标题 | 介绍自己英语作文 |
范文 | 关于介绍自己英语作文合集7篇 在学习、工作乃至生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的介绍自己英语作文7篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 介绍自己英语作文 篇1对试卷的评价与建议 英语测试对于提高教学质量起着有效的促进作用。通过测试一方面教师可以取得教学工作的信息反馈,另一方面,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生在今后的测试中不断发扬成绩,克服缺点,取得最佳效果。测试的重要性是显而易见的,对试卷的评讲就显得尤为重要。介绍自己的基本情况 高质量的试卷评讲会让师生收益非浅。有效的评讲,能让老师更成功地总结教学经验,分析学生学习情况以改进教学,提高教学效率和教学效果。有效的评讲,能让学生找到自己的不足和改进学习的方法。 有效地评讲英语试卷应该坚持三个原则: 一、评讲的内容和细节必须由学生实情决定。学生才是课堂的主体,教师只是引导者。学生在测试中暴露了他们自己在英语各方面存在的问题或漏洞,学生有他们自己的难点和疑惑。教师具体该讲什么和怎样讲必须根据学生的情况和特点来进行。对于学生普遍存在的难点,应该仔细分析,详细评讲。对于个别学生存在的难题,可以个别辅导,个别评讲。 二、评讲必须结合试卷特点。尽管都是英语测试,但不同阶段,不同时间的测试试卷是有其自身的特点的。教师应该在认真分析和研究试卷的基础上评讲试卷,切不可千篇一律的对待各种英语试卷。试卷的评讲步骤和时间长度都要根据试题的难度来定,当然必须结合学生实际。对于不同类别的试卷应该有不同的评讲方式,对于试卷中的不同题型也应该用不同的方法。 三、评讲时必须给予学生必要的反馈和消化的时间。英语课堂的师生互动性很强,即使是评讲试卷也应如此。评讲时切不可让老师一个人唱独角戏,其间必须穿插必要的互动和反馈。尤其在评讲典型错题时,有必要先让学生自述答题思路,然后由老师根据学生的错误根源进行讲解,最后让学生再读题目和正确的解答依据。学生始终是受教育的主体,教师切勿包办一切。 简而言之,评讲试卷必须结合试卷的特点和学生的实际情况,切不可草率行事。 怎样才能有效的评讲英语试卷呢? 第一、认真了解和初步分析试卷。在评讲前,教师有必要用自己教给学生的方法亲自把试卷做一遍,以便确定试题的检测范围和感受试题的难度。在做题的过程中可以预测学生的难点,也可以根据学生所学内容,看看哪些题目超出了学生的学习范围。当然,也可以检阅试卷的不足,以便今后选择并合理利用英语试卷。 第二、认真统计学生成绩。在批阅完学生试卷后,认真统计学生的成绩是很有必要的。统计的项目主要有:求出平均值和求出差距。在统计出平均成绩后,可以参照其他班的情况分析,确定该班的成绩位置。平均分较低,就说明该班的成绩较差。如果平均分较高,那该班的整体情况就较好。另外,还要排列出全班考生中的最高分和最低分,找出二者之间的差距。差距越大,两级分化就越严重,教学的难度就越大。在排列学生成绩时,最好由高分到低分排列,找出中间位置考生的分数,并把该成绩列为全班成绩的中位数。在评讲试题时,要特别注意中位段的学生的反映和效果。 第三、根据学生的成绩和分析情况,再次分析试卷,并做好学生的错误统计。在分析学生成绩后,及时的看学生答题的错误率,从中找出学生的典型错题。错误率较高的题目,就是要评讲的重点部位。这部分题目,既是学生应该关注的,也是教师应该详细评讲的。在统计错误率后,教师应该耐心的查阅典型错题,分析学生答错的原因,反思自己教学上的不足。对于,教师很难作分析的题目,要及时与学生进行交流,然后再确定学生做错的根源。 第四、认真耐心的评讲试卷。在试卷发给学生之后,教师可以安排学生自主讨论和简单分析自己的试卷。教师最好要提示学生如何讨论和分析。例如,要求学生发现自己的错题,并尽力分析出错题的知识类别:是宾语从句还是动词不定式,还是动名词或是其他的。 在学生分析错误类别后,可让学生互相讨论解答的方法或依据等,让学生达到初步了解解答出错的根源,并试着改正自己的错误。对于学生猜对的题目,也要要求学生诚实地标出来,一并作为错题对待,设法杜绝学生答题的侥幸心理。在学生讨论分析试卷后,教师就可以开始评讲试卷了。对于学生错误率较高的试题,教师必须详细的评讲。评讲时不光要书写答题的根据,还要多举相关的例子,最终要让学生能正确解答这些题和相似的试题。对于错误率较低的试题,蜻蜓点水般的评讲就可以了。当然,这部分错题的分析可以让成绩优秀的学生来完成。既可以从分发挥优生的能力,又能给其他学生提供鲜活的榜样。最后,就要解答学生的疑问了。 在评讲试题时,教师最好不要全部评讲,而是留一些小的疑问给学生。这样便于引导学生学会提问和思考。在教师评讲了主要错题之后,可以让学生之间互相讨论,让他们尝试相互探讨相互学习。在讨论和研究的过程中,激发学生学习的激情,启发他们思考和解决问题。在学生提出疑问后及时有针对性地给予解答,并随时肯定学生的质疑能力和探讨精神。 第五、师生认真翔实地做好总结。在师生互动地评讲完试卷后,教师和学生都有必要进行各自的总结。学生需要总结初自己在知识和能力上的薄弱环节,并写好错题集。在学生收集错题时,教师应要求他们写明解题的正确依据。英语教师也有自己的总结。要总结学生的薄弱环节,要总结自己评讲时出现的不足(范围过大,语言不清楚,讲解欠通俗等)。教师也要收集学生的典型错题。以便今后检测时插入以往的'错题,让学生巩固和弥补以前的不足。 总而言之,坚持实事求是的原则,坚持师生互动的方式,让英语试卷的评讲体现教师、学生、试题和环境之间的相互作用的关系,让英语试卷的评讲更有效,才能真正的体现英语检测对学生的评价和督促作用,才能真正地增强英语教学的实际效果。 介绍自己英语作文 篇2I grow is not high also not short, but, our class wang to call me "little man", in fact, she even shorter than me! I a pair of double-fold eyelid eyes, others see I said my eyes are very beautiful. I am a timid person, because I was born and they were afraid that grow hairy, looks very dirty, strange insects. Just said a few days ago, a few heavy rain, I came to school in the morning, saw the campus has a lot of earthworms in climb ah climb, I was scared scream, I stood on tiptoe a bouncing ran towards the classroom, however, the door of the classroom is not open, suddenly, I'm dumbfounded, looking at the earthworm climb in front of me, I can't help trembling body, when I stand in situ like a cat on hot bricks don't know what to do? At this time, open the door of the students come, I was the first to rush in, at my desk, I go in for a long time, my heart finally calm down. I am very hardworking. Remember once, mom and dad didn't go off work, home is very dirty, I took the broom to sweep the floor clean, and mop the floor to drag earnestly again, also put the rubbish into the trash can, and I wash mop clean. Mom and dad come back to dig the kua I grow up. Look, I am such a little girl, would you like to make friends with me? 我长得不高也不矮,可是,我们班的王琴非要叫我“小矮子”,其实,她比我还要矮呢!我长着一对双眼皮的眼睛,别人见到我都说我的眼睛很漂亮。 我是一个胆小的人,因为我天生就怕那种长得毛茸茸的、看起来很脏、稀奇古怪的虫。就说前几天吧,下了几场大雨,早上我来到学校,看见校园里有好多的蚯蚓都在爬啊爬的,我被吓得大喊大叫,我踮起脚尖一蹦一跳地朝教室跑去,可是,教室的门还没有开,顿时,我傻眼啦,看着蚯蚓在我的面前爬动,我的身子不禁颤动了一下,我站在原地像热锅上的蚂蚁不知道该怎么办?这时,开门的同学来啦,我是第一个冲进去的,我一进去就趴在桌子上,过了好一会儿,我的心终于平静了下来。 我还很勤劳。记得有一次,爸爸妈妈没有下班,家里很脏,我就拿扫把把地上扫得干干净净的,又用拖把把地上认认真真地拖了一遍,还把垃圾都送进了垃圾桶里去了,又把拖把洗得干干净净的。爸爸妈妈回来一个劲的夸我长大了。 瞧,我就是这样一个小女孩,你愿意和我交朋友吗? 介绍自己英语作文 篇3There is a small smart with standard small oval face in our class, a glossy black hair, Qi Qi flow of the sea beams with a long ponytail, Yang Yi good face is always smiling, she is our class little angel of love. Who is it? That's right. It's yu. Fang Yu is a cheerful and loving girl. So is she? Good students, excellent in character and learning. She smiled and showed her lovely little teeth. She was very gentle and lovely. Her homework is well written and she gets excellent work every time. The work in the class is the first one. Every student has a problem. She is always the first one to help. All activities in the school are so intense that she makes herself the best in both gymnastics and running. This is our class Fang Yu students, students good example, the teacher's little assistant. 介绍自己英语作文 篇4respected Professors: Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction: I'm ,26 years old , born in city ,HeNan Province.In year 1996,I entered University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities . I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.After my graduation in June 20xx,I worked in ——company.I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 20xx. The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for the Developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company .Two major customers, Henan Provincipal Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Personnel, are under my work. However,with time going on ,the more I experienced, the clearer I realized that I'm really interested in the Enterprise Management . I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed . I'm eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University. So I resigned in August , 20xx and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half year's hard work, I'm finally standing before you honorable professors now. I'm really excited . Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, I believe it's worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be repaied Thank you 介绍自己英语作文 篇5Name : Zhang HongSex : femaleDate of birth : 4/07 / 1980Birthplace : QingdaoOccupation : TeacherHeight : 1.72Education :Graduated from Qing Teachers’ College in 1999Interests : Singing and dancingmanagementAspiration : BusinessMastery of English : Having learned English for eight years. Be good at listening and reading Zhang Hong, female, is a twenty-year-old teacher of a middle school. She was born in July 4, 1980 in Qingdao, and graduated from Qingdao Teachers’ College in July 1999. She has learned English for eight years. Zhang Hong is good at listening and spoken English. She can get along very well with others. She is 1.72 metres tall. She is interested in singing and dancing, and she wants very much to devote her life to business management. 张宏,女,是一所中学的一二零岁教师。她于1980年7月4日出生于青岛,七月毕业于青岛师范学院1999。她学了八年英语了。张宏擅长听和说英语。她和别人相处得很好。她身高1.72米。她对唱歌和跳舞很感兴趣,她很想把自己的生命奉献给企业管理。 介绍自己英语作文 篇6Hello everyone, I am a lively and cheerful boy, I have a head of black hair; Also have a pair of bright eyes, like the twinkling stars in the sky; I have a big mouth have kissed the blarney stone. My height is about 1.45 meters, is one of the top spear in class, because my mom and dad are relatively high, so I have inherited their genes. I have some features: you see, I do my homework, a careless the words written upon; I can be a serious write well is very good. I want to have a correct this bad habit, of course, not only I a person, mom and dad are also help me to correct! My hobby is playing football, playing badminton... . My favorite is playing football, I not only good goalkeeping, shot technology is very good also. On one occasion, there is a kid with a ball blunt come over, without further ado, I quickly took his ball robbed, straight to their goal, aiming at a shoot, score! My heart really excited ah! I have some advantages and disadvantages. Advantage is that I often help mom and dad to work and often by their praise; On the downside, my temper is very hot, easily angry with people. You like me? 大家好,我是一个活泼开朗的男孩,我有一头乌黑的头发;也有一双明亮的眼睛,像天空中闪烁的小星星;我还有一张能说会道的大嘴巴。我的身高大约是1.45米左右,在班里算是名列前矛了,因为我爸爸妈妈都长得比较高,所以我也遗传了他们的基因。 我有一些特点:你瞧,我做作业的时候,一马虎就把字写得歪歪扭扭;可我一认真就写得很好很好。我要好好把这个坏习惯改过来,当然,不只是我一个人,爸爸妈妈也在帮我改正呢! 我的爱好有踢足球,打羽毛球……。我最喜欢的是踢足球,我不但守门技术好,射门技术也很好。有一次,有一个小朋友带着球冲了过来,我二话没说,马上把他的球抢了过来,直奔他们的球门,瞄准一射,进球了!我的心里真激动啊! 我有一些优点和缺点。优点是,我经常帮爸爸妈妈干活,经常受到他们的表扬;缺点是,我的脾气很火爆,动不动就对人发脾气。 你喜欢这样的我吗? 介绍自己英语作文 篇7When the small eyes on a pair of thick eyebrows, and a small by the mouth, don't look at my head is small, actually very clever. On one occasion, the teacher a comprehensive assignment, for us to interview love smoking father. I got home, immediately call mom take video recorder, help me to take the interview process. All of a sudden, I thought: this empty-handed interview dad a bit not good. My little head a thought of a way to immediately ran to the front of the a drawer take out a bad microphone poser, said: "I'm ready." Mom smiled said: "you really can recycling." In my mother and I, under the guidance of finding out the relevant information, but dad bad memory, is back not to come out, my mother and I walk around to find a way to. Suddenly I a brainwave, excited, said: "I figure out a way, to print the information down first, and then mother take video recorder at the front, data get behind, so dad appears, video can't see, this is not kill two birds with one stone?" Mom, dad listened to the straight nodded said: "why didn't we think? Thanks to your head and clever, don't dismiss your little head anymore." In this way, our interview smoothly completed, also praised by the teacher the classmates. I'm glad to touch the little head, said to himself: "little head count you enough today!" Thinking about, and took a few little head. Ha ha! This is a clever and smart I, you say? 一双时大时小的眼睛上有一双浓浓的眉毛,还有一张能说会道的小嘴巴,别看我脑袋小,其实机灵得很。 有一次,老师布置了一个综合作业,要我们去采访一下爱吸烟的爸爸。我一回到家,马上叫妈妈拿好录像机,帮我拍采访的过程。突然,我想:这样空手采访爸爸有点不大好。我的小脑袋一转想到了办法,马上跑到一个抽屉前拿出一个坏的话筒装样子,说:“我已经准备好了。”妈妈笑笑说:“你真会废物利用呀。” 在我和妈妈的指点下,找出了相关资料,但爸爸记性太差,实在是背不出来,我和妈妈走来走去想办法。忽然我灵机一动,兴奋的说:“我想出办法了,先把这段资料打印下来,然后妈妈把录像机拿在前面,资料拿在后面,这样爸爸看得见,可录像机却看不见,这不是一举两得了吗?”妈妈爸爸听了,直点头称赞说:“我们怎么没想到呢?多亏你脑袋机灵,以后再也不小瞧你的小脑袋了。” 就这样,我们的采访很顺利的完成了,还得到了老师同学们的赞扬。我高兴地摸着小脑袋,心里说:“小脑子今天算你够厉害!”想着,又拍了几下小脑袋。 哈哈!这就是一个又机灵又聪明的我,你们说呢? |
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