标题 | 疫情当前宅家过年的英语日记带翻译 |
范文 | 疫情当前宅家过年的英语日记范文带翻译 一觉醒来,拿起手机,WH封城了。 Wake up, pick up the mobile phone, wh city. 家里没什么菜,还是有必要外出采买一趟。 There is no food at home. It's still necessary to go out and buy one. 第一站,药店,口罩脱销,留下电话预订,说下午进货,到现在晚上了,也没人通知,估计悬了。 At the first stop, the drugstore and mask were out of stock. They left a phone reservation and said that they would buy in the afternoon. Now it's evening, and no one has informed them. It's estimated that it's up in the air. 第二站,超市,挑了各种蔬菜。 The second stop, the supermarket, picked all kinds of vegetables. 拿不动了,送回家,再出门采买一次。 I can't take it. I'll take it home and go shopping again. 索性连明天年三十的年夜饭菜也买了,卤牛肉、鸡爪、白斩鸡之类。在小区外围步行一圈,少有行人,只当散步,顺便在3m超市买了一些零食,做好尽量不出门的准备。米面油倒是充足的'。 I've even bought the big meals for tomorrow's new year's Eve, such as marinated beef, chicken feet and white cut chicken. Walk around the periphery of the community, few people, just walk, and buy some snacks in 3M supermarket by the way, so as to be prepared not to go out as much as possible. Rice flour oil is sufficient. 想起那年非典,我们困在一城,担惊受怕,连蔬菜都没得吃。 Thinking of SARS that year, we were trapped in a city, scared, and didn't even have to eat vegetables. 回家刷刷手机,来自八方的消息看得越多,心里越沉重。 When I brush my mobile phone at home, the more I read the news from all sides, the heavier I feel. 给爸爸打电话,他叫我们最好不要回去拜年了,镇上已是严阵以待。如此,甚好,管控得紧,才能保证平安。 Call dad. He told us not to go back for the new year. The town is ready. In this way, it's very good and tight control can ensure safety. 一不留神,窗外竟是暗了,黑了。 If you don't pay attention, it's dark outside the window. 仨宝无忧无虑,既然听不懂什么叫冠状病毒,那么一心只要看动画片。 Sanbao is carefree. Since he can't understand what coronavirus is, he just wants to watch cartoons. 最新本地医院消息,收到一名返乡发热病人,危险,悄悄逼近。 According to the latest news from the local hospital, a fever patient who had returned home was in danger and approached quietly. 20xx/1/24(大年三十除夕) January 24, 20xx (New Year's Eve) 所有形式从简,贴上春联,就算过年。 All forms should be simplified and Spring Festival couplets should be pasted, even for the Spring Festival. 孩子们吃吃喝喝,也就那样,谈不上多么欢乐,也没有什么难过。 The children eat and drink, just like that. It's not so happy or sad. 混到八点,想起春晚,开了电视,也就仨宝看得认真,到底大了一岁,讲的笑话也能听懂,挤在沙发上,笑得东倒西歪。 At eight o'clock, thinking of the Spring Festival Gala and turning on the TV, Sanbao watched it carefully. When he was one year old, he could understand the jokes he told, huddled on the sofa, and laughed awkwardly. 我做做家务,清倒垃圾,诸如此类,有时停下来看一个节目。 I do housework, clean up the garbage, and so on. Sometimes I stop to watch a program. 想到WH,提不起劲。 I can't think of wh. 仨宝第一次守了岁,坚持到零点之后,依然精神抖擞。打发她们上床。 Sanbao is the first to hold the age of, and after zero point, he is still full of energy. Send them to bed. 独自站窗边,推开窗子,听闻远远的村子,传来的一星半拉鞭炮声,几不可闻。 Standing alone by the window, pushing open the window, I heard the sound of a star and a half whipping and gunfire coming from the far village, which was barely audible. |
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