标题 | 湖北的导游词 |
范文 | 关于湖北的导游词3篇 作为一名导游,可能需要进行导游词编写工作,借助导游词可以更好地宣传景点,引导游客观光游览。那么优秀的导游词是什么样的呢?以下是小编精心整理的关于湖北的导游词,欢迎大家分享。 关于湖北的导游词1神农架因炎帝神农氏曾经在这里搭架采药、遍尝百草、救民疗疾而得名。神农架位于湖北省西部边陲,东与湖北省保康县接壤,西与重庆市巫山县毗邻,南依兴山、巴东而濒三峡,北倚房县、竹山且近武当,地跨东经109°56′--110°58′,北纬31°15′--31°75′,总面积3253平方公里。是我国唯一以"林区"命名的行政区。 神农架地区是燕山和喜马拉雅造山运动而抬升形成的多级陆地,属大巴山东延余脉。山脉呈东西方向延伸,山体由南向北逐渐降低。山峰多在海拔1500米以上,其中海拔2500米以上的山峰有20多座。最高峰神农顶海拔3105.4米,为"华中第一峰"。西南部石柱河海拔398米,是神农架的最低点,最高点与最低点的相对高差为2707.4米。神农架山脉由西南向东北延伸,具有山川交错、脊岭连绵的特征,其林区内最高海拔3105.4米,3000米以上的山峰6座,构成“华中屋脊”。大神农架主峰“神农顶”海拔3105米,为华中最高峰。山中林密谷深,与世隔绝,动植物资源极其丰富,如一座巨大的天然动植物园。神农架独具风采的奇山异水,还保存了洪荒时代的风光。 神农架是长江和汉水的分水岭,境内有香溪河、沿渡河、南河和堵河 4个水系。由于该地区位于中纬度北亚热带季风区,气温偏凉而且多雨,海拔每上升100米,季节相差3--4天。"山脚盛夏山顶春,山麓艳秋山顶冰,赤橙黄绿看不够,春夏秋冬最难分"是神农架气候的真实写照。由于一年四季受到湿热的东南季风和干冷的大陆高压的交替影响,以及高山森林对热量、降水的调节,形成夏无酷热、冬无严寒的宜人气候。当南方城市夏季普遍是高温时,神农架却是一片清凉世界。 神农架的林地占区域总面积的85%以上,森林面积242万亩,森林覆盖率86%以上,生长着一千多种树木。独特的地理环境和立体小气候,使神农架成为我国南北植物种类的过渡区域和众多动物繁衍生息的交叉地带。神农架拥有各类植物3700多种(菌类730多种,地衣190多种,蕨类290多种,裸子植物30多种,被子植物2430多种,加上苔藓类可达4000种以上),其中有40种受到国家重点保护;有各类动物1050多种(兽类70多种,鸟类300多种,两栖类20多种,爬行类40多种,鱼类40多种,昆虫560多种),其中有70种受到国家重点保护。几乎囊括了北自漠河,南至西双版纳,东自日本中部,西至喜马拉雅山的所有动植物物种。 神农架是我国内陆保存完好的唯一一片绿洲和世界中纬度地区唯一的一块绿色宝地。它所拥有的在当今世界中纬度地区唯一保持完好的亚热带森林生态系统,是最富特色的垄断性的世界级旅游资源,动植物区系成分丰富多彩,古老、特有而且珍稀。苍劲挺拔的冷杉、古朴郁香的岩柏、雍容华贵的梭罗、风度翩翩的珙桐、独占一方的铁坚杉,枝繁叶茂,遮天蔽日;金丝猴、白熊、苏门羚、大鲵以及白鹳、白鹤、金雕等走兽飞禽出没草丛,翔天林间。一切是那样地和谐宁静,自在安详。这里还有着优美而古老的传说和古朴而神秘的民风民俗,人与自然其同构成我国内地的高山原始生态文化圈。神农氏尝草采药的传说、"野人"之谜、汉民族神话史诗《黑暗传》、川鄂古盐道、土家婚俗、山乡情韵都具有令人神往的诱惑力。这里山峰瑰丽,清泉甘冽,风景绝妙。神农顶雄踞"华中第一峰",风景垭名跻"神农第一景",更有中国南方最大的滑雪场神农架滑雪场;红坪峡谷、关门河峡谷、夹道河峡谷、野马河峡谷雄伟壮观;阴峪河、沿渡河、香溪河、大九湖风光绮丽;万燕栖息的燕子洞、时冷时热的冷热洞、盛夏冰封的冰洞、一天三潮的潮水洞、雷响出鱼的钱鱼洞令人叫绝;流泉飞瀑、云海佛光皆为大观。 神农架共有12个民族,汉族是神农架人口最多的一个民族,占总人口的95%,有少数民族11个,其中的土家人口为最多,占总人口的4.5%,壮族、苗族、回族、彝族、满族、朝鲜族、畲族、蒙古族、白族等民族人口极少,少数民族人口主要分布在松柏地区和下谷乡。汉、土家、回等民族,人口近8万。 神农架茫茫的林海,完好的原始生态系统,丰富的生物多样性,宜人的气候条件,原始独特的`内陆高山文化,举世瞩目的“野人之迷”,共同构成了绚丽多彩的山水画卷,向人类展示着地球的古老与沧桑。也使神农架享有了"绿色明珠"、"天然动植物园"、"生物避难所"、"物种基因库"、"自然博物馆"、"清凉王国"等等众多美誉。为人们提供了休闲娱乐、避暑度假、科研科考、探险猎奇的理想场所。在地球生态环境日益遭到破坏、环境污染日趋严重的今天,神农架正以其原始完美的生态环境而引起世人瞩目。 关于湖北的导游词2Good morning ladies and gentlemen; Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music. Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody? That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgetable memory. The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China. Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serial bells are the most precious and greatest of them all. Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells? It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so long ago. Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident and thus displayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us. In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It was really a great surprise to discover it at that time. Afterwards, archaeologists excavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tomb of Zenghouyi. It was220 square meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs. The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in it died at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, aged from 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins. Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cultural relics have been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musical instrument, weapons, golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, wooden ware, and bamboo ware. Most of them are unique art treasure and they were deliberately made. What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical instrument, such as serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bamboo flute. They are totally 8 types, including 124 pieces. The entire musical instrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomb look like an ancient concert hall. Today the underground concert hall has come back to life. As a major instrument, 64 serial bells are put in the middle room, lined along the north and west wall. It can be concluded that serial bells are Zenhouyi’s favorite, for his body was placed in the west room. As wee see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottomed baskets; small ones are like warming pots. They are hung in 3 layers from the winding bell shelf that is 13 meters long, 2.7 meters high. The whole bell shelf is supported by 6 human-shape objects. It is as strong as newly cast. Ok, let me give you a brief introduction about the elegant ancient serial bells. All the bells have been played. They are all carved with inscription about musical melody. Each bell can produce 2 pitches. After many years of research, we find that its amplitude approached the international level of today. The combined scale is the 7 notes in C major of today. Its compasses very side, including 5 and a half octaves. The whole sound may be adjusted. Its wooden shelf is quite exquisite. Although buried for 2,400 years, the serial bells are well played. It not only can be used to play with to produce scores with the same melody, but also can produce mixed sounds though harmony and repeat tunes. Chinese musical pieces, such as Intoning Three Times Before Leaving Yang Pass, The Moon On The Spring River, and foreign pieces, such as Christmas Eve, can be played on it, even Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony can be. Foreign tourists are usually attracted by the fascinating music when listening to the Chinese song The Night On The Prairie. When foreign songs cut in, they are shocked by the old civilization of Chu State. As the famous violinist, Menuin praised it, ‘The grand Greek music is accepted by the world. However, the musical instruments in ancient Greece were made of wood, what’s more, not a single instrument is kept till today. Here we are able to enjoy the sound of the instrument of 2,000 years\\\' history from the tomb of Chu State. Actually, whoever enjoys the music played on the serial bells will be surprised at the great achievement made by the people of Chu State in the fields of music, culture, smelting, and casting. According to the history, Chu State was called the state of rites and music at that time. People in Chu State love dancing. They danced in the palace and sang in the room. They knew how to enjoy dancing and singing. We can imagine the following scene. The host of the bomb was seated in his palace and watched the girls dancing. On both his sides sat his followers. They sat on the floor. A table with short legs was placed in front of them. They put one hand on the table that is used to hold arms. This can be proved by the relics in the tomb. Do you know, in China, a male and a female mandarin ducks are the symbol of love, for they often play together in the water and live together. Can you see the box here? This box was found in the tomb. The box was painted. It was empty in it. But there are some pictures. They describe a very vivid situation; some people are striking bells, beating drums and dancing. This picture is very precious, for we can know how these instruments should be played, especially the serial bells. I wonder if you have noticed that there is only one mandarin duck on the box. Do you know why? Oh, he is abandoned by his lover. But he found a new company—music. He didn’t heed the other mandarin duck, for what he really loved was music. Well, I have a question. What is the tourists’favorite? The music played on the serial bells. 关于湖北的导游词3各位游客朋友们:大家好! 欢迎来到美丽的江城武汉游览观光,我是来自春秋旅行社的一名导游!我姓杨,大家叫我小杨就可以了,非常高兴这次能陪同大家共游武汉,希望在我的陪同下能使各位的武汉之行能玩的开心,游的尽兴。 今天,我将带领大家一起去游览风景怡人的东湖,利用路上这段时间我先给大家介绍一下东湖的概况。 东湖位于武汉市武昌区的东郊,是国家重点的风景名胜区,它整个面积为88平方公里,其中水面就占了33平方公里,它相当于是杭州西湖的6倍。虽然东湖不如西湖闻名,但它秀美的山水,浓郁的荆楚风情吸引着国内广大的游客,东湖的自然风光相当优美,湖水澄清,青山环绕,楼亭点缀,而且它的湖岸线非常曲折,所以又有“九十九湾”之称,东湖的森林覆盖率达到了85%,这是因为东湖属于亚热带气候,再加上充沛的雨量和光照以及优越的地理环境,从而也就孕育出了东湖丰富的植物资源,这里现有各种树木植物370多种,一年四季不断的开放。春兰、夏荷、秋桂和冬梅分别展示了东湖四季不同的林木美景,其中,东湖的梅花和荷花更是闻名全国,它们不仅数量多,而且栽培技术和研究水平也居全国领先地位。为此,中国花卉,盆景协会才专门将“中国荷花研究中心”和“中国梅花研究中心”设在东湖。 东湖沿湖依次划分为:听涛、白马、落雁、磨山、珞洪、吹笛六大景区,但它主要的景点是集中在听涛区和磨山区。等会儿,我们马上将要游览的景区就是磨山区了。 说话间,我们已经到达此行的目的地了,现在大家看到在我身后的就是磨山区的大门了,来到这里,您也许会产生这样的疑问:为什么这里会叫做“磨山”呢?关于这一点其实有两种说法,第一种就是相传三国时期刘备曾经在这里搭台祭天,后来他看到这座小山就象磨盘,于是就给它起名叫“磨儿山”;这第二种说法就带有一定的神话色彩,说的是大将关羽在这里打猎时,不慎将他的一顶六角帽遗忘在草丛中,到了第二天,这顶六角帽就长成了六峰山,也就是现在的“磨山”了。说到这里,大家是不是对磨山又多了一份好奇和期待呢?下面就请随我到里面去感受磨山怡人的自然风光和浓郁的楚风楚情。 现在大家看到的这座两层的楼亭就是有名的朱碑亭了,它高20米,属于飞翅形的亭楼,在亭上挂的这块匾额是郭沫若先生题的,上面不仅有“朱碑亭”三个字,还有朱德先生最喜欢的兰草图案。再亭前立着的这个碑呢,就是朱碑了。它上面刻有朱德同志于1954年视察东湖时题的词,其中尤为让我们自豪的就是这句:东湖暂让西湖美,今后将比西湖强。这不仅是朱德同志对东湖的肯定,同时也道出了东湖巨大的开发潜力,虽然时至今日,东湖的名声仍没有超过西湖,但它仍以秀美的山水、丰富的植物、浓郁的荆楚风情和别致的园中园享誉国内外,从这个意义上讲,朱德先生的愿望算是实现了。 |
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