标题 | 描写压岁钱的英语作文 |
范文 | 描写压岁钱的英语作文(精选14篇) 在学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编整理的描写压岁钱的英语作文(精选14篇),欢迎大家分享。 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇1The new years money, Han customs, moral evil spirits, bless. Money first intention is town evil evil. People thinkchildren are vulnerable to infringement of sneaky, so use the money to Yasheng evil, help children safe new year,wish a healthy year children in Geely new. New Year Spring Festival, the elders will be prepared lucky money put into the red envelopes to junior, according to legend, lucky money to suppress the evil spirit, because "old" and "was" homophonic, junior get lucky money can spend a year in peace. General in the new year countdown by the elders among the younger generation, said the new year. 压岁钱,汉族年俗,寓意辟邪驱鬼,保佑平安。压岁钱最初的用意是镇恶驱邪。人们认为小孩容易受鬼祟的侵害,所以用压岁钱压胜驱邪,帮助小孩平安过年,祝愿小儿在新的一年健康吉利。 春节拜年时,长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱放进红包分给晚辈,相传压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。 一般在新年倒计时时由长辈分给晚辈,表示压岁 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇2Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 2000, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Lets imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇3Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships. According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily. How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered. One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the petition is being more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education. The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like. As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement. All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long as it is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇4Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem es that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 2000, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Lets imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇5Every year, when the new year is coming, I will be very happy, because I can receive lucky money from my relatives, so that I can have a lot of money and buy the things I want. My mother always saves part of my lucky money, she promises to return it back to me when I grow up. Thus, with the rest of the money, I will buy some books I like, such as the novel books. These books bring me a bigger world. I can explore the world and gain a lot of knowledge. Sometimes I will use these money to buy a lot of delicious food with my friends. We feel so happy to taste it. 每年,当新年即将到来的时候,我都会很开心,因为我可以从亲戚那里得到压岁钱,这样我就可以有很多钱去买我想要的东西了。 我妈妈总是把我的一部分压岁钱存起来,她答应我长大后就把钱还给我。所以剩下的钱,我会买一些我喜欢的书,比如小说。这些书让我看到了更大的世界。 我可以对这个世界进行探索并获得很多知识。有时候我会用这些钱和朋友一起去买很多好吃的。品尝到美食我们都很高兴。 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇6As everyone knows,gift money is a childrens love,because each to have the Spring Festival when the adults will give children a new gift money.Therefore,gift money can let children feel happy.However,if the gift money denominations are too big,can lead to children because the more money and splurge that spend money like water,lead to the life of a child destruction.Therefore,gift money is a double-edged sword,there are advantages and disadvantages. 众所周知,压岁钱是儿童们的最爱,因为每到过年的时候大人们都会发给孩子们崭新的压岁钱。 所以,压岁钱可以让孩子们感到快乐。但是,如果压岁钱的面额太大,就会导致孩子们因为过多的钱财而随意挥霍以至于挥金如土,导致孩子的一生毁灭。所以,压岁钱是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊。 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇7It is the money given to Childrens from their parents and grandparents as New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name "lucky money". Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their Childrens after the New Years Feast or when they come to visit them on the New Year. They choose to put the money in red envelopes because Chinese people think red is a lucky color. They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇8I do not know who is fighting began to receive more or less pleased with the annual New Years money when it does not take the new exercise books. The practice, kits, books, pens, etc. So far no study with friends waiting to buy new clothes, gloves, socks, hat show no card to buy flowers, poultry, cats and dogs not on the cinema, they seem to travel to the park or a rapidly flowing water solution misrepresent the tempo buy candy and other snacks, and Broke. Then buy a lot of absorbing contain various flavors of shrimp and other small guns to the bombing or the activities of things, It simply sounds loud even for the moon and star childhood hi too frightened to concentrate on the day of Yanmou innocent buy toy guns Dolly, photographs, puppets, pellets, Ball, Yo-yo…… curious moves for some time to soak it down so well satisfied deterioration. as though they were strangers in the ugly incomplete or buying a lottery The prizes always want the best of luck when it has yet to grow up like me, then pocket the money slip…… The Xiaoshihou learn to play a New Years money on the storage paper-box filled with the joy of your chest. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇9Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 2000, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Lets imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇10今年春节,我也有了一笔数目不小的压岁钱。手头有了这样一笔钱,就想圆我一个梦想:买滑板。妈妈不同意,还要我把压岁钱交给她由她保管,这我也不同意,于是就想方设法地把部分钱藏起来。 The Spring Festival this year, I also have a small number of year - old money. With such a sum of money, I want to make a dream round me: buy a skateboard. Mother disagreed, and I had to give her money to her to keep her, and I did not agree, so I tried to hide some of the money. 我拿着压岁钱,锁上自己房间的门,在房间里环视了一圈,选择比较了几个地方,最后找到了一块非常安全的.地方——床底。虽然这地方我挑得不错,但胖墩墩的我要钻到床底下,有点困难,但为了不让妈妈轻易发现我的压岁钱,买我心爱的滑板,我还是钻向了床底,藏压岁钱。过了几天,我不太放心压岁钱,拿着手电筒,钻到床底下,去察看压岁钱;左看右看觉得不太安全。于是,我把压岁钱再往里面塞了一点,觉得放心了就大摇大摆地走出了房间,自以为天衣无缝,没想到爸爸迎上来关心地问我:“刚才拿手电筒找什么?”我慌慌张张地回答:“没什么……”“没什么?”爸爸狐疑地看看我,径直走进了我的房间,趴在地板上,往床底下看,我急得跳了起来,只一会儿功夫,爸爸哈哈大笑着把放在床底的压岁钱拿了出来。我不甘心,又把压岁钱藏到放餐巾纸的盒子里,这次爸爸没找到,我吁了口气,暂时放心了。 I took the gift money, locked the door of his room, looked around in the room, choose a few places, finally found a very safe place - bed. Although this place I choose well, but I want to plump drill under the bed, a little difficult, but in order not to let mother easily find my gift money, buy my skateboard, I was drilled into the bed, hidden gift money. After a few days, I dont worry too much about the money, taking the flashlight, drilling under the bed, looking at the money; looking right and right, I think its not safe. So, I put the gift money to fill it out a little, feel relieved will come swaggeringly out of the room, since that didnt think my father went up to a seamless heavenly robe, asked: "I just took the flashlight to find what?" I answered: "no Huanghuangzhangzhang to what......" "Nothing?" Look at my dad suspiciously, walked into my room, lying on the floor, looking under the bed, I quickly jumped up, only after a while, dad laughed and placed in the bed of the gift money out. I was not willing, and put the money into a napkin in the box, this time dad did not find, I heaved a breath, temporarily relieved. 终究不是个办法,如果餐巾纸用完了怎么办?嗨!有了,如果餐巾纸用完了,我就把压岁钱夹在相框后面,反正要坚持到买滑板的那一天。 After all, its not a way to do it. What if the napkin is used up? Hi! Yes, if the napkins are used up, Ill put the old money behind the frame and stick to the day when the skateboard is bought. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇11Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 2000, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Lets imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇12It is the money given to Childrensfromtheir parents and grandparents as New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name "lucky money". Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their Childrens after the New Years Feast or when they come to visit them on the New Year. They choose to put the money in red envelopes because Chinese people think red is a lucky color. They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇13When the New Year is coming, I am really happy because I can get a lot of lucky money from my parents and relative. My mother will save the money for me. She tells me that she will return it to me when I grow up. I also keep part of the money to buy the things I like. The lucky money makes me have a happy New Year. 描写压岁钱的英语作文 篇14Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships. According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily. How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered. One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the competition is becoming more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education. The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like. As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement. All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long As It Is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them. 孩子们在春节期间都会很兴奋,原因很简单,他们会从父母和其他长辈那里得到“压岁钱”。按照古老的习俗,长辈们会把一定数量的钱放在一个红包里,之后就给家里的小孩们,希望孩子们能够健康快乐地成长。 父母和小孩如何合理地使用这些“压岁钱”是一个很严肃的问题。我认为以下两种方式都是值得考虑的。 一种明智的做法是把钱存起来用于高等教育。随着经济的发展以及城市化进程的加快,市场竞争日趋激烈。对于高学历人才的要求日益增加,这就意味着, “白领”的门槛是越来越高了。因此,上过大学被认为是好工作的必要步骤。鉴于大学教育和研究生教育成本的增加,把“压岁钱”存起来至少是对高等教育的一个经济保障。 另一种是投资,而投资我并不是指购买股票或债券,而是对自我提高的投资。例如,购买一些书籍,文学,政治,哲学,任何你喜欢的都可以。正如培根说的,“读书使人充实”,在你感兴趣的书上投资可以扩大你的知识,提高自己的素养。然而,不仅仅是书籍可以帮助自我提高,艺术和体育或其他技能也是可以的。投资一些钱去学钢琴,吉他等;或学习舞蹈,游泳,网球……或只是学习驾驶也是有价值的收获。 总之,当然,只要是值得的,你也可以列出其他使用“压岁钱”的好方法,为教育存钱,为自我提高而投资肯定是其中之一。 |
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