标题 | 走进奇妙的音响世界英语作文 |
范文 | 走进奇妙的音响世界英语作文 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编收集整理的走进奇妙的音响世界英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 自然界中的音响世界真是太丰富,太迷人了!让我们静下了心仔去细聆听一下那奇妙无比的声音,去见识另一个美妙的,五彩缤纷的世界吧。 The sound world in nature is so rich and charming! Let's calm down and listen to the wonderful voice to see another wonderful and colorful world. 清晨,小鸟在枝头欢快地叫着,那动人的旋律是如此的美妙,如此的独一无二,使人听了整个人都处在一个十分轻松的状态中,不需要想些什,也不需要么做些什么。我想这几只小鸟一定是很整齐地站在一棵高大的树上,身子挨着身子,肩并着肩,唱着自己喜欢的歌儿。他们把歌声献给了这棵大树,献给了人类,同时也献给了自己。静静地,我自己仿佛也是一只鸟,和我的朋友们一起唱着动听的歌。直到听见“砰”的一声,才让我从鸟的幻界中走出来。 Early in the morning, the birds are singing happily in the branches. The moving melody is so wonderful and unique that the whole person is in a very relaxed state after listening to it. There is no need to think or do anything. I think these birds must be standing very neatly on a tall tree, body next to body, shoulder to shoulder, singing their favorite songs. They gave their song to the tree, to mankind and to themselves. Quietly, I seem to be a bird myself, singing beautiful songs with my friends. It wasn't until I heard "bang" that I came out of the fantasy world of birds. 我去楼下买了一些早餐,然后慢慢悠的往家走。我脚下踩到的落叶发出风铃般的脆响,知了也知知知知的叫着,仿佛是在和我打招呼。 I went downstairs to buy some breakfast, and then slowly walked home. The leaves I stepped on at my feet sounded like wind bells, and when I knew it, I knew it and cried, as if greeting me. 时间一点一点过去了,我也恋恋不舍的告别了这次有趣的音响旅程。 As time went by, I was reluctant to part with this interesting audio journey. 朋友,你是否也想感受一下这声音带来的美好,那就用心去倾听它们吧! Friends, do you want to feel the beauty of this voice, then listen to them! |
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