Have you read this month's 'Physics World'? 
你看过这个月的.《物理世界》吗? He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics. 他对物理一窍不通。 She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring. 尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。 I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry. 我在学物理、生物和化学。 The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics. 荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。 上一篇:要做一个幸运的女孩的英文怎么写 下一篇:梅坞古道在哪里 |