标题 | 春带来的勃勃生机英语作文 |
范文 | 春带来的勃勃生机英语作文 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的春带来的勃勃生机英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 暖风把春姑娘吹来了,春姑娘伸了个懒腰,睁开了朦胧的双眼,看了看太阳公公。太阳公公笑着说:“春姑娘醒了,一切事物都醒了。” The warm wind blew spring girl. Spring girl stretched out, opened her hazy eyes, and looked at father-in-law sun. Sun Gong smiled and said, "spring girl wakes up, everything wakes up." 往日干枯的树枝长出了嫩嫩的小芽,小花小草也从地里探出小脑袋向我们微笑,大雁从南方飞回来了,像是在告诉人们:“春天来啦,春天来啦。” In the past, the branches dried up and sprouted tender buds, and the little flowers and grass came out of the ground and smiled at us. The wild geese flew back from the south, as if to tell people, "spring is coming, spring is coming." 咦?春姑娘到哪里去了?原来是和小朋友们玩儿捉迷藏去了。春姑娘藏到哪里去了?哦,原来藏到柳枝上去了,春姑娘在柳枝上翩翩起舞,好似一幅美丽的.图画。清晨,出去呼吸一下清新的空气,洁净的空气没有一点污染,到处布满了浓浓的泥土芳香,让你吸都吸不饱,再看看小花小草,他们已经长出来了,小蜜蜂在采蜜,蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞,一些孩子在花丛中嬉戏玩闹,另一些躺在绿油油的草地上望着蓝天。 Why? Where is spring girl? It turned out to be playing hide and seek with the children. Where is spring girl hiding? Oh, it's hidden in the willow. Spring girl is dancing on the willow, like a beautiful picture. In the morning, go out to breathe the fresh air. The clean air is not polluted at all. It's full of thick soil fragrance. You can't breathe enough. Look at the flowers and grass. They have grown up. The bees are picking honey. The butterflies are flying in the flowers. Some children are playing in the flowers. Others are lying on the green grass looking at the blue sky. 我爱春天,爱春天的一草一木,爱春天的一切事物。我永远爱这个温暖而又美丽的春天。 I love spring, every plant and tree in spring, everything in spring. I love this warm and beautiful spring forever. |
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