标题 | 英文抵押合同 |
范文 | 英文抵押合同 篇一:质押合同英语中英文对照 AGREEMENT OF SECURITIES PLEDGE 目 录 SECTION 1 第一条 DEFINITION 定义 SECTION 2 第二条 PLEDGE 质押 SECTION 3 NATURE OF LOAN AND PLEDGE第三条 贷款和抵押的性质 SECTION 4 SCOPE OF PLEDGE AND REDELIVERY OF THE PLEDGED COLLATERAL 第四条 承诺抵押品的抵押范围及重新发运 SECTION 5 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 第五条 陈述与保证 SECTION 6 AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS 第六条 肯定性条款 SECTION 7 APPOINTMENT OF AGENTS AND ACTIONS BY LENDER 第七条 代理人指定及贷方行为 SECTION 8 SALE AND TREATMENT OF PLEDGED COLLATERAL 第八条 承诺抵押品的出售及处理 SECTION 9 DIVIDENDS AND VOTING RIGHTS 第九条 股息及表决权 SECTION 10 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 第十条 权利及赔偿 SECTION 11 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF PLEDGED COLLATERAL IN EVENT OF DEFAULT 第十一条 违约情况下承诺抵押品的收益应用 SECTION 12 COMPLIANCE WITH SECURITIES LAWS 第十二条 有价证券法律的遵守 SECTION 13 MONETARY RELIEF 第十三条 货币补偿 SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS 第十四条 其他款项 SECTION 1 第一条 DEFINITION 定义 1.1 Use of Defined Terms. Unless otherwise expressly specified herein, defined terms denoting the singular number shall, when in the plural form, denote the plural number of the matter or item to which such defined terms refer, and vice-versa. The Section, Schedule and Exhibit headings used in this Pledge Agreement are descriptive only and shall not affect the construction or meaning of any provision of this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, the words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder” and other similar words refer to this Pledge Agreement as a whole and not just to the Section, subsection or clause in which they are used; and the words “this Agreement” refer to this Pledge Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, references to Sections, Recitals, Schedules and Exhibits are references to Sections of, and Recitals, Schedules and Exhibits to this Agreement. 定义术语的使用。除非在此另作明确详细说明,表示单数的定义术语,如果以复数形式出现,则表示此定义术语所指的事宜或事项的复数,反之亦然。本抵押协议中使用的条,附件以及附件标题仅具有描述性,不得对本协议中任何条款的构建和意义造成影响。除非另作说明,“本协议中”,“依据本协议”,“在本协议内”这样的词以及其他类似的词语系指此质押协议的整体,而不仅仅是使用这些词语的节,小节或条;“本协议”这些词系指本抵押协议。除非明确表示另有所指,本协议中在使用节、陈述、附表及证明时,所指涉的均系本协议之节、陈述、附表及证明。 1.2 Statements as to Knowledge. Any statements, representations or warranties which are based upon the knowledge of the Pledgor shall be deemed to have been made after due inquiry with respect to the matter in question. 认知声明。在抵押人认知基础上的任何声明,陈述或保证均应被视为在对所涉及事宜进行正当询问之后做出。 SECTION 2 第二条 PLEDGE 质押 2.1 Pledge by Pledgor. The Pledgor hereby pledges, and assigns to the Lender, and hereby transfers to the Lender all right, title, ownership and interest in and to (all the foregoing herein called the “Pledge”), the following described property hereinafter called the “Pledged Collateral”: the ______ shares of ______ ( ), together with any certificates, whether physical or electronic, evidencing such shares (collectively, the “Pledged Shares”) and all cash, instruments, securities or other property representing a dividend or other distribution on any of the Pledged Shares, or representing a distribution or return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Shares, or resulting from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares or otherwise received in exchange therefore, and any warrants, rights or options issued to the holders of, or otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Shares, and all proceeds thereof (collectively, the “Pledged Collateral”). 抵押人的抵押。抵押人在此向贷方抵押,转让,转移所有权利,所有权和利息(本协议中所有前述事项均称为“抵押”),以下描述的财产简称为“承诺抵押品”:______的股份,连同任何证明这种股份的物质或电子凭证(统称为“抵押股份”)以及所有现金,工具,有价证券,或者其他代表股息或其他抵押股份任何分配的财产,或者代表根据或有关抵押股份的资金分配或返回,或者由于对抵押股份进行股本分割,修正,重新分类或其他类似改变,或者相反,因此作为交换而接收,以及对持有人发放的任何抵押股份或反之与其有关的保证,权利,或选择,以及本协议中的所有收益(统称“承诺抵押品”)。 SECTION 3 NATURE OF LOAN AND PLEDGE第三条 贷款和抵押的性质 3.1 Non-Recourse Loan and Pledge. The Lender agrees, for itself, its representatives, successors and assigns that: (i) neither the Pledgor, nor any representative, successor, assign or affiliate of the Pledgor, shall be personally liable for the Principal Loan Amount; and (ii) the Lender, and any such representative, successor or assignee, shall look only to the property identified in this Pledge Agreement for payment of the Obligations and will not make any claim or institute any action or proceeding against the Pledgor, or any representatives, successors, assigns or affiliate of the Pledgor, for any deficiency remaining after collection upon the Pledged Collateral, except as provided below. 无追索权贷款及抵押。贷方为自己,其代表,继承人及受让人,同意:(1)抵押人,或者抵押人的任何代表,继承人,受让人或附属者中任何一方不得个人对主要贷款金额负责;(2)贷方,以及任何代表,继承人或受托人仅能将本抵押协议中定义的财产作为支付债务,不得以获得承诺抵押品后仍有任何损失为由向抵押人,或者抵押人的任何代表,继承人,受让人或附属者提出任何索赔,采取任何行动或起诉,除非有下述情况。 Provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Pledgor is and will remain personally liable for any deficiency remaining after collection of the Pledges Collateral to the extent of any loss suffered by Lender, or its representatives, successors, endorsees or assigns, is caused by Pledgor based in whole or in part upon damages arising from any fraud, misrepresentations or the breach of any representation, warranty or agreement in the Loan Documents. 尽管如前述事项,但如果抵押人个人正在并保持对获得承诺抵押品之后依然存在的任何贷方,或者其代表,继承人,被背书人或受让人蒙受的任何程度的损失负责,及任何由抵押人对陈述,保证或贷款文件中的协议进行任何欺骗,歪曲引起的整体或部分损失。 SECTION 4 SCOPE OF PLEDGE AND REDELIVERY OF THE PLEDGED COLLATERAL 第四条 承诺抵押品的抵押范围及重新发运 4.1 Pledge Absolute. The Pledgor hereby agrees that this Pledge Agreement shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunder shall be binding upon the Pledgor and that the Pledge of the Pledged Collateral hereunder shall be irrevocable and unconditional, irrespective of the validity, legality or enforceability of the Loan Agreement and any other Loan Document, even in the absence of any action to enforce the same, the waiver or consent by the Lender with respect to any provision thereof, or any action to enforce the same or any other similar circumstances. The Pledgor hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand of payment, filing of claims with a court in the event of merger or bankruptcy of the Pledgor, any notice to require a proceeding first against the Pledgor or any other Person, protest or notice with respect to indebtedness evidenced hereby and all demands whatsoever, and covenants that this Agreement will remain in full force and effect so long as any Obligations under the Loan Agreement remains unpaid. 绝对承诺。抵押人在此同意本抵押协议对抵押人构成约束,在本协议内对抵押品的承诺应对抵押人构成约束,本协议内对抵押品的承诺应为不可撤销,无条件的,不论贷款协议或者其他贷款文件的有效性,合法性和强制性,甚至无论任何相同行为的执行,贷方有关协议中的任何条款的弃权或同意,或者执行任何相同或类似情况的行为。在此,如果抵押人面对并购和破产,对抵押人或者其他人首先提出诉讼要求的任何通知,与协议中证实的债务相关的声明及通知,以所有要求,将放弃在法庭上的注意程度,陈述,支付索取和索赔的提出,保证本协议保持完全有效,并且在贷款协议下尚有任何未偿还债务时均保持有效。 4.2 Termination and Redelivery of the Pledged Collateral. This Agreement shall terminate when all of the Pledgor’s Obligations have been paid in full. Within five business days of the Pledgor’s satisfaction of the Obligations, the Lender shall reassign all right, title, ownership and interest in identical securities, as described in IRC 1058 to the Pledgor and redeliver the Pledged Collateral, without recourse or warranty, at the sole expense of the Lender. The Lender shall also deliver appropriate instruments of reassignment and release. Provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reinstated if any payment in respect of the Obligations is rescinded, invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential or otherwise required to be restored or returned by the Lender for any reason, including without limitation by reason of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the Pledgor or any other person. For the purpose of this Pledge Agreement and the Loan Documents, a return of identical securities means a return of the Pledged Shares as modified as a result of any split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the Pledged Shares. Any cash or shares tendered to buy down the Loan due to the occurrence of an Event of Default are not subject to redelivery and do not become part of the Pledged Collateral. 协议终止及承诺抵押品的重新发运。本协议于抵押人所有债务完全付清之后终止。在抵押人付清债务的五个工作日内,贷方应如IRC 1058中的描述向抵押人重新分配相同有价证券中的一切权利,所有权和利益,无追索权或保证的情况下重新运送承诺抵押品,费用仅由 篇二:委贷006抵押合同 英文 鉴于Whereas 一、 (下称“债务人”)与乙方及(下称“委托贷款人”)签订了编号为 的 《委托贷款合同》(以下称“主合同”); 二、甲方愿意为债务人在主合同项下的`债务提供抵押担保; 三、委托贷款人委托乙方作为委托贷款人的代理人以乙方的名义与甲方签署本合同。 经协商一致,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。 Ⅰ.(hereinafter called “debtor”) signed the number The Entrusted Loan Contract (hereinafter called “main contract”) with Party B and (hereinafter called “entrusted lender”); Ⅱ.Party A is willing to provide mortgage guarantee for the debtor under the main contract; Ⅲ.Entrusted lender entrusts Party B as his or her agent signing this contract with Party A in the name of Party B. By consensus, both Parties signed this contract, in order to observe together. 第一条 抵押财产 甲方以本合同 “抵押财产清单”所列之财产设定抵押。 Article 1 The mortgaged property Party A setting mortgages as "The mortgaged property list" of this contract. 第二条 担保范围 主合同项下本金(币种) (金额大写) 及利息(包括复利和罚息)、违约金、赔偿金、债务人 应向委托贷款人支付的其他款项以及实现主合同项下债权与担保权利而发生的费用(包括但不限于诉 讼费、仲裁费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费、公证费、送达费、公告费、律师费 等)。 Under the items of the main contract, the debtor shall pay to entrusted lender like principal( currency )(ammount in words), interests( including compound interest and penalty interest), penalty, compensation, and some other payments, and including costs caused by achieving creditor's rights and guarantee right (including but not limited in legal fees, arbitration fees, property preservation fees, travel expenses, execution fees, valuation fees, auction fees, notaries fees, delivery fees, advertising fees, counsel fees, etc.) 第三条 抵押财产登记 双方应于本合同签订后个工作日内到相应的登记部门办理抵押登记手续。甲方应于抵 押登记完成之日将抵押财产的他项权利证书、抵押登记文件正本原件及其他权利证书交乙 方持有。 Article 3 Mortgaged property registration The two Parties shall go to the corresponding registration department to handle the mortgage registration formalities after signing the contract in working days. Party A shall give the mortgaged property and certificates of other rights, the original copy of mortgage registration documents and other certificates of rights to Party B to hold the day of complement of mortgage registration. 第四条 主合同变更 一、如果主合同条款变更,甲方同意对变更后的主合同项下债务承担担保责任。但未经甲方事先同意,主合同项下债务履行期限延长或债权本金金额增加的,甲方仅依照本合同的约定对变更前的主合同项下债务承担担保责任。 二、委托贷款人或债务人发生改制、合并、兼并、分立、增减资本、合资、联营、更名等情形,甲方的担保责任不发生减免。 三、主合同项下债权转移给第三人的,甲方应协助办理抵押变更登记手续。 Article 4 Alteration of main contract I If the main terms of the contract change, Party agreed to assume security responsibility for the main contract after the change in debt. But without the prior consent of the PartyA, the main contract to fulfill the debt or extend the period of the principal amount of debt increases, Party A only assume security responsibility for the main contract before the change in debt in accordance with this contract. II Entrusted lender or debtor restructuring, merger, consolidation, division, increase or decrease of capital, joint ventures, joint venture, renamed and other circumstances, no guarantee liability waiver occurred Party A. III Claims under the main contract to a third party, the Party A shall assist for mortgage registration changes. 第五条 抵押财产的占有、保管与保险 一、甲方应妥善地对抵押财产进行占有、保管和维修保养,合理使用抵押财产,维持抵押财产完好,按时缴纳与抵押财产相关的各项税费。 二、甲方委托或同意第三方占有、保管、使用抵押财产的,应当告知该第三方抵押权的存在,并要求其保持抵押财产的完好。甲方不因此免除前款中的义务,同时应对该第三方的行为承担责任。 三、抵押财产造成人身或财产损害的,应由甲方自行承担赔偿责任。如果乙方或委托贷款人因此遭到索赔而承担了责任,或为甲方垫付了赔偿金,则乙方或委托贷款人有权向甲方追偿。 四、抵押财产的保险由甲方与委托贷款人另行协商。 Article 5 Possession , custody and insurance of the mortgaged property I Party A should be properly carried out occupy, custody and maintenance for the mortgaged property, rational use of the mortgaged property to maintain the integrity of the mortgaged property, pay all the taxes of mortgaged property-related timely. II Party A agreed or entrusted a third party to occupy, custody and use of the mortgaged property, it shall inform the existence of the third-party mortgage, and request the mortgaged property intact. Party A is not exempt obligations of the preceding paragraph, while should addressing the responsible for the behavior of the third party. III The mortgaged property causing damage to persons or property, shall be liable for their own party. If Party B or entrusted lender are claimed the liability for, or paid compensation for Party A, Party B or entrusted lender shall have the right to recourse against the party a. IV The insurance of the mortgaged property will be negotiated additionally by Party A and the entrusted lender. 篇三:担保合同中英文对照 担保合同中英文对照 供参考 担保协议Guarantee Agreement 担保合同,(适用于银行担保项下)(Applicable to Bank Guarantee) 1.作为委托人的(以下称“委托人”)和 2.作为保证人的XX银行股份有限公司 ( 以下称“保证人” )签署。 This Guarantee Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of (M/D/Y) between as the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") and Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”). □本协议构成委托人与保证人签订的编号为 年 字第号的《授信协议》 (下称《授信协议》)的组成部分(本条适用的,在□中打“√”)。 The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [20 ] No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”) between the Client and the Guarantor (if this paragraph applies, please click “√” in □). 鉴于: Whereas 1.委托人或被担保人 (以下简称被担保人)与 于 年月日签署了总金额为 币 的编号为 的关 于 的合同/ 标书(以下简称“合同”),或委托人 或被担保人参加了招标书编号为 关于 项目的投标 (以下简称“投标”); 1. The Client or the Guaranteed (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”) signed No.Contract on/ Bid Document totaling (Currency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) withon (M/D/Y), or the Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender forProject with Bid Document No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”); 2.委托人申请保证人为委托人或被担保人开立上述合同或投标项下以 为受益人(以下称“受益人”),金额 币 ,编号为 的保函/备用信用证(下称“保函”)。 2. The Client applies to the Guarantor to open No. Letter of Guarantee/Stand-by LC (hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Guarantee”) with an amount of(Currency) under the above Contract or Bid for the Client or the Guaranteed with as the Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”). 保证人同意应委托人申请按如下条件为委托人或被担保人向受益人开具上述保函: The Guarantor agrees to issue the above letter of guarantee in favor of the beneficiary for the Client or the Guaranteed upon request of the Client on the following terms and conditions: 第1条 在保证人开立保函之前,委托人应根据保证人的要求: Article 1 Before the Guarantor issues the letter of guarantee, the Client shall upon request of the Guarantor: 1.1 向保证人提供下列保障(以下项目根据实际情况打“√”选择): 1.1 Provide the Guarantor with the following security (please click “√” according to facts): □1.1.1 在保证人处开立保证金账户(保证金账号为以保证金存入时甲方系统自动生成的帐 号为准),存入金额为 币 的保证金,作为委托人履行本协议项下各项义 务的质押担保,以备受益人索赔时偿付;和/或 □1.1.1 Open a guarantee fund account (A/C is generated automatically by Party A’s system when the guarantee fund is deposited) with the Guarantor, and deposit a guarantee fund of (Currency)as a pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement, and indemnify the Beneficiary at the time of claim; and/or □1.1.2经保证人认可的企业法人、其他组织或自然人向保证人签发以保证人为受益人的不 可撤销反担保书;和/或 □1.1.2 Have any corporation, or other organization or natural person recognized by the Guarantor issue the Guarantor with an irrevocable letter of counter guarantee in favor of the Guarantor; and/or □1.1.3以保证人接受的抵押物或质物抵(质)押给保证人,以作为偿付担保。双方另订抵(质) 押合同。(做删除标记) 本合同为《授信协议》项下具体合同的,本条款不适用,本合同项下债务自动纳入与保证人 签署了最高额抵/质押合同或向保证人出具了最高额不可撤销担保书的担保人的担保范围。If the Contract is a particular contract under the Credit Extension Agreement, this Article will be inapplicable, and the obligations under the Contract will be automatically included into the scope of undertaking by the undertaker signing a maximum mortgage/pledge contract with the guarantor or issuing the guarantor with a maximum irrevocable letter of undertaking. 1.2应保证人要求向保证人提供下列文件的正本或经委托人法定代表人签字并加盖公章证 实为真实和完整的副本; 1.2 Upon request of the guarantor, provide the Guarantor with the original copies of the following documents or the duplicate copies signed by the legal representative of the Client and stamped with the official seal for proof of authenticity and integrity; 1.2.1委托人及/或被担保人的营业执照; 1.2.1 The business license of the Client and/or the Guaranteed; 1.2.2委托及/或被担保人的公司章程; 1.2.2 The articles of association of the Client and/or the Guaranteed; 1.2.3委托人全体现任董事名单及签字样本; 1.2.3 The name list and the specimen signature of all the current directors of the Client; 1.2.4同意委托人签署并执行本协议的委托人的董事会决议; 1.2.4 The resolution of the board of directors of the Client approving the Client to sign and execute the Agreement; 1.2.5委托人或被担保人与受益人签署的合同;或受益人的招标文件,投标人的投标文件;(做 删除标记) 1.2.6委托人的上年度财务报表及审计报告书,以及申请前一个月的财务数据; 1.2.6 The Client’s financial statements and auditor’s report for the last year, and financial data for the month before the application; 1.2.7抵押物或质物的权属证件(若有抵押物或质物时);(做删除标记) 1.2.8保证人要求的其他资料。 1.2.8 Other materials as requested by the Guarantor. 上述手续或材料以保证人实际要求的为准,并且为保证人应享有的权利而非义务,有关手续 或材料是否完全齐备对本协议效力不构成影响。 The provision of the above formalities or materials shall be based upon the actual request of the Guarantor, which is a right entitled to but not a duty assumed by the Guarantor, and their completeness and fullness will not affect the legal force of the Agreement. 华译网翻译公司提供专业担保合同翻译服务。Shanghai Chinese consecutive interpretation service 华译网翻译公司提供专业同声传译服务。 第2条 委托人在此向保证人声明、承诺和保证如下: Article 2 The Client hereby makes a declaration, commitment and warrant to the Guarantor as follows: 2.1委托人为依照中华人民共和国法律正式成立及有效存在的商事主体,有充分的民事行为能力签订和履行本协议; 2.1 The Client is a commercial subject legally incorporated and validly in existence under the laws of the P. R. of China, and has full civil capacity to sign and perform the Agreement; 2.2委托人有合法的资格签署及履行本协议,签订和履行本合同已获得董事会或任何其他有权机构的充分授权; 2.2 The Client is eligible to sign and perform the Agreement, and has obtained the full authorization of the Board of Directors or any other competent authorities to sign and perform the Contract; 2.3 委托人或被担保人有合法资格与受益人签署合同,有足够的能力履行与受益人签署的合同;委托人保证委托人或被担保人履行与受益人签署的合同,并有义务及时向保证人通报履约情况及出现的问题; 2.3 The Client or the Guaranteed is eligible to sign the Contract with the Beneficiary, and has full capacity to perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary; and the Client undertakes that the Client or the Guaranteed shall perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary, and has duty to inform the Guarantor about the performance of contract and any issue arisen in due course; 2.4 委托人接受和认可保证人向受益人开立的保函的内容; 2.4 The Client accepts and acknowledges the contents of the letter of guarantee issued by the Guarantor to the Beneficiary; 2.5 委托人保证不使保证人因为开具保函而蒙受任何损害和损失; 2.5 The Client undertakes to protect the Guarantor from any damage or loss as a result of issuing the letter of guarantee; 2.6 委托人无条件地同意保证人按有关法律规定及/或在无其他约定的情况下按办理保函项下的一切事宜,并承担由此产生的责任; 2.6 The Client unconditionally agrees the Guarantor shall handle any matters under the letter of guarantee according to the relevant provisions of the laws except otherwise stipulated, and assume any liability arisen therefrom; 2.7委托人保证当受益人向保证人索赔时,委托人无条件承担第一位付款责任; 2.7 The Client undertakes that where the Beneficiary claims against the Guarantor, the Client shall unconditionally assume the primary liability for payment; 2.8委托人保证保函项下的项目符合国家有关法律法规的规定,由于项目本身而产生的一切经济和法律责任由委托人承担,与保证人无任何关联; 2.8 The Client undertakes that the project under the letter of guarantee conforms to the provisions of the laws and regulations of the state, and any economic and legal liability arisen from the project itself shall be only borne by the Client, but have no relationship with the Guarantor; 2.9委托人同意按本协议规定,按期足额支付上述保函项下的依照保证人要求应付的各项费用; 2.9 The Client agrees to duly pay in full any expenses payable under the above letter of guarantee upon request of the Guarantor according to the provisions of the Agreement; 2.10 委托人同意保证人仅有义务审核保函项下受益人提交的索赔文件、单据或证明(以下统称“索赔文件”)的表面真实性,而不对索赔文件所述事实的真实性负任何责任; 2.10 The Client agrees that the Guarantor only has duty to examine the apparent authenticity of the claim documents, vouchers or certificates (hereinafter uniformly referred to as the “claim documents”) submitted by the Beneficiary under the letter of guarantee, but assume no liability for the authenticity of the facts stated in the claim documents; 2.11委托人同意当因汇率波动或可能发生波动或保函修改等原因导致保证金账户资金不足时,将按保证人的要求不时存入足额资金,该资金自存入保证金账户之日起视为特定化并移交保证人占有,作为委托人履行本协议项下各项义务的质押担保; 2.11 The Client agrees to deposit adequate fund from time to time upon request of the Guarantor where the guarantee fund account falls short due to any movement or would-be movement of exchange rates or any amendment to the letter of guarantee, and such fund shall be deemed as designated and handed over to the occupancy of the Guarantor as of the date when it is deposited into the guarantee fund account as the pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement; 2.12 委托人同意在办理保函业务时,如邮电、电讯传递过程中发生的任何延误、遗失、残缺或其他差错,保证人无须承担责任; 2.12 The Client agrees that the Guarantor shall assume no liability for any delay, loss, defect or other error incurred in the process of posts and telecommunications transmission at the time of handling the guarantee business; 2.13 委托人保证按季向保证人报送贷后检查所需财务数据及与保函业务相关的资料。 2.13 The Client undertakes to submit the Guarantor with any financial data required for post-loan examination and any materials related to the guarantee business quarterly. |
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