She didn't think it was wise to take sides in their argument. 对于他们的.辩论,她觉得向着谁都不明智。 It was very wise to leave when you did. 你那时离开非常明智。 He made a witty comeback to the insult. 他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。 She responded to their criticism with a witty retort. 她以机智的反驳回应了他们的批评。 He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort. 在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。 上一篇:简单句的五种基本句型符号 下一篇:too to后加什么词 |