例句: 1. That big high-rise above us is where Brian lives. 我们上面的那座摩天大楼就是布赖恩住的地方。 2. Then there was a woman's voice, rising shrilly above the barking. 接着,一个女人的尖厉声音盖过了犬吠声。 3. He had to have one leg amputated above the knee. 他的.一条腿不得不从膝部以上截断。 4. There was a drift of smoke above the trees. 树林上空飘浮着一股烟。 5. The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river. 这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。 上一篇:k开头的单词有哪些简单的 下一篇:护理专业开学前需要准备什么 |