标题 | 从《乌塔》想到的英语作文 |
范文 | 从《乌塔》想到的英语作文 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的从《乌塔》想到的英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 今天,我读了一篇文章—《乌塔》。讲述的是14岁的德国小姑娘乌塔独自一人游历欧洲的故事。读完后,深有感触,受益匪浅。 Today, I read an article - "UTA". It tells the story of 14-year-old German girl UTA traveling alone in Europe. After reading, I feel deeply and benefit a lot. 文中乌塔既心细又勇敢,他敢独自一人出国旅行,在家就设计好了旅行路线和日程;而且旅费不花家人一分钱,都是她自己打工辛苦挣来的.;乌塔还为了不让家人担心,每到一地就先查警察局的电话号码,以便遇到困难或危险时请求帮助;再给家人拨个电话或寄张明信片。 In the article, UTA is careful and brave. He dares to travel abroad alone, and designs the travel route and schedule at home. She works hard to earn the travel expenses without spending a penny from her family. UTA also checks the phone number of the police station every time she goes to avoid worrying her family, so as to ask for help in case of difficulties or dangers. Then he dials or sends a phone number to his family Postcard. 我们同在一片蓝天下生活,同在一个地球上居住,却有着截然不同的生活态度。我已经9岁了,可日常生活还需要爸爸妈妈打理,做什么事都不让家人放心,连过马路都让父母操心,每个周末都让爸爸妈妈给零花钱买吃的玩的;而乌塔却是一个自强自立的孩子,能够独自一人靠打工挣钱游历各国,并且还镇定自若。比起她,我觉得自己差得很远很远…… We live under the same blue sky and live on the same earth, but we have different attitudes towards life. I'm 9 years old, but I still need my parents to take care of my daily life. I don't let my family rest assured when I do anything. Even crossing the road makes my parents worry. Every weekend, I let my parents buy food for my pocket money. However, UTA is a self-supporting child who can work alone to earn money to travel around the world and is calm. Compared with her, I feel that I am far from her 乌塔是那样的独立自主,个性也很强。不象我们中国孩子,都是家里的“小皇帝小公主”,做什么事都依赖父母,没有主见,被捧在手心里,生怕受了半点委屈。乌塔的父母觉得,爱孩子,就必须让他们经受挫折和磨炼。 Uta is so independent and has a strong personality. Unlike our Chinese children, they are all "Little Emperors and little princesses" at home. They rely on their parents for everything they do. They have no idea. They are held in their hands for fear of being wronged. Uta's parents feel that if they love their children, they must suffer setbacks and trials. 乌塔就像一棵小草,为了争取更多的阳光雨露,奋力生长,无论遇到怎样的困难和挫折她都坦然面对,让自己在磨炼中成长。 Wuta is like a grass, in order to strive for more sunshine and rain, strive to grow, no matter what difficulties and setbacks she encounters, she will face them calmly and let herself grow in the process of tempering. 读完这篇文章,我作为一名四年级学生感到惭愧,惭愧我的依赖,惭愧自己不能像乌塔一样有主见。我一定要学习乌塔那种自强、自立、自信的精神,自己的事情自己做,做一个合格的好少年。 After reading this article, I feel ashamed as a fourth grade student. I am ashamed of my dependence. I am ashamed that I can't be as assertive as UTA. I must learn from UTA's spirit of self-reliance, self-reliance and self-confidence, do my own things, and be a qualified young man. |
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