The whole universe will I use to do this. 我会用整个宇宙去做这件事。 Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television? 对,但是在电视问世之前我们做些什么呢? You could also hear some one humming which was what my dad use to do. 还能听见某人在哼着小曲,正如我父亲生前所做的那样。 This section describes the Java class that you use to do custom FTP. 这一节将描述用来定制FTP的Java类。 In the case of JMS, you need to tell the system which class to use to do this transformation. 对于JMS,您需要告诉系统使用哪个类来进行此转换。 上一篇:s开头的单词寓意好的名词 下一篇:with和on的区别和用法 |