标题 | 成长英语作文 |
范文 | 【必备】成长英语作文汇编五篇 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编整理的成长英语作文5篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 成长英语作文 篇1雨果曾说:“艺术大道上荆棘丛生,这也是件好事,常人望而却步,只有意志坚强的人例外。”在一扇扇成功的大门为你敞开时,不要因为害怕而丢失成长的机会,不要因为胆怯而丢失步入成熟的门槛。 磨砺使人执着,让我们成长。爱迪生在发明创造的过程中失败了无数次,但他依然不厌其烦的做实验。有人问他:“为什么失败了无数次还要执着的钻研?”他平静的答到;“我并没有失败,因为我找到了35万种不成功的方法!”失败亦成功之母,如果没有这份执着又怎会有成功的降临?如果没有这份欣然面对困难的勇气有怎能有人生的突破性的超越与茁壮成长? 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。没有经历沸水淋身的茶叶永远沁不出芳甜的茶香,没有经历磨合的贝永远孕育不出璀璨的珍珠,没有经历风霜的竹笋永远成长不成挺拔的青竹。 磨砺使人宽容,让我们丢掉浮躁。曼德拉在牢狱中呆了27年,看守他的白人对他并不友好,经常用尽各种手段折磨他。当1991年曼德拉出狱并竞选南非总统,他在总统就职仪式上,特地感激了在罗本岛监狱看守他的人,他宽广的胸襟是所有人肃然起敬。他向记者解释说,年轻是脾气暴躁,正是在监狱中的磨练才会有今天。他还说:“当我走出囚室,迈过通往自由的监狱大门时,我已经很清楚,自己若不能把悲伤和怨恨留在身后,那么我其实仍在狱中。”如果没有宽容他怎能从犯人走向总统,如果没有乐观,他怎能从一个浮躁的青年蜕变为一个成熟稳重的人? 磨砺使人奋发,让我们拥有动力。小仲马的文稿四处碰壁,他身为名作家的父亲说:“如果你署上是我的.儿子也许事情会有好转!”“我不想站在你的肩头摘苹果,这样的苹果毫无味道!”小仲马一脸淡定但语气坚决的回绝父亲的好意。一次次失败,又一次次站起,终于,他以《茶花女》举世闻名。当记者问他当年为什么不署上真实姓名时,他笑答道:“因为我想拥有真实的高度!”如果没有奋发的精神,又怎会渐渐长大,从生疏的文笔逐渐细腻圆滑? 笑迎坎坷,一蓑烟雨助成长。朋友们,让我们在磨砺中成长,在磨砺中坚强把! 笑迎坎坷,记住它只是形同虚设的假山;笑迎坎坷,记住它只是经放大镜照过的困难;笑迎坎坷,记住它只是人们心中的杂念;笑迎坎坷,记住它是可以逾越的关卡! 英文: Hugo said: "art Avenue on the thorns, this is also a good thing, ordinary people flinch, only the strong will of the people。" When the door of success is open for you, don't lose your chance to grow up because of fear。 Don't lose your head because of shyness。 Sharpening makes people persistent, let us grow up。 Edison failed many times in the process of invention and creation, but he still bothered to do experiments。 Someone asked him, "Why have you failed countless times, and you have to study persistently?"" He calmly replied, "I didn't fail because I found 350 thousand unsuccessful ways。"!" Failure is also the mother of success。 How can success come without this dedication? If there is no courage to face the difficulties, how can there be a breakthrough and thrive in life? April showers bring May flowers。 Did not experience the boiling water drench tea will not Qin sweet tea, no experience of running the shellfish always pregnant not bright pearl, did not experience the wind and frost will never grow into tall bamboo bamboo。 Sharpening makes people tolerant, let us lose impetuous。 Mandela stayed in the prison for 27 years。 His white guards were unfriendly to him, and used all sorts of means to torture him。 When Mandela was released from prison in 1991 and run for president of South Africa, he at the inauguration, specially grateful at the Robben Island prison guards his people, his broad mindedness is all in awe。 He explained to reporters, "young is grumpy, it is in prison practice will have today。"。 He also said: "when I walked out of prison, the prison gates to freedom crossed, I have been very clear, if not the sadness and bitterness left behind, so I'm really still in prison。" If there is no tolerance, how can he move from the prisoner to the president? If he is not optimistic, how can he change from a impetuous youth into a mature and stable person? Sharpening makes people work hard, let us have power。 Dumas presentation around the wall, he as a writer's father said: "if your department is my son, maybe things will be better!" "I don't want to stand on your shoulder and pick apples。 They don't smell like apples。"!" Dumas a face of calm but firm tone to his father's kindness。 Again and again failed, again and again stand up, finally, he to "Camellia girl" world—famous。 When he was asked why he didn't put his real name on the list, he smiled and replied, "because I want to have real height。"!" If you do not exert yourself, how can you gradually grow up, from the unfamiliar style of writing gradually delicate smooth? Meet the difficulties, to help the growth of zhu。 Friends, let us grow up in the grinding, in the sharpening strong! Meet the ups and downs, remember it is useless rockery; Xiaoying bumpy, remember it only by a magnifying glass over the difficulties; meet the ups and downs, remember it is just people your heart; meet the ups and downs, remember that it is the insurmountable barrier! 成长英语作文 篇2looking back, we have already grew up, 18 has often hung in the mouth. Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility! 成长英语作文 篇3The more I grow old, the more I become lonely When I was a kid , I don’t know what is lonely. I stayed with my parents who arranged everything for me. I needn’t consider anything. My mother was my good company. She could always understand me and comforted me when I was sad. My elder brothers and sisters often took me out to play. And I also had several good friends. We often played games and watched cartoons together with a free heart. At that time, I was very happy. However, as I grow old, many things have changed. My brothers and sisters have their work and family. They don’t have time to take me out. And I enter the high school . I leave my home and come to study in a vocational school. Now I have to stay at school and have to separate from my parents .I have to learn how to arrange my life by myself. My former friends also have gone to different schools. We can’t play together now and seldom contact with each other. My present classmates around me are always busy with their own things. In order to go to a good university, we have to study hard . I often feel lonely. Now I am accustomed to study alone. In loneliness, I begin to put my heart into my study which increase my knowledge; In loneliness, I have to overcome many difficulties on my own which makes me independent.. In loneliness, I have to get down to think that how I should be responsible for myself and my future and then I learn how to bear responsibility. Loneliness is a flower , it can create a colorful life. Loneliness is a sword, it temper a strong personality. Loneliness is a light, it will illuminate every tomorrow. In loneliness I become more and more mature. So standing here, I will say loudly the more I grow old, the more I feel lonely, and the more I become strong. 成长英语作文 篇4在我的成长中,有许多是令我深深难忘。这些事都让我成长了许多。 In my growing up, there are many unforgettable things for me. All these things have made me grow a lot. 一天下午,我从学校里出来,和同学再见以后,便踏上那条熟悉的路。走着走着,我突然发现了一个红色的东西。好奇心驱使着我,我跑过去,拿出来一看,原来是一个红色的钱包。我欣喜地打开一看,里面有一张信用卡和许多现金。我高兴地想:哈哈,今天太幸运了,白捡了那么多钱。这时,红领巾在我面前飘着,好像在说:“你这样做不配当少先队员!”老师的教导也时不时从我的脑海中飘过。 One afternoon, when I came out of school and saw my classmates, I stepped on the familiar road. As I walked along, I suddenly found a red thing. Curiosity drove me, and I ran over and took a look. It turned out to be a red purse. I am pleased to see, there is a credit card and a lot of cash. I am happy to think: ha ha, today is too lucky, white picked up so much money. At this moment, the red scarf floated in front of me, as if to say: "you don't deserve to be a young pioneer."!" Teacher's instruction also from time to time passes through my mind. 于是,我便开始寻找失主的行动。过了一个小时,没有人来认领。我拿着钱包,着急地左顾右盼。又过了很久,还没有人来领。可是天色已晚,我该回家了,我拿着钱包飞快地跑到警察局,交给警察,警察叔叔表扬了我,我很快乐。 So I started looking for the owner's action. After an hour, no one came to claim it. I took the wallet, looked around anxiously. After a long time, no one came to take it. But it was getting late. I should go home. I took my wallet and ran to the police station. I handed it to the police. The policeman praised me. I was very happy. 走在回家的路上,大地为我喝彩,小树给我赞扬。我真的觉得自己长大了许多。 Walking on the way home, the earth cheered for me, and the sapling praised me. I really feel like I've grown up a lot. 成长英语作文 篇5Not since when,growing pains,in combination with many complaints to let out of me,this topic good kind.Xin qiji once said:"young not sorrow taste".Perhaps his boyhood carefree,along with the continuous development of history,the more trouble,all left us. As I grew up,there are a lot of troubles around me.In school,most of things to talk about with parents,not only because they will talk a long,not I say one word,and my ears also can't stand so many words and so I don't want to let ears with parents that he didn't want to suffer said!However,I want to say,all every day to write in a book,and also is a diary.After writing,let oneself enjoy myself,to solve their things.Start going well,but I think my parents look very uncomfortable,I have a few things to deceive the (indeed,some of them are clearly don't want them. I can't take any more,I just want to own a piece of blue sky,why are you so selfish take it,is want to know me?I returned to the room,feel oneself have nothing,alas!Why parents in total want to know when we grow up,we don't want to let us have his own ideas,alas!So cruel! Our lives are filled with seven colors sunlight,but even in the sunshine,also appears unavoidably short clouds.The young,there will be some lingering worries.These troubles from life,from study,the communication with students from...However,there is worry is not terrible,the key is to correct it.From now on,let us together,eliminate worries,clean with colorful dream maturity.vvv tle “Growing pains and gains” reminds me of the meaningful school life. The colourful life is full of my happiness and sorrows. In school, I have to take a lot of lessons. Some are interesting while some are boring. But it’s the responsibility of the students to learn them all well. I have to try my best. During my growing time, a lot of trouble worried me. That’s awful and makes me blue. Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains. I can make a priceless friendship. I can learn a large number of useful things---to be kind, friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on. I think growing pains and gains are countless. But they play an important role in my life and make my life colourful. |
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