4盎司不加糖的菠萝汁。 4 ounces unsweetened pineapple juice. 那就是牛角包,菠萝汁和清咖啡。 So that's Croissants, pineapple juice and black coffee. 您喜欢哪种果汗,菠萝汁还是橙汁? Which kind of juice would you prefer, pineapple or orange? 那就是牛角包,菠萝汁和清咖啡。 So that"s Croissants, pineapple juice and black coffee." 把罐头菠萝沥干,菠萝汁备用。 Drain the pineapple and reserve the juice for the later use. 上一篇:some cakes可数吗 下一篇:带有ous后缀的单词有哪些 |