标题 | 新加坡个人出国留学申请书格式 |
范文 | 新加坡个人出国留学申请书格式 我们眼下的社会,申请书起到的作用越来越大,写申请书的时候要注意内容的完整。什么样的申请书才是合理的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的新加坡个人出国留学申请书格式,欢迎阅读与收藏。 Dear _, My interest in young children first began my niece was born while my sisterwas still living with us. On a daily basis I would help care for the baby and Igained a large sense of my responsibility over those four years. Due to this, Ihave had a growing aspiration to work with young children. I feel that the firstfew years of a baby’s life need numerous positive role models. I have chosen toapply for this course because I consider myself to be a very maternal person andI believe this work to be enormously rewarding. Therefore I am expecting topursue a career with young children, preferably those aged from birth to 5years. I undertook work experience for Liverpool City Council working in thePlanning and Building Control Department for a fortnight during March 20xx. Icarried out general administration including, filing, photocopying, faxing andanswering phone calls. I feel this has developed my organisational andcommunication skills. In addition to this, I enhanced my computer literacy byperforming data entry tasks, printing, using the intranet and typing letters.This experience has helped me to work independently and to use my initiativewhen required. Throughout summer 20xx I worked as a volunteer at Sefton Resource Centrefor young people with disabilities. I worked with young children ranging fromages 3 to 8. I embarked on necessary training needed to care for the children inaccordance to their disability and age. During this experience my sense ofresponsibility increased. This was because I had to keep watch of at least twochildren who, because of their disability, had no real sense of danger. As wellas this, I feel that I now have a greater amount of empathy for the parentsbecause I had experienced only a few hours a week of their primaryresponsibility and their children’s need for dependency.教育学个人陈述#e# I was assigned one child each day in which I was expected to take fullresponsibility for, this would be during trips to places such as the swimmingbaths and even when on site. Although I found this to be difficult on someoccasions, I enjoyed it and I formed a strong bond with a fair few of thechildren. I am currently applying for voluntary work experience for multiple othernurseries within Liverpool, those including The Little Georgian Day Nursery inthe City Centre and put in another application for Sefton Resource Centre.SinceI can remember, I have always had an understanding of those with disabilities.My cousin has moderate learning difficulties which has a large affect on hermental age; I frequently visit her and find that I enjoy being in her company asshe is a very optimistic person. Furthermore, one of my close friends previouslystarred in a documentary for BBC 3’s Beauty Season which was centred aroundsociety’s perceptions of beauty, as she has lived with Apert syndrome she hasexperienced many feelings of seclusion and situations of negativity, such asbullying. I found that these situations made her a stronger person and myfriends and I have helped her through her recovery from over 20 operations. Ihave high expectations and a large amount of respect for her and every otherperson who suffers from physical or mental disabilities. I was previously amember of Liverpool’s Team Oasis at Greenbank Sports Academy in which Iparticipated in performing arts activities, such as acting, dancing and singing.From this I gained confidence and was able to improve my speaking skills, whichhas helped me speak in front of large audiences with ease. This has proven to beuseful when doing a school assembly for years seven and eight explaining theimportance of recycling and keeping the environment green. Yours sincerely, 张三.com/shenqing/ 新加坡留学有什么优势 1、高额奖学金,性价比高 在没有任何优惠政策的条件下,新加坡的大学学费普遍在3-5万新币(约合人民币15-20w),当然根据不同专业有细微差异,但这比起英美等主流的留学地来说,已经便宜了不少。 利好消息是,新加坡的政府和学校对留学生有不同程度的学费减免政策,帮助留学生将学费控制在合理且亲民的范围内。 减免力度的是新加坡提出的SO资助政策,某些专业的毕业生在新加坡工作或自主创业3年后,可以减免50%左右的学费。 针对有经济压力的学生,新加坡的学校会提供助学金(奖学金)。以新加坡国立大学为例,面向留学新生的奖学金就有8种,还有专门向亚太地区留学生提供的奖学金。 新国立大学认为“学生的'未来是它的投资(We believe your future is ourinvestment)”,学生只要对学习有热情,不论是什么国籍,学什么专业,都有机会获得奖学金。因此在新加坡奖学金申请并不那么困难。 2、教育资源优质 作为“亚洲四小龙”,新加坡的教育资源在亚洲地区处于优势,世界范围内也是名列前茅,其中新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学多年蝉联QS世界大学排名前20,排名亚洲地区第一、二位。 新加坡的教育制度和课程体系跟英国相仿,吸收了英国教育的精华,采用国际普遍认可的教材与课程,学历文凭得到国际权威和主流的广泛认同。 3、语言交流困难小 新加坡作为移民国家,人们几乎都掌握两门语言,也有相当大一部分人掌握三种以上的语言。 新加坡约有70%以上的华人,中英双语都是新加坡的官方通用语言,并且文化习俗和信仰都与中国有较多的相同点,中国留学生更容易融入当地生活。 学校采用中英双语教学,日常生活中留学生也可以自由切换中文和英语与他人交流,有效提高自身的英语交流能力。 4、地理优越,社会稳定 位于东南亚的新加坡,相比英美澳这些留学地,交通更加被便利,例如从广州到新加坡的樟宜机场只需不到4小时。并且新加坡是的“花园国家”,四季如春,绿树成荫,空气质量好,整体居住环境优异。 新加坡政府大力推动法治,法律号称世界最严,是世界上犯罪率极低的国家之一,也是亚洲最安全的国家之一。 新加坡跟伦敦、纽约一样作为世界金融中心,经济发达。并且作为移民城市,文化包容性极强,无论是美食还是建筑,留学生都可以在这里找到归属感。 5、陪读政策提高安全指数 新加坡政府对于16周岁以下的未成年人有陪读,母亲、姥姥和奶奶中可以选择其中一人陪同孩子到新加坡学习。 如果家里的人没有时间或不适合陪孩子到新加坡,需要指定一名新加坡公民或永久居民作为孩子的监护人。 这项强制举措,极大程度确保了孩子在海外留学的安全。 新加坡留学注意事项 一、语言方面需要注意的问题 去新加坡读书是需要一些需要基础的,对于一些语言基础薄弱的学生,先在国内把语言学好,如果没有达到也是不能通过的。另一方面在新加坡读书,和人交流有障碍、语言不通,也是不行的。 二、学校学习注意事项 学生在新加坡的目的就是学习,在新加坡学习,学生如果出勤率很低的话,没有达到学校的合格率,是会被学校警告的,如果学生超过三天无故旷课也是会被学校警告,连续七天旷课,就要告知移民局了,出勤率对于学生准正的申请也是很有影响的,出勤率在百分之九十以下,学校一般是不会通过的。在新加坡读书,如果是超过了时间还在新加坡,是会被罚款的,严重的还会被监禁,以后想要再申请签证就很难通过了。在新加坡读书,学生是有打工严格限制的,达到某些要求才可以打工,打工也是有时间限制的,每个星期打工时间在十六个小时以下,一般的私立学校是不允许打工的。 三、日常生活注意事项 在新加坡读书,饮食和衣服的价格和国内相比是比较便宜的,但是电子产品要比国内的贵,在收拾要带的东西的时候,要想清楚哪些东西是必须带的,哪些东西带了也是麻烦的;学生想要在自己租房子的话,是租在学校周围的房子,一是离学校很近二是比较安全一点;新加坡的交通是比较方便的,学生可以购买易通卡,价格是由优惠的。 四、其他事项 在新加坡的公共场合,是不能唱歌跳舞的,麻烦别人、给别人制造噪音等等只要是一切扰民的活动都不能进行,都会被罚款;破坏公共场合的财产,比如在墙上乱涂乱画、爬树、采花等,也会被罚款;随地乱扔垃圾、高空抛物,被发现也是要被罚款的;在新加坡只能买到药用的口香糖,非药用的是买不到的,一旦被发现买了或者是卖给别人口香糖是要交高额的罚款或者是要坐牢的。 |
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