标题 | 翻译资格考试之英译汉技巧:误译 |
范文 | 翻译资格考试之英译汉技巧:误译 科技翻译往往涉及众多领域,各种专业,为了提高翻译质量,译者不仅要熟练掌握英汉两门语言,而且也应具有一定的专业知识的素养。隔行如隔山,每个专业都有各自一套术语。 1. By the age of 19 Gauss had discovered for himself and proved a remarkable theorem in number theory known as the law of quadratic reciprocity. [误译]高斯十九岁已经独立地发现并证明了数理定理——二次互反律。 [分析]将number theory 误为“数理”,系不了解专业所致,其实它在数学上是指“数论”,与“数理”是两个不同的.概念。 [正译]……并证明了数论中的一个卓越定理,名谓二次互反律。 2. Designed to predict the motions of hesavenly bodies ,it does its job with unbelievable accuracy——better than one in a hndred million for the motion of the earth around the sun——and it remains in daily use to predict the orbits of moons and planets ,comets and spacecraft. [误译]这个旨在预测天体运行的理论,其准确性令人难以置信——以地球绕太阳运转为例,其误差仅略大于一亿分之一,并且时至今日仍然每日要用它来预测卫星和行星、慧星和航天器的运行轨道。 [分析]原文并无“仅略”的含义,应删去。Better than 修饰accuracy,意为“准确度胜于”或“比……更为准确”,即“误差小于”。 [正译]……,其误差小于一亿分之一,……。 3. When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly 1 Ib/SHP hour and this is generally about 20% better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed. [误译]当考虑分开的辅机负荷时,其耗油率几乎能增加到1磅/轴马力小时,一般来说比蒸汽装置的巡航总油耗大约多20%。 [分析]此处better than 用来修饰“油耗”时必然指油耗低,而不是指油耗高。 [正译] ……,一般来说,这是比蒸汽装置在巡航速度时的总油耗约低20%。 |
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