标题 | 基督山伯爵英语读后感带翻译 |
范文 | 基督山伯爵英语读后感带翻译 导语:《基督山伯爵》(又名《基督山复仇记》)是法国作家大仲马的杰出作品。十九世纪一位名叫爱德蒙·唐泰斯的大副受到陷害后的悲惨遭遇以及日后以基督山伯爵身份成功复仇的故事。下面是yjbs作文网的小编为您收集整理的英语读后感,希望对您有所帮助。 基督山伯爵读后感(1) There's a phrase said: "people are doing, day watching." Sometimes, someone who knows what you are doing bad things do not necessarily, but the reward will be lowered, and even if you haven't received now, that also is just a matter of time, this matter I read a book called "monte cristo the beginning, the card has been reflected in the novel. It is in telling a simple boy, because in someone else's envy and hate, on the day of marriage was framed by smear, was put into prison, originally just around the corner of happiness are fleeting, and in this way, he was off for 14 years, and his fiancee forget him, his father because of excessive sad, left him, pleading for his friend, and gradually forget him, of course, his enemies, those who hurt him in prison, is not exceptional also, everyone thinks he is dead, but they never imagined that he escape from prison, and to revenge on them, one by one to revenge before they do everything to him. The story, not govern really also false, he has proved it's efficacy, for which there is one thing no one in the world to see? 有一句话是这么说的:人在做,天在看。”有些时候,你所做坏事不一定有人知道,但是报应一定会降下,就算现在你还没收到,那也只是时间早晚的问题而已,这件事情在我看了一本名叫《基督山恩仇记》的小说里得到了映证。 它是在讲述一个单纯的少年,因为招来别人的忌妒与厌恶,在结婚当天遭到人的被抹黑陷害,被关入了大牢,原本近在眼前的幸福稍纵即逝,就这样,他就被关了十四年,未婚妻忘了他,他的老父亲因为过度的伤心,离开了他,为他求情的朋友,也渐渐的忘了他,当然,他的仇人,那些害他入狱的人,也不例外,每个人都以为他死,但是,他们万万没想到的是,他逃狱成功,并要一一的向他们复仇,以报复之前他们所对他做的一切。 这个故事,不管事真的还假的,他都证明了这件事的灵验,因为世间哪有一件事没有人看到呢? 基督山伯爵读后感(2) The count of monte cristo former name is: edmond dantes. He had in his hometown of life thoroughly, one day he went to sea back suddenly caught, allegations to betray his country, he was thrown into prison. He spent 13 years in prison, in the thirteen years he met an old man, the old man taught Edmund Dantes a lot of skill, he teaches edmond dantes mathematics, philosophy, economy, astronomy, and so on, also teach him fencing, they had dug a tunnel together. The old man died at the end gave a treasure map edmond dantes. Finally edmond dantes with a way to escaped from prison and went to the treasure, he found the treasure into the earl, changed its name to the count of monte cristo, then he began his revenge. From this story I understand the director must believe in yourself, like edmond dantes. 基督山伯爵从前的名字是:埃德蒙 唐太斯。他原先在自己的家乡里面生活的好好的,有一天他出海回来突然被抓了起来,有人指控他背叛国家,他被扔进了监狱。他在监狱里呆了十三年,在这十三年里他认识了一个老头,这个老头教了埃德蒙 唐太斯好多本领,他教埃德蒙 唐太斯数学,哲学,经济,天文等等,还教他剑术,他们还一起挖了一个地道。老头在最后临死前还给了埃德蒙 唐太斯一个藏宝图。最后埃德蒙 唐太斯用了一个办法从监狱里逃了出来就寻宝去了,他找到了宝藏变成了伯爵,改名为基督山伯爵,然后他开始了他的复仇记。 从这个故事我懂得了干事一定要相信自己,就像埃德蒙 唐太斯一样。 基督山伯爵读后感(3) In the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign novels, "the count of monte cristo" is the most popular novels. Recently, I read the novel, follow host to experience his joys and sorrows. "The count of monte cristo" is mainly about the 19th century a man named Edmund was the chief officer of the tang dynasty when the captain, was between 2 of the er and lover's brother phil south frame, at he and his partner's wedding was grasp to go to trial, and as a result of jobbery villefort took over this case, the tang dynasty, was sentenced to more than 10 years of imprisonment. Prisoners in prison, he met a priest, in talking to the priest's, he won the rebirth, and have the wisdom and wealth. After prison, he was renamed the sailor first mountain, return those who have mercy on him, and then changed its name to the count of monte cristo began his revenge plan. In the way of revenge, in the end, all the sinners were punished. The author through the novel "the count of monte cristo" reveals to us the dark side of the society at that time. The novel also reflects the people's. For money, for fame, villefort couple even made the humanity behavior, m. DE villefort to fame, the future do not hesitate to go against his own father, for the money, he by this identity "judge" how many people don't know wronged; As Mrs Villefort's money worship, made her to kill her loved ones in order to obtain a heritage. And this, is not straight also reminds us that we live in "you can do nothing without money" s people, walking in the society, life, to be placed in front of a beacon, self, and "the silt but not imbrued, turbidity qing lian without demon" quality. 在古今中外的小说中,《基督山伯爵》是最热门的小说。最近我阅读了这部小说,跟着主人翁体会他的喜怒哀乐。《基督山伯爵》主要讲述的是19世纪一位名叫埃德蒙·唐代斯的大副在即将当上船长之时,被同船的格拉尔和爱人的哥哥菲尔南陷害,在他与爱侣的婚礼上被抓去审判,而由于假公济私的维尔福接手了这桩案子,唐代斯被判处了十几年的徒刑。在牢中,他遇到了一位囚徒神父,在与神父的交谈中,他获得了重生,并拥有了智慧与财富。出狱后,他先改名为水手山巴,报答那些施恩于他的人,再改名为基督山伯爵开始了他的复仇计划。在复仇路上,最终,所有的罪人都受到了应有的惩罚。 作者通过《基督山伯爵》这部小说向我们揭露了当时社会的黑暗面。同时小说也反映出了人的劣根性。为金钱、为名誉,维尔福夫妇甚至做出了灭绝人性的行为——维尔福先生为了名誉、前途不惜违背自己的父亲,为了金钱,他靠着法官”这一身份不知冤枉了多少人;而由于维尔福夫人的拜金主义作祟,使她不惜毒死她的亲人以获得一份遗产。 而这,不正也提醒我们生活在没有钱是万万不能”的年代的人们,行走在社会、人生道路时,要在身前放置一盏明灯——自我以及出淤泥而不染,浊清莲而不妖”的品质。 |
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