标题 | 《晴雅集》观后感600字 |
范文 | 《晴雅集》观后感600字 认真看完一部作品以后,相信你一定有很多值得分享的收获,何不写一篇观后感记录下呢?那么我们该怎么去写观后感呢?以下是小编为大家收集的《晴雅集》观后感600字,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 第一次看郭敬明导演的电影,毫不避违是被预告片中的服道化所吸引的,果然和预想的'一样,充满了满满的中二风。影片是小说改编而来,因为本身的定义是魔幻题材,也没必要纠结具体是哪个朝代,发生在什么地方。 This is the first time I watched a movie directed by Guo Jingming,I have to admit that I was attracted by the high—flown costume in the trailer. As expected, it was full of sparkling daydreams. Adapted from a novel, the film is defined as a fantasy, and there is no need to entangle the specific dynasty and places. 从尊重电影本身的角度来看,其中人物的各类技能和天马行空的想象力确实有让我耳目一新。晴明乘船进入天都时的那一个半分钟的长镜头,展现了市井中一派热闹的人文景象,视觉效果美轮美奂。 From the perspective of respecting the movie itself, the various skills of characters and the unrestrained imagination refresh me. The 30s long shot when Qingming first entered the capital city by boat shows a lively scene of night fair, which is magnificent and glamorous. 构图和配乐方面都不差,只是感觉导演一时间想传递给我们过多的信息。起码有三条感情主线:第一条是晴明和博雅从互相看不惯到最后的君子之交,第二条是晴明师傅和长平公主跨越十余载但最终为大义牺牲的虐恋,第三条是晴明阴阳师身份的觉醒和自身修为的提升。 The composition and soundtrack are beyond the average level, but the director wants to send us too much information. There are at least three storylines. The first is that Qingming and Boya went from being incomprehensible to each other to the last gentleman's friendship. The second is the love story between Qingming's master and Princess Changping that spanned a few decades but was finally sacrificed for justice. The third is the awakening of Qingming's master identity and the improvement of self—cultivation. 希望郭导能够知行合一,正视自己的抄袭经历,也在现实生活中完成人格的升华。 Hoping director Guo Jingming could practice what he has said in the film, facing up to his experience of plagiarism and complete the sublimation of personality in real life. 其实爱情对于大多数来说,是生活中的主食,但是,一旦山珍海味都有了后,可能主食就不需要了,另一种情况就是,喝酒的时候,主食也不需要。可能,这世上总有个人会为你而存在,或者,因为这个才让他自己更有意义。可能我不要主食的原因是我要喝9吧~ |
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