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标题 电脑画画真好玩儿英语作文




Today, I started drawing on the computer when I was in bed. First, I double-click the "drawing" applet on the computer desktop, and then I began to draw on the white screen. First, I use the ellipse tool to draw the children's face; then I use the curve tool to draw the children's eyebrows, eyes and mouth; then I use the pencil tool to draw the children's nose, hands, skirts, hair, legs and flowers in the children's hands.

一会儿,一个手捧鲜花的小朋友就画好了。接下来我把小朋友的脸涂上肉色,把头发涂上黑色,把嘴涂上红色,把裙子涂上黄色,在黄色的裙子上画上五颜六色的花,再用刷子工具在右边写上“杨雨黛画 二六班”我觉得这幅画很漂亮,我就把这幅画保存起来,并且给它取了个名字“小朋友拿花”。

In a moment, a child with flowers in his hand finished painting. Next, I painted the children's face with flesh color, hair with black color, mouth with red color, skirt with yellow color, and painted colorful flowers on the yellow skirt. Then I used the brush tool to write "Yang Yudai's painting class 26" on the right. I thought the painting was very beautiful, so I saved it and named it "children take flowers".





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