标题 | with的用法总结和and有什么区别 |
范文 | with有哪些用法: 一、with 结构作定语,修饰前面的名词 (可以是紧跟的名词,也可以是不紧跟的名词,)作定语,带有.....的特征。 1、 with 结构修饰名词,with 作后置定语,不紧跟前面名词的情况。 例,Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than that of the mostimpoverished countries of the world. with 结构 修饰 Bihar 2、with 结构修饰名词,紧跟名词的情况。 例,Under the restructuring, the huge organization that operates the company's basic businesses will be divided into five groups, each with its own executive. with 结构修饰 each (group) 二、作原因状语,解释为,由于,因为。 例,With total sales of less than three hundred dollars and fewer new subscribers than last year, the New England Theatre Company is in danger of losing its building. 三、作伴随或结果状语,表示伴随的情况或结果。 with 作伴随状语: 曼哈顿论坛Ron 对 with 作伴随状语的解释: It appears that "with" may be used with a present participle (-ING form) to represent circumstances that are contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause 大意是,with 引导的状语,与主句动词动作同时发生。 四、【表示使用的'工具,手段】用,以,借,在……的帮助下。语法作用:修饰 动词。 with 解释为,在……的帮助下。修饰动词producing Dolphins lack vocal cords, but they do create sounds, producing a complicated system of whistles, squeaks, moans, trills and clicks with sphincter muscles inside the blowhole. 海豚缺少声带。但是它们确实能产生声音,在喷水孔内部的括约肌的帮助下,产生一系列复杂的由汽笛声,吱吱声,呻吟声,颤音,和咔哒声组成的复杂声音系统。 with 解释为,用……,修饰动词portray George Sand was one of the first European writers to consider the rural poor legitimate subjects for literature and to portray them with sympathy and respect in her novels. 上一篇:长江的源头在哪里? 下一篇:浙江师范是一本还是二本? |
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