例句: He promised, too, to scrap some of the many rules that circumscribe daily life. 他还承诺要废除那许多限制日常生活的'规章制度。 It's in their interests, too, to ensure that your time (that they're paying you for) is well-used. 他们对此也很感兴趣,以保证你的时间(他们支付给你薪水的时间)充分利用了。 Journalists can be on the receiving end of bribes, too, to ensure favourable coverage. 记者也可能成为贿赂的受贿方,以确保获得有利报道。 上一篇:描写的名词英文单词 下一篇:上海海事大学是二本还是一本 |