标题 | 袋鼠相扑英语作文 |
范文 | 袋鼠相扑英语作文 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编为大家收集的`袋鼠相扑英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 “袋鼠相扑”多怪的游戏呀,我以前可重来没有听说过呀。这到底是怎样的游戏呢? "Kangaroo sumo" is a strange game. I haven't heard of it before. What kind of game is this? 老师先宣布了游戏规则:全班同学分成2个队,两人一组,相对站立,各自把一个塑料瓶夹在两腿间,两臂在胸前屈起,手掌向前。发令后双方跳跃着双手互推,对方把所夹厚纸落地者为败者。 The teacher first announced the rules of the game: the whole class is divided into two teams, two people in a group, standing opposite each other, each holding a plastic bottle between his legs, bending his arms in front of his chest, palms forward. After the order was issued, the two sides jumped and pushed each other, and the other side regarded the person who landed the thick paper as the loser. 游戏刚开始,教室里就沸腾了起来,老师还没说出:“谁来啊?”“我来,我来……”同学们都争着大声叫了起来。 At the beginning of the game, the classroom began to boil. The teacher didn't say, "who will come?" "I come, I come..." The students all shouted loudly. 吴雨航和一位同学将发生一起恶战。只见他们各自把塑料瓶夹在大腿中间,试着跳了几下,可是塑料瓶不大听话不好使,老掉下来。 Wu Yuhang and a classmate will have a fierce fight. I saw that they each put the plastic bottle in the middle of their thighs and tried to jump a few times, but the plastic bottle was not obedient, so it fell down. 轮到我时,我想出了一个妙招,那就是把瓶子横着夹在膝盖中间,就不易掉落。我和一位同学夹着瓶子互相推打着,我们都死死地盯着对方,紧紧地夹着瓶子看对方出招,我一使劲对方一不留神——摔倒了。有的同学们冲上来给我们按摩。“下一组开始”我们不约而同地下命令,双方又继续“打”了起来,你一推,我一撞的。比赛在紧张而激烈地进行着。2个队不相上下,难分胜负,最后“打”成平局。全班一阵欢呼声,比赛在笑声中结束了。 When it was my turn, I came up with a clever idea, that is, to clamp the bottle horizontally in the middle of the knee, so that it would not fall easily. One of my classmates and I pushed each other with the bottle. We all stared at each other, tightly holding the bottle and watching each other's moves. I tried hard to catch each other's attention and fell down. Some students rushed up to give us a massage. "The next group starts" we ordered by accident, and the two sides continued to fight. As soon as you pushed, I ran into each other. The game is going on in a tense and intense way. The two teams are close to each other and can't be divided. Finally, they draw. The whole class cheered and the game ended in laughter. 再见了!这场刺激的比赛。 Goodbye! This exciting game. |
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