标题 | 英语写作课公开课课件 |
范文 | 英语写作课公开课课件 课题: 看图书面表达(Writing A Story) 教学目的: 教会学生如何用英语描写一个过去的故事。 教学重点: 引导学生先仔细观察所给图片,掌握故事的中心意思。然后 依次确定出描述每幅图所需的中心词,并由词成句,由句成文。最后对文章的篇章结构进行修改,实现用词准确,行文流畅。 教学辅助手段: 电脑(或实物投影仪) 教学方法: 讨论法 教学步骤: 一、展示 (Presentation) 1.通过计算机展示上次作为作业的看图书面表达材料。(帮助回 顾、加深印象) 2.将含有学生在作业中所犯典型错误的文章展示出来,作为改错进 行练习。 二、讨论 (Discussion) 1.学生两人一组,讨论文章的优缺点,并对错误之处进行修改。 2. 请找到错误的学生现场指出并改正错误之处,其他学生一起评判 对错:若改对了,教师可用鼠标单击文中的那处错误,原本隐含的修改部分便会显示出来;若没改对,可接着请其他学生帮忙。(在进行此步骤时,学生无须根据文章的先后逐行挑错,只要找到错误即可发言。) 3. 教师总结。首先,针对文中学生未找出或改对的错误,帮助学生一起改正。其次,对文中的错误之处进行分类(如:名词复数、动词时态、介词等),引起学生的重视。 三、展示 (Presentation) 通过计算机展示给学生一篇新的看图书面表达材料。要求学生仔细观察所给图片,掌握故事的中心意思。 四、讨论 (Discussion) 1.学生两人一组(必要时可变为四人一组,增强协作性),针对每幅图进行讨论,并确定描述每幅图的中心词。 2. 按图片的先后顺序,分别要求几组学生将他们的讨论结果告诉大家,由大家一起来讨论用词是否恰当及如何改正。同时,教师将这些词按图片顺序依次输入计算机,展示给大家(也可通过实物投影仪展示)。 五、练习 (Practice) 要求学生参考中心词,写出描述每幅图的一两个句子,输入计算机(若通过实物投影仪展示,可写在纸上)。 六、反馈 (Feedback) 1.通过计算机,选取两位学生所写的第一幅图的两组句子,展示给大家(也可通过实物投影仪展示)。和其他学生一起对句中的语法错误进行修改。 2. 重复此步骤,展示其它几幅图的句子。 3. 从每幅图的两组句子中各挑选一组,将这些刚改正的`无语法错误的句子,通过计算机组合成文,重新展示给学生。 七、讨论 (Discussion) 要求学生先朗读全文(由于此时的文章是由各自独立的句子罗列而成,句子之间必然缺乏连贯性。学生只有通读全文,才会发现)。然后分组讨论如何对篇章结构进行修改,使文章更连贯。 八、反馈 (Feedback) 1.通过计算机,请学生先对他们认为不连贯的地方进行修改,教师引导其他学生进行讨论并给予必要的补充和修改,实现用词准确、行文流畅。 2.展示范文并指出范文中的精彩之处。 九、巩固 (Consolidation) 总结写此类看图书面表达的思路:掌握全文中心——确定每幅图的中心词——由词成句——由句成文——修改篇章结构。 十、作业 (Homework) 发给学生另一篇看图书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。 Teaching Plan I. Topic: Writing A story II. Teaching Aim: According to the pictures of a story, teach the students how to write a story using the effective sentences. III. Key Points: Teach the students how to get the key words of each picture and how to use effective sentences to complete a coherent composition. IV. Teaching Aids: Computer V. Teaching Method: Discussion VI. Teaching Procedure: Step 1.Presentation Present the composition with the typical mistakes made by the students to the class. Step 2.Discussion 1.Let the students work in pairs to discuss the composition and try to find out as many mistakes as they can. 2.Ask some students to correct the mistakes in public. At the same time, present the right ones to the whole class. 3.Classify the typical mistakes. Step 3.Presentation Present the pictures of a story to the class. Give the students two minutes to look through the pictures and try to get the main idea of the story. Step 4.Discussion 1.Let the students work in groups of four to get the key words of each picture orally. 2. Ask several students to report their answers to the rest of the class. Present these key words to the whole class. Step 5.Writing According to the key words, ask the students to write down their own sentences about each picture. Step 6.Feedback 1.Present two students’ sentences about Picture 1 to the class as models, and then correct their grammar mistakes with the whole class. 2.Present another two students’sentences about Picture 2 to the class and correct the grammar mistakes too. 3.Repeat this step with the other pictures. 4.Choose either of the models from each picture to make up a passage. Present it to the class. Step 7.Discussion Give the students a few minutes to discuss how to make these sentences more effective and how to make this passage more coherent. Step 8.Feedback 1.Correct this passage with the whole class. 2.Present the model to the class. 3.Emphasize the way of writing this kind of composition. Step 9. Assignment Write another story as homework. |
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