标题 | 百万英镑英语读后感 |
范文 | 百万英镑英语读后感范文(通用3篇) 读完一本名著以后,你有什么总结呢?何不静下心来写写读后感呢?想必许多人都在为如何写好读后感而烦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的百万英镑英语读后感范文(通用3篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 百万英镑英语读后感1读完了《百万英镑》这本书,我的感受很多。这本书讲了一个人意外得到了一百万英镑,然后从一个乞丐到每个人都尊重他的传奇经历。 这本书的作者很幽默,那个乞丐得到了一百万英镑,原因是两个人打赌,看那个人成为富翁之后,一个月的时间,不花一分钱能不能生存下来。结果,那个人从以前人见人烦到现在人人都想巴结他。他去那个饭店吃饭,还没等掏钱,那个老板恨不得把这个饭店送给他,去买衣服,因为找不开钱,老板送了他很多衣服,他去的那个饭店,一夜之间火了。 那个人一个月之内,竟然和皇家贵族平起平坐,甚至许多伯爵也很尊重他。结果,一个月之后,那个人没花一分钱就过的好好的。 读完了这本书,我明白了世界上有多少人世故圆滑,如果不是,那为什么那个人以前受人之气而现在却受人尊重,所以,我希望世界上不要再有这种人了,世界上毕竟有正义感的人还是更多的。 After reading the book "Million Millions", I feel a lot. This book tells a man who accidentally received a million pounds and then respects his legendary experience from a beggar to everyone. The author of this book is very humorous. The beggar got a million pounds because two people bet to see if that person could survive without spending a penny a month after becoming a rich man. As a result, that person has wanted to stifle him when he was annoying before. He went to the restaurant to eat, but he had n’t waited to pay for it. The boss would like to give him the restaurant to buy clothes, because the boss could n’t find the money, the boss gave him a lot of clothes, and the restaurant he went to caught fire overnight. . Within a month, the man was on an equal footing with the royal aristocracy, and even many counts respected him. As a result, a month later, the person was fine without spending a penny. After reading this book, I understand how many people in the world are sleek. If not, then why is that person used to be popular but now respected, so I hope that there will be no such people in the world, After all, there are more people with a sense of justice in the world. 百万英镑英语读后感2这几天,我读了一本叫《百万英镑》的书。作者马克吐温是美国的作家、幽默家、小说家,也是著名的演讲家。他是19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。这本书中我最喜欢的有“百万英镑”“好孩子的故事”“坏孩子的故事”“大宗牛肉合同事件”这几篇故事。 “百万英镑”讲的是一个穷小子因机缘巧合得到一张百万大钞,从而呼风唤雨的故事。这篇故事中有几段是讲他得到百万大钞后去服装店,刚开始员工和老板见他穿着打扮很邋遢,对他的态度不理不采,后来看见他的百万大钞后对他的态度又经过180度大转弯。 “大宗牛肉合同事件”讲的是为了要回拖欠的牛肉款项,约翰及后代都一一奔波而死,最后把这件事交给了主人公,但主人公总也要不回来那笔拖欠的牛肉款项。 “坏孩子的故事”讲的是坏孩子吉姆整天游手好闲,但他每次都十分好运,周末去玩水却没有溺水;在安息日去钓鱼,却没被雷劈;去偷苹果也没有从树上摔下来。总之,他就是那么好运。 “好孩子的故事”讲的是好孩子雅各布。布利文思十分想做书中的好孩子,但总不能如愿以偿的故事。 读完这本书,我从好孩子雅各布。布利文斯那学会了坚持;从“大宗牛肉合同事件”里知道了美国政府没人性的管理;从百万英镑的几段中知道了美国有些人很势力。 In the past few days, I have read a book called "Million Millions". Author Mark Twain is an American writer, humorist, novelist, and well-known speaker. He was an outstanding representative of American realist literature in the late 19th century. Among my favorite books in this book are "Million Pounds", "Good Childrens Stories", "Bad Childrens Stories", and "Big Beef Contract Event". "Millions of pounds" tells the story of a poor boy who got a million dollar bills by chance, which caused a storm. There are a few paragraphs in this story that he went to the clothing store after receiving the million dollar bills. At first, the employees and the boss saw him dressed very sloppy, and he ignored him, and later saw him with the million dollar bills. S attitude went through a 180 degree turn again. The "Bulk Beef Contract Event" is about recovering the arrears of beef payment. John and his descendants all rushed to death, and finally gave the matter to the protagonist, but the protagonist also had to return the arrears of beef payment. . The "Bad Child Story" tells that the bad boy Jim is idle all day long, but he is very lucky every time. He went to play water on the weekend without drowning; went fishing on the Sabbath, but was not thundered; he did not steal apples. The tree fell down. In short, he was so lucky. "The Story of a Good Child" is about Good Child Jacob. Brivence really wanted to be a good boy in the book, but he couldnt get the story he wanted. After reading this book, I started from good boy Jacob. Brivensner learned to persevere; he learned from the "bulk beef contract incident" that the US government was inhumane; from several million pounds, he learned that some people in the US are very powerful. 百万英镑英语读后感3书是知识的大门;书是花草的养分;书是夜晚的明灯;书是鱼儿的海水。每天看书已成了我的习惯。中午,伴着阳光,我就静静地阅读《百万英镑》,读后思绪万千,浮想联翩。 《百万英镑》的作者是美国作家马克·吐温。《百万英镑》以列入“世界少年文学经典文库。” 《百万英镑》主要写“我”二十七岁那年在旧金山一个矿业经纪人那里当办事员。一次,“我”冒失地把船驶出海湾,一直漂到大海里,当“我”快绝望的时候,一艘开往伦敦的帆船救了“我”。下船后的第2天上午,“我”饿着肚子,狼狈不堪。正在这时,看见前边有一个孩子由保姆领着,把一只只咬过一口的美味大梨扔进了阴沟里。此时的“我”用贪婪的目光盯住那泥泞中的雪梨,“我”垂涎欲滴,肚子也渴望着它,当我下定决心要去拿梨时,一位先生从窗户里探出头来朝“我”喊叫:“先生,请进来吧。” 于是,一个仆人把我引进了一个豪华的房间里,那儿正坐着两位年长的`绅士,他们详细的了解了关于我的一切,最后他们告诉“我”,“我”正合乎他们的要求。他们交给“我”一个信封后,我打开一看,原来是一张五百万的支票,拿着这张五百万的钞票,“我”穿着破衣服,让那些只看外表的人大吃一惊。很快,这件事就传扬开了。大家都追着“我”跑。一个月后,两位先生回来了,其中的一位还把他的女儿嫁给了“我”。从此,“我”彻底改变了我的生活、我的命运。 马克·吐温写的这篇文章文质优美、词汇丰富、想象奇特,他描写的主人公的外貌、神态,栩栩如生,他的动作、神态描写,生动、形象、具体。这些,都是我要向马克·吐温学习的,这些都是读书的收获。我坚信只要多看书,勤写作,就一定能写出像马克·吐温一样的美文。 The book is the gate of knowledge; the book is the nutrients of flowers and plants; the book is the bright light of the night; Reading books every day has become my habit. At noon, accompanied by the sun, I quietly read "Millions of Pounds", after reading it, I thought a lot and dreamed. The author of "Million Pounds" is American writer Mark Twain. "Millions of pounds" to be included in "World Classic Library of Juvenile Literature." "Millions of pounds" mainly writes "I" as a clerk at a mining broker in San Francisco at the age of 27. Once, "I" rashly drove the boat out of the bay and drifted into the sea. When "I" was desperate, a sailboat bound for London saved "I". On the morning of the second day after disembarking, "I" was hungry and embarrassed. At this moment, I saw a child in front led by a babysitter, throwing a delicious big pear with only one bite into the gutter. At this time, "I" stared at the muddy Sydney with greedy eyes, "I" was salivating, and his stomach was eager for it. When I made up my mind to pick up the pear, a gentleman leaned his head out of the window to face "I" shouted: "Sir, please come in." So, a servant introduced me into a luxurious room, where two older gentlemen were sitting, they learned everything about me in detail, and finally they told "me", "me" was in line with their requirements . After they handed over an envelope to "me", I opened it and it turned out to be a five million check. Holding this five million dollar bill, "I" wore a broken dress and surprised those who only looked at it. . Soon, the incident spread. Everyone ran after "I". A month later, the two gentlemen returned, and one of them married his daughter to "I". Since then, "I" has completely changed my life and my destiny. This article written by Mark Twain is beautiful in text, rich in vocabulary and strange in imagination. His protagonists appearance and expression are vivid, and his movements and expressions are vivid, vivid and specific. These are the things I want to learn from Mark Twain, these are the gains from reading. I firmly believe that as long as you read more and write harder, you will be able to write beautiful words like Mark Twain. |
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