It will take time for the higher rates to feed through to investors. 需要时日投资者才能最终得到较高的.回报率。 Take time out to relax by the pool. 去游泳池边歇一歇吧。 We are very busy ─ so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year. 我们很忙——忙得今年都没时间休假了。 We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses. 我们必须下功夫在群众中做细致的工作。 So you have to take pains to offer them a reasonable deal. 因此,你必须尽力向他们提供合理的交易。 上一篇:股票kdj指标是什么意思 下一篇:take的短语拆除 |