We don't usually give presents to people at work. 我们一般不给在职职工送礼。 I usually get the bus to work. 我通常坐公共汽车上班。 He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor. 他愤怒地谈论城市贫民的处境。 Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle. 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。 Will they unite behind the new leader? 他们会团结支持新领导人吗? This was a first step towards a united Europe. 这是向建立统一欧洲的`目标迈出的第一步。 上一篇:become的短语搭配 下一篇:take引导的短语有哪些 |