The exploit machination is in backward status in tourism research usually. 旅游地开发策划历来在旅游研究领域里处于比较滞后的.地位。 To attempt to counter one's machination. 试图反击某人之阴谋。 The British bourgeoisie, past masters of machination and manoeuvre, are a class which knows best when to compromise. 英国资产阶级历来老奸巨猾,是最善于在适当的时候作出妥协的一个阶级。 Comparing with the traditional construction way of lime-stable, it deduces the sieving processes of lime and grinding soil, and facilitates machination of construction. 与传统石灰稳定土施工相比,减少了石灰熟化过筛和土块粉碎过筛等工序,便于机械化作业,压实成型方便,养护期短,增强速度快。 This is all a machination! 这一切全都是阴谋! 上一篇:de为前缀的单词 下一篇:lucky的副词怎么写 |