时她们会觉得难以敞开心扉。因为她们习惯一切都在掌控之中,而爱情这件事却充满未知,所以她们会有些迷茫。但她们很享受自我完善的`过程,并愿意为之全力以赴。 12. They won’t ask you to choose between them and your other priorities, because they’re too busy having priorities of their own. 她们不会逼你在爱情和其他重要事情之间做出选择,毕竟她们有太多重要事情来充实自己。 13. Ambitious girls are attracted to people who have goals and aspirations – people who want more than an average existence. They don’t need you to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 or an insanely successful entrepreneur. They just want to know you care about something that matters and are willing to work for it. 有理想有抱负、不甘平庸的人会赢得这些女生的青睐。对方无需是财富500强公司的CEO,也不必是特别成功的企业家。她们只要了解,对方有自己在意的东西,并愿意为之奋斗就够了。 14. They're not going to wait forever. They’ll let you know, one way or another, that they like you. They’re never in a rush to jump into a relationship, but they’re also practical about where they are in their lives and when it’s time to move on. If you like them, do something about it. 她们可不会一直傻等。若是动心,她们一定会用某种方式表现出来。面对爱情,她们不会轻率莽撞就开始。同时,她们也很现实,知道自己处于人生的什么阶段,知道什么时候该放手向前。所以若对她们有好感,请有所行动。 15. They're less worried about a fairytale romance and more concerned with finding someone who will simply make them happy. They’re not preoccupied with a huge diamond ring, an over-the-top wedding, and a ridiculous love story they can tell their friends. They just want to be with someone who will love them for who they are, and never ask them to stop following their dreams. 相比童话般的浪漫举动,她们更在意简单的快乐。她们并不痴迷于硕大的钻戒、奢华的婚礼或是可以向朋友炫耀的疯狂壮举。她们只求相守的那个人爱的是她们真实的样子,并永远支持她们的梦想。 |
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