标题 | 电厂转正实习报告 |
范文 | 电厂转正实习报告 导语:实习报告是指各种人员实习期间需要撰写的对实习期间的工作学习经历进行描述的文本。它是应用写作的重要文体之一。以下是小编整理电厂转正实习报告的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 一、实习目的 通过参观和参与工厂的生产实际,将理论知识与生产实践相结合,优化知识结构,提高思考分析能力,电厂实习报告。在参观过程中,通过向技术人员提问学习,了解与初步掌握本专业相关产品技术参数等方面的实际知识和相关标准,增强对锅炉、汽轮机系统及辅助设备的组成及结构的具体知识,为今后专业课程的学习、专业课程设计及毕业设计打下良好的基础。此外,经过对电厂的实地了解,为今后步入社会作必要的心理准备。 二、实习内容 今天是到XX发电厂的第一天,从来的路上就对XX有了不错的印象。干净的地面,干净的天空,总之就是清新感觉。XX发电厂位于XXXX区,距渤海湾很近,装机容量4台30万。厂区干净有序,到处洋溢着勤奋拼搏的新气息。初来札到,最先要解决的是生活问题,吃饭饮水无疑又是重中之重,最让人无奈的是XX的食堂开饭在6点,而习惯了学校5点吃饭的我们,多少有点措手不及,只好忍着咕咕直叫的肚子,匆忙中寻求新的解决途径。一顿酒饱饭足之后,又开始了做了四年的娱乐生活。大家的口中,多少有些报怨,最多的还是对实习的憧憬,以及各自心里的一些小九九,渴望美好的周末快快到来吧… 熟悉地理环境,是我们每到一个新地方的首要任务。利用饭后的时间,叫上三两同学,就开始了我们的XX之旅。XX的建筑很有特点,都是统一的黄墙红瓦造型,也使生活区看起来井然有序,错落有致。塑胶大操场看起来特别诱人,要能在绿色的草坪上踢上一场足球就更好了。足球场、篮球场…各种设施一应俱全。更让人兴奋的是文体中心,在这儿,员工可以尽情地放松,台球、乒乓球、KTV…外面有的,咱XX也有,我不禁向往着在XX工作了。文体中心的后面是职工医院,充分体现了XX的人性化。不知不觉已经在XX转了近一个小时了,对XX也有初步的了解,相信这次XX之旅定会收获不小。 今天是到XX发电厂的第二天,依照安排,早早就起床了,也如愿以偿地吃上了电厂食堂的早饭,感觉还不错,要比学校的好上很多。在带队李老师的领导下,我们来到了培训中心,开始了正式的培训日程,实习报告《电厂实习报告》。 首先,有电厂的杨工,给我介绍了一下电厂的安全规程。作为不止一次到过电厂的电力学生,对它是绝对的了解。不过杨工的介绍还是很有特色的,一个个鲜活的例子,让我们记忆犹新,表情也不自觉的严肃了起来。在接下来的时间里,杨工又对XX发电厂了详细的介绍。XX发电厂始于1978年,分两期工程建设,一期引进了意大利公司的2*30万燃油机组,与1980年投产。在当时来说是非常先进的,控制系统采用的是贝利的820系统。二期工程以服务亚运会为目的,与1990开工建设,机组为2*30万燃煤机组,同为意大利进口。在国内,XX电厂可以从两方面来说。一是大,在当时国内的发电厂中,XX以130万的总装机容量在全国摇摇领先,可以说是全国发电行业的佼佼者,而且XX在设备水平和运行管理水平上,都是电力行业的领军者。二是老,XX从开工建设至今,已经伴随着新中国的成长,经历了30年的风雨,见证了新中国的辉煌发展,相对于新建设的电厂,XX可以说是它们学习的榜样和前辈。随着国际油价的变化,两台燃煤机组已经不能适应新的市场环境,于2000年停止运行。在当时华北局的批准下,XX于2002年起开始燃油改燃煤项目,将一期的两台燃油机组改造成燃煤机组。其中2号机组于2004年改造完成,并投入发电,2005年终1号机组也完成改造投入使用。在改造1号机组的同时,加装了一期脱硫装置。如今,二期工程的脱硫装置也正在安装中。相信不久的'XX会建设的更加美好。 有了上午对XX的初步了解,我们也迫不及待的想去厂区看看了。下午,电厂的刘工介绍一下电厂的给媒系统。在我们看来,给媒是一件很简单的事,可对于电厂这个用煤大户来说,可真不是一件容易的事。先要把煤从火车上卸下,就要用到专门的设备——翻转机,翻转机的一般倾角是160度,不同的翻转机的工作方式和工作能力也是不同的。卸下来的煤又要经过皮带才能被送到煤厂。XX的煤厂油A区和B区之分,两煤厂的储煤量都是12万吨,再加上两个中间储煤仓,一共可以储存15万吨的煤,大约可以供应电厂20天的用煤量。煤从煤厂运到磨煤机,又要经过23条皮带,40多道工序,用到的设备也是各式各样。这么复杂的系统,要很好的控制起来也是非常困难的。它不仅要考虑设备工作的逻辑关系,还要考虑煤块的大小、湿度、媒质等因素。真是不简单啊!。参观中我们发现了一个奇怪的现象,XX的锅炉等设备都用板材统一包了起来,与我们以往所见的电厂有所不同。在老师的讲解下我们才明白了,与南方的电厂不同,北方的天气比较冷,所以为了提高热效率,就将锅炉等热的设备包在了保温层内。 今天是到XX发电厂的第三天,上午安排的是锅炉部分,由运行的刘工介绍。锅炉大家都很熟悉了,不过刘工的介绍却使我大有所获。XX最大的特色就是:它是我国第一个运用淡水发电的火电厂。锅炉以及冷却用水都取源于大海,极大节约了珍贵的淡水资源。不过在海水淡化的过程中也遇到了一些难题,比如海生物的过度繁衍。在输水管道口,由于电厂特殊的排放温度,使得海蛎子大量的繁殖,附在管道壁,有的还进入管道,直接对设备和生产的安全造成了威胁。最初的做法是向海水里投放化学药物,利用化学药物的毒性来毒杀海蛎子。这种做法有一定的效果,但是却给海洋里的其他生物也造成了威胁。经过旗下海得润滋子公司的多年研究,终于开发出一种新的针对性药物,效果非常的明显,有效保障了电厂生产的安全。不过,从中我们可以看出,人类在获取能源的过程中,也给生态环境带来了极大的破坏,所以我们要保护好环境,尽我们最大的努力较少污染排放,开发出新的清洁能源。 延伸阅读(英语版): I. purpose of the internship By visiting and participating in the production practice of the factory, combining theoretical knowledge with production practice, optimizing the knowledge structure, improving the thinking and analysis ability, and the internship report of the power plant. During the visit, through ask technician to study, understand and preliminary grasp our professional related products technical parameters of practical knowledge and the related standard, enhancement of the boiler and steam turbine system and auxiliary equipment, the structure and composition of specific knowledge, professional courses, professional for the future lay a good foundation for the course design and graduation design. In addition, through the field understanding of the power plant, to enter the society to make the necessary psychological preparation. Ii. Internship content Today is the first day of the XX power plant. I have a good impression on XX on my way. Clean ground, clean sky, pure and fresh feel. XX power plant is located in XXXX district, which is close to bohai bay and has installed capacity of 4 300 thousand. The factory is clean and orderly, and there is a new atmosphere of hard work. To Zagreb to at the beginning of the first to solve the issues of life, have a meal drinking water is most important, the most let a person helpless is XX's dining room to have dinner at six o 'clock, and we used to eat at five schools, somewhat unprepared, had to endure grumbling stomach, hurried in to seek a new way to solve. After a full meal, he began his four years of entertainment. There is a lot of bitterness in the mouth, the most of it is the expectation of the internship, and some of the little nine in their hearts, eager for a good weekend to come... Being familiar with the geographical environment is our top priority in every new place. Using the time after dinner, call three or two students, we began our journey of XX. XX's architecture is characterized by a unified yellow wall red tile, which also makes the living area look orderly and strewn with mistakes. The plastic playground looks particularly inviting, and it would be better to play a football on the green lawn. Football field, basketball court... All kinds of facilities are available. More exciting is the style center, where employees can relax, billiards, table tennis, KTV... There are some outside, I have XX, I can't help yearning to work in XX. The back of the style center is the staff hospital, which fully embodies the humanization of XX. I have been in XX for nearly an hour and have a preliminary understanding of XX. I believe that this trip will be a great success. Today is the second day of the XX power plant. According to the arrangement, I got up early, and I got the breakfast of the power plant canteen. I feel good, much better than the school. Under the leadership of the team li, we came to the training center and started the formal training schedule, the internship report "the plant internship report". First of all, the yanggong of the power plant introduced me to the safety regulations of the power plant. As a power student who has been to the power plant more than once, it is an absolute understanding of it. But Yang gong's introduction is still very characteristic, one by one vivid example, let us remember, the expression also unconsciously serious. In the following time, Yang gong also gave detailed introduction to XX power plant. The XX power plant began in 1978 and was built in two phases. The first phase introduced the Italian company's 2* 300 thousand fuel units, which went into production in 1980. It was very advanced at the time, and the control system was using pele's 820 system. The second phase of the project was designed to serve the Asian games and was built in 1990 with a crew of 2* 300 thousand coal-fired units, which were imported from Italy. In China, XX power plant can be from two aspects. One is big, in the domestic power plants, XX leading up to the total installed capacity of 1.3 million throughout the country, is the national power industry, and XX on the equipment level and the operation management level, is a leader in power industry. 2 it is old, XX since construction, has been accompanied by the growth of new China, after 30 years of wind and rain, witnessed the glorious development of new China, relative to the construction of new power plants, XX is arguably their learning model and predecessors. With the change of international oil price, two coal-fired units have been unable to adapt to the new market environment and ceased to operate in 2000. Under the approval of the north China bureau at the time, XX started the fuel conversion project in 2002 and converted two fuel units of the first phase into a coal-fired unit. The unit 2 was completed in 2004 and invested in power generation, and the no. 1 unit of 2005 was also completed and put into use. In the process of reforming unit 1, a desulfurization device is installed. Now, the second phase of the desulfurization device is also being installed. I believe that XX will be better built soon. With the morning's preliminary understanding of XX, we can't wait to visit the factory. In the afternoon, liu gong of the power plant introduced the power plant to the media system. In our opinion, it is very simple to give media, but it is not easy for a large coal producer. To remove the coal from the train, it is necessary to use the special equipment -- turning the transfer, the general inclination of turning the transfer is 160 degrees, and the working and working ability of different turning turns are different. The unloaded coal will be sent to the coal plant by a belt. XX coal oil A zone and B zone, two coal storage capacity is 120000 tons of coal, plus two intermediate storage bunker, can store up to 150000 tons of coal, can supply power plants about 20 days of coal. Coal is transported from the coal plant to the coal mill, and it has 23 belts and more than 40 working procedures. It is also very difficult to control such a complex system. It should not only consider the logical relation of equipment work, but also consider the size, humidity and media of coal. It's not easy! . During the visit, we found a strange phenomenon, and XX's boilers and other equipment were uniformly wrapped in sheet metal, which was different from the power plants we had seen in the past. In the teacher's explanation, we realized that, unlike the southern power plant, the weather in the north is colder, so in order to improve the thermal efficiency, the heat equipment such as the boiler is wrapped in the insulation layer. Today is the third day of the XX power plant, the morning is the boiler part, introduced by the running liu gong. The boilers are very familiar, but liu's introduction has made me big. The biggest characteristic of XX is that it is the first coal-fired power plant in China to use fresh water. Boilers and cooling water are taken from the sea, saving precious fresh water. But there are also problems with desalination, such as overbreeding of sea creatures. In the water pipe crossing, due to the discharge temperature of the power plant special, makes the oysters a large number of breeding, attached to the pipe wall, some still in piping, poses a threat to the safety of the equipment and production directly. The initial approach was to put chemical agents in seawater and use the toxicity of chemicals to poison the oysters. This has some effect, but it also poses a threat to other creatures in the ocean. After years of research, the company has developed a new targeted drug which effectively guarantees the safety of plant production. However, from which we can see that human beings in the process of access to energy, also brought great damage to the ecological environment, so we should protect the environment and do our best to less pollution emissions, developed a new clean energy. |
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